Whether you want to try something for the first time, or dive deep into your area of study, our courses offer you the opportunity to shine a light on what interests you. 

Please note: The Course Catalog should be used for all official planning. 

BUEN - Business and Entrepreneurship

BUEN 100: Business & Society

This course introduces students to a critical examination of the ways in which business intersects with society. The course will begin with an overview of business structures and concepts. It may include topics such as regulations and government, sustainability, managing people, and data and decision-making. This course emphasizes business in local communities. In class, students will engage in lecture as well as discussion. Students will complete a mixture of short assignments, exams, and projects.
Units: 6

BUEN 120: Fundamentals of Accounting

This course will introduce students to the fundaments of financial accounting and managerial accounting. The course will introduce balance sheets, income statements and cashflow statements and how to communicate financial information to external audiences, as well as ratio analysis and internal financial reporting frameworks for organizational decision making. Through the course, students will learn the ethical principles that should guide accounting practices, including those use by the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
Units: 6
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 120

BUEN 150: Introduction to Arts Management

This class will introduce students to the skills, knowledge, and passion required for a career in arts management and non-profit arts leadership. Lectures, projects, and presentations will address topics including programming, marketing, fundraising, finance, crisis management, arts advocacy, community engagement, and board management. Field trips to local arts organizations and visits from arts professionals will provide networking opportunities and enable students to explore career paths. Students will engage with the challenges facing the arts industry, including the urgent need to diversify organizations and programming and to increase audiences and support for the arts.
Units: 6
Also listed as Music 150

BUEN 220: Foundations of Financial Management

This course will build on Fundamentals of Accounting and introduce students to further topics in managerial accounting and to financial management. Students will learn commonly used frameworks that allow people to identify, measure, analyze and interpret accounting and financial information for the purposes of internal decision-making. The course will cover key concepts that are used to provide greater understanding of the operations of an organization, including margin analysis, constraint analysis, and capital budgeting, as well as trend analysis. Students will also be exposed to ethical l considerations that relate to accounting practices. PREREQUISITES: Fundamentals of Accounting (BUEN 120)
Units: 6
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 220
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Accounting (BUEN 120)

BUEN 221: Money and Banking

This course introduces students to money, banking, and financial markets. We will discuss topics including the functions of money, the monetary system, bank management, the behavior of financial markets, the risk and term structure of interest rates, and the role of United States financial institutions. Students will read carefully, complete regular problem sets, and take quizzes and exams. PREREQUISITES: ECON 100
Units: 6
Also listed as Economics 221
Prerequisite: ECON 100

BUEN 250: Introduction to Marketing

Students will receive a broad introduction to marketing and marketing concepts such as marketing orientations and frameworks; branding; how to price, promote, and distribute goods and services; and market research and analysis. The course emphasizes critical thinking through the debate and discussion of broader moral, sociocultural, and political aspects of the marketing process and the study of marketing from the perspective of the consumers and other stakeholders rather than strictly from the perspective of the firm. Students will gain exposure to the theoretical basis for the increasingly widespread application of technology. Throughout the course, social and emotional judgment and independent thinking are stressed. PREREQUISITES: BUEN 100 or approval of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 250
Prerequisite: BUEN 100 or approval of instructor

BUEN 270: Business Law

The legal system is the framework that enables business to operate and also provides the boundaries and guardrails for business. An understanding of the law is not only essential in business, but it is also the context in which important ethical questions about the place of business in society are raised and resolved. This course will introduce students to the basic principles underlying the legal system and to areas of law that are particularly relevant in a business environment. Building on these foundations, students will engage with the normative, ethical questions that arise in law. The course will be taught through a combination of lecture and case discussions. There will be special focus on the development of skills of analytical reasoning, argumentation, negotiation, and persuasion. PREREQUISITES: BUEN 100: Business and Society or sophomore standing
Units: 6
Also listed as Government 323
Prerequisite: BUEN 100: Business and Society or sophomore standing

