The Engaged University
Regional economic output
Community volunteer hours
Students in community education programs
Economic Impact
From spending on goods, services, and construction to contributing to the region’s human capital, Lawrence is an important economic driver and partner in the Fox Cities.
One Year in the Fox Cities
1,059 jobs
$41 million in earnings
$70.3 million in regional economic output
$6.4 million spent on goods, services, and construction
Developing Human Capital
886 graduates live in the Fox Cities
5% of area residents with a bachelor’s degree are Lawrence graduates
Cultural Impact
From community education opportunities to art, performances, and space for community-sponsored events, Lawrence is a cultural, educational, physical, and natural resource for the Fox Cities.
2,249 students in community education programs
1,500 Academy of Music participants
749 Björklunden adult education seminar attendees
31+ major performances, speeches, and events by visiting artists, musicians, and speakers
441 acres of the Lake Michigan shoreline preserved
107,000 square feet of multi-use space in Warch Campus Center
Service Impact
At Lawrence, engagement in issues that affect the lives of our neighbors is an essential element of both the education we provide and our long-term relationship with the community.
642 students & 67 faculty and staff volunteered through the Center for Community Engagement
10,450 volunteer hours
100 agencies and organizations with ongoing Lawrence relationships. The top five are:
Appleton Area School District
Riverview Gardens
Brewster Village
Feeding America
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Fox Valley
Appleton, Wisconsin is home to Lawrence University. Discover opportunities to explore, engage, and connect with our greater community and beyond.