When Winifred and Donald Boynton bequeathed the Björklunden estate to Lawrence University in 1963, they dreamed of the possibilities that could open up to students and the Door County community.

With a newly expanded lodge and a fresh outlook for the future, Björklunden needs your support more than ever to keep the Boynton's legacy alive.

The Boynton Society

The Boynton Society supports operating and programming expenses of the lodge, helping keep Björklunden available to students and the Door County community. Boynton Society members also provide vital support for the weekend student seminar program that allows Lawrence students to experience Door County's relaxed pace and peaceful atmosphere away from the traditional classroom setting. These distinctive educational opportunities help set Lawrence apart from other colleges and universities.

Gifts to The Boynton Society are recognized during the college's fiscal year, July 1 through June 30. Membership begins at $250, but gifts at all levels are welcome. To make a gift, give online or contact us at 920-832-6548.


Björklunden also receives income from its own endowment. Donald Boynton established Björklunden's first endowment with $250,000. Since then, additional gifts from friends of Björklunden have helped build up this fund. In the years ahead, the need for a larger endowment, generating more income, will become increasingly important. Gifts to endowment can be made through

For more information on The Boynton Society, please contact us at 920-832-6548, or annual.giving@lawrence.edu.