Matching Gift FAQ
How do I secure a matching gift for my gift?
1. Contact your Human Resources department for instructions. Many companies have either paper or online forms.
2. If it is a paper form, please complete your section and mail it to us with your donation to:
Lawrence University Development Office
711 E. Boldt Way
Appleton, WI 54911-5595
Note: If it is an online form, Lawrence will be notified by your employer of the application. Please use for emails related to matching gifts.
If you need it for the matching gift application, Lawrence University's tax ID number, it is: 39-0806297.
3. Lawrence will complete our side of the form and submit everything to your employer.
It's that easy!
What if I already made a gift to Lawrence and didn't submit the matching gift form at that time?
Guidelines vary by employer, but generally you are eligible if you submit the matching gift form within six months to one year of the gift. Simply complete the employee section of the form and send it to us at the address above or to
Some matching gift companies ask for the Federal Tax ID number of the recipient organization when requesting a matching gift. The Tax ID for Lawrence University is 39-0806297.
With your help, and your company's matching gift program, Lawrence University will continue to extend a fine tradition of the liberal arts, music, and sciences. Matching gifts also count toward Lawrence's giving clubs.