Governance Roles
LUCC critically shapes Lawrence University and student life in the following ways:
Approves and provides support to student organizations
Allocates funds for student-led and attended events
Delegates community concerns to respective areas of campus that can provide solutions
Provides student perspectives in LU’s administrative spaces

Get Involved with LUCC
Learn more about Standing Committees and officers. Plus, find applications for student programing funds, meeting minutes, schedules, and more.
General Council Meetings
Class Reps and Committee Members speak for and with their peers at General Council Meetings, which take place Wednesdays of week 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom or the Nathan Marsh Pusey Room in Warch Campus Center.
All are welcome to public meetings.
Get Involved with LUCC
Interested in becoming involved? Want more information? Send an email to