The Lawrence University Registrar's Office is responsible for maintaining the official student academic records of the University.

Office staff can provide information about academic regulations, registration, waitlists, declaring a major, changing advisors, transfer credit approval process, degree audits in Degree Works, intent to graduate process, scheduling a class, and changing a classroom. Students are welcome to stop in and strongly encouraged to contact the office if they have questions or concerns about their course registrations or their academic records.

Important Dates & Deadlines


  • Friday, February 28 - Last Day to Withdraw from Winter Term Classes
  • Friday, March 14 - Last Day of Winter Term Classes
  • Saturday, March 15 - Sunday, March 16 - Reading Period
  • Monday, March 17 - Wednesday, March 19 - Final Examinations

Notifications should be sent when it is time to register. Lawrence has assembled helpful references on the registration page. 

Order transcripts and diplomas securely online through Lawrence's third-party administrator—Parchment.

Current and past editions of the Lawrence Course Catalog are available for download. 

Lawrence Voyager

Get online access to personal and academic information for members of the Lawrence community. A login is required and content will open in a new window. 

Voyager Login       How to use Voyager

Services Offered to Staff, Faculty and Students

Registrar's Office staff members can help students and faculty with questions related to:

Office of the Registrar Staff

Headshot of the registrar.

Ann M. Hintz (she/her)


Ann M. Hintz currently serves as the Registrar for Lawrence University. Ann has worked in higher education since 2007 in roles focusing on registrar's office services, transfer credit, records and registration, academic advising, and campus administration.

View full profile