Jeff Hawley '79 and Rose Lee
"In some ways, I could not wait to graduate and get on with my life and experience the "real world" beyond Appleton. But I did not realize the benefits of my education until I began working in business and seeing what good writing skills and critical thinking can mean to one's success.
Fast forward a few years—two marriages, no children, a few job changes and some eventual concrete retirement planning. In 2018, my wife and I put together our living trust and named Lawrence University as one of its beneficiaries. Heck, LU might never see a penny. But when I look back at what brought me here today—Lawrence University played a big part and it felt good to list them in our plan.
And it would be nice to help in some small way to allow folks like my wife, who would have loved to have attended a school like ours, an opportunity to do so."
Which gift is best for you?
Discover the best options to meet your goals. Learn about types of assets that make the best planned gifts, providing you tax benefits and even life income.
Planning Your Legacy Guide
If you would like to create a plan for your future, or if you need to make updates to an existing estate plan, our Planning Your Legacy guide can help you get started.

Mark Todd ’23
"The reason I can attend Lawrence is because I am a recipient of a few scholarships. These scholarships are due to the generosity of donors. I know I speak not only for myself, but on behalf of many others, thank you! Getting a liberal arts education is really underrated. The diverse environment, and the wide range of classes we take really equips us with great problem-solving skills. Thank you for allowing myself and others this great opportunity to attend Lawrence."
Questions about planned gifts?
Reach out to Laurie Yingling P'20 at 920-832-6843 or laurie.l.yingling@lawrence.edu