BUEN 295: Topics in Business and Entrepreneurship

This course explores a variety of topics relating to business and entrepreneurship that are not addressed in regular program offerings. Possible areas for exploration will include business strategy, specialized finance courses, business and culture, non-profit management, government regulation of business, and human resources. Topics courses will be taught on the lecture/discussion model, with opportunity for team-based work. Assessment will be based on exams, papers, presentations, and group projects. The course may be repeated when the topic is different. PREREQUISITES: BUEN 100, Business & Society or sophomore standing, consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: BUEN 100, Business & Society or sophomore standing, consent of instructor

BUEN 307: History of Black Business

This course focuses on the history of African-American entrepreneurship, the American Civil Rights movement, and legal history relevant to Black business development. The course begins with a discussion of the African origins of Black business, follows the trajectory of African American entrepreneurship in the United States to the Civil Rights movement, and closes with the emergence of the superstar Black athlete as an entrepreneur and the Hip Hop Superstar as an entrepreneur in late 20th century America. The course will conclude with a discussion of present-day laws and legal decisions impacting African-American entrepreneurship. PREREQUISITE: One college history course or AP credit in history. PREREQUISITES: One college history course or AP credit in history
Units: 6
Also listed as Ethnic Studies 307, History 307
Prerequisite: One college history course or AP credit in history

BUEN 310: Professional Communication in the Francophone World

This course introduces basic concepts, specialized vocabulary, best practices, cultural differences, and current issues in French-speaking professional environments. Primary sources (e.g, films, job postings, professional communiqués, newspaper/magazine articles, podcasts) promote understanding of cultural expectations and differences necessary for professional success. The course is taught entirely in French, so students work to improve written, spoken, reading, and listening proficiency. Students also research and present a specialized project on a professional topic of their disciplinary choosing. PREREQUISITES: FREN 202 or instructor approval
Units: 6
Also listed as French 310
Prerequisite: FREN 202 or instructor approval

BUEN 315: Introduction to Spanish for Business

This course is designed as an introduction to the Spanish-speaking business world. Students will acquire a solid foundation in the vocabulary and modes of communication needed to successfully interact with different types of businesses. Students will also explore the cultural and geographic aspects of the Spanish-speaking business worlds in Latin America, Spain, and in the Latinx communities in the United States. The course will be conducted as a seminar, with oral and written activities, exams, and projects. PREREQUISITES: Spanish 202, Spanish 204, it's equivalent, or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Spanish 360, Innovation & Entrepreneurship 315
Prerequisite: Spanish 202, Spanish 204, it's equivalent, or consent of instructor

BUEN 342: Workplace Diversity and Equity

This course will critically examine diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) practices in the workplace as part of a longer history of public relation campaigns adopted by businesses to improve their public image. We will learn about DEIB initiatives, investigate the importance of entrepreneurship to communities of color; explore how organizations aim to support diverse groups; examine efforts to recruit and retain workers from underrepresented groups; analyze case studies of commodity activism designed to attract consumers; and talk to local business owners about the ways their own diverse identity and/or their DEIB initiatives have impacted the workplaces they manage. Students will have the opportunity to participate in community engaged learning by engaging with a number of local business owners, DEIB practitioners, consultants, and experts in the field.
Units: 6
Also listed as Ethnic Studies 342

BUEN 350: Global Business

Students will learn about the challenges that multinational corporations face in interacting with governments and non-governmental organizations globally. Topics will include regulatory frameworks, cultural diversity, international political economy, cross-border operations, and corporate social responsibility. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges of "doing business' in a global environment. The course will follow the lecture/discussion model and assessment will be based on exams and a group project. PREREQUISITES: ECON 100 and sophomore standing OR consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ECON 100 and sophomore standing OR consent of instructor

BUEN 355: Models of Strategy & Leadership

An analysis of leadership in a variety of organizations, with examples drawn from politics and business. The course develops a theoretical view of leadership as a response to group dilemmas inherent in coordinating actions, eliciting effort, and developing information within organizations. Students will apply and evaluate course ideas through readings, encounters with guest speakers, and participation in case-study simulations. PREREQUISITES: Any social science course, or Business & Society,
Units: 6
Also listed as Government 355
Prerequisite: Any social science course, or Business & Society,

