Current Group Houses
- Art House
- Gaming House
- Sankofa
- Sol Studios
- Alliance
- Greenfire - (Colman Hall - Elvira Loft)
- Sigma Alpha Iota - (Colman Hall - Mary Loft)
- Baking and Cooking Club - (Colman Hall - Henry Loft)
- Co-Op
- LU Recess - (Sage Hall - Mary Cleggett Vanderhoop Loft)
- Delta Tau Delta
- Beta Theta Pi
- STEM (Colman Hall - Elihu Loft)
Don’t see a house that reflects your passion? Propose one with your peers! Students are welcome to apply to start new group housing themes.
Small Residencies
Small residences offer students a more independent experience living in a house or apartment-style unit.
There are three small residences to choose from:
- Draheim - A house with 27 beds; an all women's living space
- Big Exec - 16 apartment style units with bathrooms, living room, and kitchenette in each unit
- Small Exec - 7 apartment style units with bathrooms, living room, and kitchenette in each unit