Flautists at Lawrence have the opportunity to participate in several concerts each year.  

Fractured Focus – Ilan Blanck ’17

Composition student, Ilan Blanck ’17, wrote the flute ensemble a new work which we premiered in May, 2017. We learned the piece over a weekend at Björklunden and then had several rehearsals with Ilan to make changes and bring the piece to life.

Fractured Focus – Ilan Blanck ’17
Bianca Pratte – piccolo
Sara Larsen, Emma Reading, Madeleine Leonowitz, Rikke Sponheim, Kaira Rouer, Jordan Peterson, Sara Prostko – flutes
Hannah Elizabeth Tobias, Julianna Basile – alto flutes
Ned Martenis – bass flute
Erin Lesser – conductor

Lawrence University Flute Ensemble - Diffusus

The LU Flute Ensemble was invited to perform at the Honors Convocation on May 23, 2017. They performed Diffusus by James B. Maxwell.

Lawrence University Wind Ensemble - La Flûte de Pan

Bianca Pratte ’20 performed Jules Mouquet’s La Flûte de Pan with the Lawrence University Wind Ensemble on May 20, 2017.

Erin Lesser and LUPÉ - Fluisce

Erin Lesser performing Timothy Ferchen's Fluisce with the Lawrence University Percussion Ensemble.

Lawrence Symphony Orchestra - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra

Leo Sussman '16 performed Carl Nielsen's Concerto for Flute and Orchestra with the Lawrence Symphony Orchestra on May 28, 2016.

Lawrence University Wind Ensemble - Concerto in D Major

Anne Daley '16 performed Carl Reinecke's Concerto in D Major with the Lawrence University Wind Ensemble on May 21, 2016.

Lawrence University Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble - Shadow of Sirius

Erin Lesser performed Joel Puckett's Shadow of Sirius with the Lawrence University Wind Ensemble on May 23, 2015.