I teach courses on Buddhist thought and Asian religious traditions. My research primarily focuses on Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, and my forthcoming book,
Accounting for Awakened Awareness, explores the Madhyamaka philosophy of the 15th-century Tibetan scholar
Gorampa Sonam Senge.
I have spent several years living, studying, and working in Buddhist communities in India and Nepal. In addition to my scholarly publications, I’ve written for
Lion’s Roar and
Tricycle, and I am the book reviews editor for
In my role as Special Assistant to the President at Lawrence, I am working to institutionalize programs that better support our students for future careers and life after graduation. My current projects include leading the development of a new
humanities center on campus, managing a
faculty development program to incorporate career discernment into the curriculum, and supporting the campus community in
understanding AI to prepare graduates for emerging careers.