Applications are Now Open
Applications are now open for all 2025-2026 study abroad and domestic study away programs. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Study Abroad Options

London Centre
Started in 1970, Lawrence's very own London Centre program has been running for over 50 years. Open to any major, this program offers you an opportunity to learn about the culture and history of England while experiencing life in a modern world capital - London! Round out your experience with an internship, music lessons, and so much more!
Megan Pickett Named London Centre 2025 Visiting Professor
Associate Professor of Physics, Megan Pickett, will be teaching two classes in Fall 2025: The Whirligig of Time and Nature's Infinite Book. The Whirligig of Time will fulfill the natural science lab GER.
Francophone Seminar in Dakar, Senegal
Lawrence's Dakar, Senegal program is a great opportunity for students of French to flex their linguistic muscles. Open to any major, this program will give you the opportunity to study and use your French while experiencing the vibrant Afro-Francophone culture of West Central Africa.

Affiliated Programs
Affiliated Programs, pre-approved by Lawrence faculty and sponsored by third-party providers, further open the door to a world of possibilities. Whether you want to study Psychology in Amsterdam or Anthropology in Tanzania, Arabic in Jordan or Modern Greek in Athens - whatever your major or interest, we will help you find a program to fit your needs. There are over 50 programs from around the globe to choose from, for which your financial aid applies and credits will automatically transfer back to Lawrence!
Domestic Off-Campus Programs
We understand that not everyone wants to travel abroad, and that is why we also offer a number of affiliated domestic programs. Like with our affiliated study abroad programs, your financial aid will travel with you to help with costs and grades will automatically transfer back to Lawrence.
More info on our SharePoint site!
Find detailed information on our programs and processes here.
Study Abroad Student Stories
Upcoming Events & Info Sessions
Apr 905:00 PM - 07:00 PMLocation: Thomas Steitz Hall of Science 101 - Atrium