Life After Lawrence
“I learned how to think, grow, and find ways to contribute meaning to this world by giving back to these communities that helped me achieve my own goals. The mentorship and leadership roles I assumed as a student at Lawrence were only possible because of the role models and mentors I looked up to when I first got there.”
Sam Bader ’18, College and Alumni Success Coach at Navajo Preparatory School, Inc.
Kirtland, New Mexico
The Chandler Senior Experience
The Chandler Senior Experience offers an opportunity to reflect upon and synthesize what you've learned. Design a research-focused project and present it to the anthropology faculty and your peers during a formal symposium in Spring Term of your senior year.
Recent Senior Experiences include:
- Reconstruction of Grand Kakalin Village
- Museum exhibition on Oceanic Art

The Ronald J. and Carol I. Mason Excellence in Anthropology Fund
The Ronald J. and Carol I. Mason Excellence in Anthropology Fund provides funding for current students to pursue research or training opportunities in Anthropology.

Anthropology Outcomes
A foundation in anthropology opens doors to careers in public health, museums, education, and beyond.