Madura Samarth ’95

Madura Samarth

If I said that my Lawrence Experience was the one experience that has shaped me most, it would be true.

Let’s rewind to my last few months in high school in Mumbai, when I was applying to colleges in the US in 1991…Lawrence wasn’t even on my radar. One of my closest friends, Pia Vachha (class of 1995) from high school had applied to Lawrence and suggested I apply too. So I applied, using the common app I had already filled out and the rest is history. Not only did both Pia and I get in but Lawrence offered us both a financial aid package which was impossible to resist. In those days, it was difficult for international students to qualify for financial aid.

When I got to Lawrence, it was a serious culture shock (in a good way!). In India, we were used to following our teachers’ instructions, never questioning anything, and regurgitating whatever our textbooks said onto the exam paper!

Freshman studies was exactly the opposite of the learning style I had been used to and I absolutely loved it! From the books that we picked to the enriching discussions, to the way we began to see and respect different viewpoints…it was all so, and I hate to use this cliche, but intellectually stimulating. For the first time, going to classes and studying was actually something I looked forward to. Lawrence showed me that anyone can do anything - it didn’t matter if I hadn’t taken Math since the tenth grade, I could still do Calculus and Econometrics. All I had to do was be willing to listen, learn, and work hard.

As I look back on my career over these last 28 years, I can say that I owe every success I’ve had to my education at Lawrence. I majored in Economics and started out as an investment banker on Wall Street in New York. I realized within two years that investment banking wasn’t for me and pivoted completely to a field in which I had absolutely no experience - creating videos for brands and businesses.