Frequently Asked Questions
Trying to reach someone at Björklunden during a student weekend?
The office is closed on the weekends. If you need to reach someone at Björklunden on a student weekend during the academic year, please call the Björklunden kitchen at (920) 839-9400.
How much of my tuition goes toward Björklunden?
None! As a Lawrence student, your stay at Björklunden is the sum of many gifts. Donald and Winifred Boynton donated Björklunden to Lawrence in 1974. Formally the Boynton's summer home, Björklunden’s original lodge was destroyed by fire in 1993. In 1996 the lodge was re-built and in 2007 a 20,000-square foot addition was added to facilitate weekend seminars for Lawrence students. This lodge was made possible by hundreds of donors who continue to give to The Boynton Society, which raises thousands of dollars to make your stay here possible and free to all participants!
Why do I have to clean my own room and partake in "opportunities"?
Since your experience at Björklunden would not exist but for the generosity of hundreds of donors who make your stay possible, you are asked to partake in "opportunities" as a way to give back and express gratitude for the chance to spend a weekend here! Additionally, the opportunity program ensures your visit runs smoothly and efficiently. Our standards of cleanliness here at Björklunden are very high - if, during lunch on Sunday while checking the rooms, we find something in your room that is not cleaned quite as well as we need it to be, we will inform you. You are then expected to tidy up accordingly and ask us if you have questions about what exactly needs to get done. We thank you for respecting this wonderful gift by cleaning your room well and completing your opportunities as requested - your time and effort will help ensure the opportunity for future Lawrentians to enjoy Björklunden as you have!