BUEN 358: Contemporary China, 1949-2000

A course on selected issues in the history of contemporary China. Major themes include the formation of the modern state, national identity, political (dis)unity, population constraints, environmental sustainability, international relations, and global outreach. A variety of primary and secondary sources will be examined and analyzed. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor;
Units: 6
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 358, History 360, East Asian Studies 420
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor;

BUEN 360: Management & Leadership

The course is designed to integrate theory with real world applications to help students learn to effectively lead and manage a diverse, inclusive, and entrepreneurial organization. The course requires a term-long team-based problem-solving real-world project using the STEPS process. Topics for discussion include: Entrepreneurial Leaders/Managers; Leading Teams; Strategic Management; Creative Problem-Solving & Decision Making; Ethics & Social Responsibility; Developing Workplace Culture & Managing Change; Communications Across the Organization; Human Resource Management; DEI; Conflict Resolution, and Emotional Intelligence. PREREQUISITES: ECON 100 AND I & E 110 OR BUEN 120/I & E 120 OR Consent of Instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 360
Prerequisite: ECON 100 AND I & E 110 OR BUEN 120/I & E 120 OR Consent of Instructor

BUEN 361: Sport Management

The course is designed to explore definitions of sport management and the nature and scope of the sports industry. Students will learn theories of management, leadership, and organizational behavior and then apply them to various segments of the industry. A key aspect of the course will be understanding ethical, legal, and diversity issues that impact sport management. Students will further learn to work effectively and efficiently as a team and learn other skills that will support career paths in the sport management field. Students will have opportunities to learn, collaborate, and network with guest speakers with professional experience in sport management and with a term-long project. PREREQUISITES: Econ 100 and BUEN 100 or Junior Standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Econ 100 and BUEN 100 or Junior Standing

BUEN 365: Ethical Issues in Business Today

Students will engage with how ethics, values, and business practices influence each other in contemporary society. Through writing about and discussing ethical dilemmas and conflicting values, students will learn about classic frameworks for thinking about these issues, and they may also refine their own value systems. Readings and cases will present conflicting views on capitalism, business, and the role of ethics, and will thus invite a variety of viewpoints. The course will feature business leaders as guest speakers who will bring real world case studies into the classroom. PREREQUISITES: At least one introductory course in BUEN and sophomore standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: At least one introductory course in BUEN and sophomore standing

BUEN 370: Natural Resource Governance

This course will consider different modes of corporate governance, including ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and CSR (corporate social responsibility). Students will learn the history and evolution of corporate governance strategies and the application of ESG to energy and natural resources markets, as well as in different cultural contexts. The course will be based on a lecture/discussion model with assignments including exams, class debate, paper, and a group project. PREREQUISITES: Econ 100 and sophomore standing or Instructor Approval
Units: 6
Also listed as Economics 289
Prerequisite: Econ 100 and sophomore standing or Instructor Approval

BUEN 396: Practicum in Business and Entrepreneurship

An opportunity for students to gain practical experience with business and entrepreneurship in the context of a for-profit or not-for-profit organization, an ongoing student venture (e.g., Student Consultants, KidsGive), or a startup venture. The academic component of the internship includes guest speakers and guidance provided by the faculty leader. Course grades are based on participation in and completion of a group project. PREREQUISITES: PREREQUISITES: Junior standing or instructor approval
Units: 3 OR 6
Prerequisite: PREREQUISITES: Junior standing or instructor approval

BUEN 401: Field Experience in Development

PREREQUISITES: Course requires permission of instructor. Contact Prof. Skran for more information about the application process.
Units: 3
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 401, Government 401, Global Studies 401, Economics 206, Environmental Studies 311
Prerequisite: Course requires permission of instructor. Contact Prof. Skran for more information about the application process.

