Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2023
April 4: SAAM DAY OF ACTION Tabling 11-1pm Andrew Commons: Hands for Healing proje
April 5th: Ask an Advocate - People of Progression - virtual (link coming soon)
- Join us to learn about the role of a victim/survivor advocate from different agencies around the region. This event is intended to raise awareness about victim/survivor advocate services and to foster discussion about how to best support victims/survivors of sexual violence/assault/abuse.
- April 6: Time with Title IX 4:30pm-5:30pm
April 12th Ask an Advocate: Planned Parenthood 12:40-1:40pm virtual (link coming soon)
Join us to learn about the role of a victim/survivor advocate from different agencies around the region. This event is intended to raise awareness about victim/survivor advocate services and to foster discussion about how to best support victims/survivors of sexual violence/assault/abuse
April 18th : Ask the Sexpert 7:30pm Warch Campus Center Cinema
April 19th: Ask an Advocate: Reach Counseling 12:40-1:40pm - virtual (link coming soon)
- Join us to learn about the role of a victim/survivor advocate from different agencies around the region. This event is intended to raise awareness about victim/survivor advocate services and to foster discussion about how to best support victims/survivors of sexual violence/assault/abuse.
April 20th STI Testing @ Wellness Center, provided by Vivent by appointment 10-4pm
April 25th Bystander Training 8pm- WCC Karemer Room
April 26th Ask an Advocate: Yonʌhali:yó – Community Advocacy (Oneida Nation Domestic Abuse and Prevention) 12:40-1:40pm virtual
Join us to learn about the role of a victim/survivor advocate from different agencies around the region. This event is intended to raise awareness about victim/survivor advocate services and to foster discussion about how to best support victims/survivors of sexual violence/assault/abuse.
April 26: Demin Day Tabling 11-1pm Andrew Commons- wear denim to support survivors
Yearly programming events
Take Back the Night
Healthy Relationships
Red Zone
It's on Us Week of Action Feb. 13-18th
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Definitions of Key Terms
- Clery Act: a consumer protection law that requires universities to share information about crime on or around campus and efforts to improve campus safety.
- Complaint: a complaint of sexual misconduct is a request for action by the university; complaints of sexual harassment or exploitation may be investigated internally or externally or settled by mediation; complaints of sexual assault (non-consensual sexual contact or intercourse) are investigated by an external investigator contracted by the university.
- Complainant: a person who has filed a complaint of sexual misconduct. Also referred to as the reporting party.
- Confidential source: a person who can offer support without having to report misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. Confidential sources include counselors, health care workers, clergy, and sexual assault advocates.
- Consent: agreement to participate in sexual activity; consent can be given through words or actions but must be knowing (with full understanding of the situation), clear (unambiguous), and freely given (uncoerced). Consent can be revoked at any time, and consent cannot be given by anyone under age 18 in Wisconsin.
- Cyber-stalking: a form of sexual harassment in which the internet or other electronic device is used to stalk someone. Cyber-stalkers may use e-mail, chat rooms, social networking sites, and other tools to monitor, harass, embarrass, or threaten their victims.
- External investigator: an independent expert contracted by the university to investigate all complaints of sexual assault and any complaints of sexual harassment or exploitation referred by the Title IX coordinator or university authorities.
- Hostile environment: physical, social, or emotional interaction that unreasonably interferes with, denies, or limits someone’s ability to participate in or benefit from the university’s educational program or activities and/or to carry out the duties of employment.
- Intimate partner violence (also dating violence, domestic violence, or relationship violence): The actual or threatened physical, sexual, emotional, or financial abuse of an individual by someone with whom they have a current or prior intimate relationship or shared residence.
- Office of Civil Rights (OCR): the branch of the Department of Education that oversees compliance with Title IX regulations.
- Quid pro quo ("one thing for another"): offering a benefit in exchange for a sexual favor, or threatening to take away a benefit if a sexual request is not satisfied.
- Rape culture: cultural practices that tolerate, excuse, or condone sexual violence.
- Report: a report notifies the Title IX Coordinator of sexual misconduct. Reports are kept in a secure location and used to offer help and to improve campus safety; they are not formally investigated unless they indicate a pattern, predator, threats, violence, or weapons.
- Respondent: the person who is responding to a complaint of sexual misconduct (the person the complaint is about).
- Responsible employee: a person who, if informed about sexual misconduct, is required to file a contact report with the Title IX Coordinator. Responsible employees include faculty, coaches, residence hall directors and residence life advisors, administrators, supervisory staff, and campus safety officers.
- Retaliation: any harassing action (threats, violence, demotion, firing, etc.) against a person who filed a report or complaint of sexual misconduct; retaliation is expressly forbidden by Title IX.
- Sanctions: disciplinary actions taken against those found in violation of the sexual misconduct policy. Sanctions range from a warning to suspension or expulsion and may include restrictions on campus or requirements for counseling.
- SANE exam: a medical examination provided by a sexual assault nurse examiner; SANE exams are provided to victims of sexual assault at no charge.
- Sexting: the sending of sexually explicit photos, images, text messages, or e-mails by using a cell phone or other mobile device; sexting can lead to sexual exploitation; sexting involving minors can lead to charges of child pornography.
- Sexual assault: non-consensual sexual contact or intercourse.
- Sexual contact: any intentional or forced sexual touching by one person of another person, whether with a body part or object, without consent. Sexual touching includes contact with the breasts, buttocks, groin, or genitals of either person.
- Sexual exploitation: taking non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another, whether by invading sexual privacy (viewing or causing someone to view sexual activity or sharing sexual images without permission), possessing or transmitting child pornography, knowingly transmitting a sexually transmitted infection, or prostituting another person.
- Sexual harassment: unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature (sex talk, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, etc.) that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates a hostile environment; sexual relations between persons of unequal status may be perceived as sexual harassment, and a single act of sexual violence constitutes sexual harassment.
- Sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, or oral): vaginal or anal penetration by a penis, tongue, finger, or object, no matter how slight, or mouth-genital contact.
- Sexual misconduct: sexual harassment, exploitation, or assault as defined in the sexual misconduct policy.
- Sexual violence: sexual activity where consent is not obtained or freely given.
- SHARE: the university's Sexual Harassment and Assault Resources & Education group, which advises the university on matters related to sexual misconduct and provides training and support to members of the campus community.
- Title IX: a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex or gender in any federally funded education program or activity; sexual harassment and assault are considered forms of sex discrimination.
- Title IX coordinator: the person responsible for monitoring the institution’s compliance with Title IX, including its efforts to address and prevent sexual misconduct and sex discrimination.