BUEN 424: Quantitative Decision-Making 2

QDM2 picks up where QDM leaves off, asking students to create solutions more autonomously and examining more complex decision problems. For example, we may examine nonlinear optimization with multiple decision variables and more complex decision-making under uncertainty, including the use of simulation models, probability distributions, and Bayes Rule. Many assignments and exams will be completed using Excel, building on the Excel skills developed in QDM. PREREQUISITES: Econ 223 and STAT 255, or Econ 223 and instructor approval
Units: 6
Also listed as Economics 224, Mathematics 224
Prerequisite: Econ 223 and STAT 255, or Econ 223 and instructor approval

BUEN 440: The Business of You

In this course students are challenged to view themselves as a constantly evolving business, each day looking to do more, and grow more. Students will learn to create flexible, incremental plans, and supportive networks, and about topics such as the basics of marketing, performance psychology, and managing risk. Exercises and quest speakers will focus on skills such as interviewing, creating and refining resumes and CVs, and networking. May not be taken for credit if already have credit for UNIC 295. PREREQUISITES: I & E 100 OR BUEN 100 OR at least one course in the BUEN Entrepreneurship focus area
Units: 6
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 440
Prerequisite: I & E 100 OR BUEN 100 OR at least one course in the BUEN Entrepreneurship focus area

BUEN 444: Political Economy of Regulation

The term political economy classically refers to the interface between the private and public sectors, including the regulation of market activity. This course focuses specifically on the once and future of United States antitrust regulation of Big Business, from the heyday of the Chicago meat packers to the current issues surrounding big tech, and hence is colloquially known as the “Big Seminar.” PREREQUISITES: ECON 300 and ECON 380 recommended
Units: 6
Also listed as Economics 444, Innovation & Entrepreneurship 444, Government 444
Prerequisite: ECON 300 and ECON 380 recommended

BUEN 450: Economics of the Firm

Even in a “market” economy, the preponderance of economic activity is carried out through firms and other organizations. The course examines economic theories of the firm, and explores some of the canonical questions, such as why are there firms, how the separation of ownership and control of a firm shapes decision making, what determines the boundary between organizations and markets (e.g., make-or-buy decisions), what types of firms are most innovative, and how new technologies affect organizational structure. PREREQUISITES: ECON 300 or GOVT 271
Units: 6
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 450, Economics 450
Prerequisite: ECON 300 or GOVT 271

BUEN 495: Advanced Topics in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This course explores a variety of specialized topics relating to business and entrepreneurship that are not addressed in the regular program offerings. Topics covered in this course will add depth to the BUEN curriculum. Possible areas for exploration will include consulting, business strategy, specialized finance courses, business and culture, non-profit management and human resources. Topics courses will be taught on the lecture/discussion model, with opportunity for team-based work. Assessment will be based on exams, papers, presentations, and group projects. The course may be repeated when the topic is different. PREREQUISITES: BUEN 100, Business & Society and Junior Standing, consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: BUEN 100, Business & Society and Junior Standing, consent of instructor

BUEN 594: Experiential Learning and Professional Preparation

This course will help students to prepare professionally for their experiential learning experience, including internships, study abroad, and/or an on-campus practicum. Topics to be covered include: What is experiential learning and how is it different from learning in a traditional classroom setting? What skills, techniques, and mindsets maximize one's learning in different kinds of workplaces? How can one develop the capacity to tolerate ambiguity, acquire new intellectual capabilities, and thrive in multi-cultural teams? The course will primarily be based on the discussion model, including readings and presentations from guest speakers. PREREQUISITES: BUEN majors with junior standing
Units: 2
Prerequisite: BUEN majors with junior standing

BUEN 596: Career Exploration and Development

This course will help students build a bridge between their education and their career through discussions with business and non-profit leaders and entrepreneurs, field trips, and self-reflection. Events and discussions will take place at the Fox Commons Business & Entrepreneurship Center. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. PREREQUISITES: Junior Standing
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Junior Standing

BUEN 600: Senior Experience in Business & Entrepreneurship

Students will reflect on their learning in the BUEN major and use that as the foundation for imagining and designing their professional lives after graduation. Through readings, discussions, and guest speakers, students will engage in exercises that encourage exploration. Students will connect their experiential learning to their coursework and career plans through a reflection assignment. Guest speakers, including alumni, will share their insights on career paths, lifelong learning, and how personal values shape career choices. PREREQUISITES: Senior standing
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Senior standing