Other Documentation & Resources

Grade Reports & Academic Records

Grade Reports

Students may view their course grades through the Voyager Information System. Grades for the term just ended will become visible after the grade posting and academic standing review process is completed. Lawrence students are responsible for communicating their academic progress to others (parents, scholarship foundations, insurance companies, etc.) as needed. Grades will not be given to students over the phone.

A grade of "NR" indicates a valid grade was not reported for the student. Grades of "NR" will lapse to "F" shortly after the end of the term unless a valid grade is reported by the instructor. Students receiving "NR" grades should contact the instructor of the course for clarification.

Unofficial Transcripts

Students can view their academic history (unofficial transcript) and degree summary at any time by logging into Voyager. Academic records are also made available to faculty advisors and other administrative personnel. Unofficial transcripts will not be sent to third parties, but students are able to print and provide their academic history pages to others as needed.

In general, other colleges, scholarship foundations, prospective employers, insurance companies, and others generally do not accept unofficial documents or official transcripts issued to the student as valid. Release of academic information to others generally requires a written, signed request from the student (see Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)).

Academic Records

ALL students should review their academic records before registering for courses and at the end of the class change period each term (see Important Term Dates and Deadlines). It is the student's responsibility to maintain an accurate registration record. Failure to do so can result in:

  • receiving no credit for a completed course
  • receiving a failing grade in a course never attended
  • failing to be certified as a full-time student for insurance, financial aid, immigration, or other purposes
  • ​being assessed a late registration fee

See Registration Hints for Students for suggestions on how to avoid the most common problems. After the class change period for the term concludes, students must petition the Faculty Subcommittee on Administration to correct registration errors for the current term (see Petitions for Exceptions to Academic Regulations). Students who are allowed to add or cancel classes after the deadline will be assessed a late registration fee: $25 per addition or cancellation approved from the sixth day of the term through the class withdrawal deadline (the second Friday after midterm reading period), up to a maximum of $200; $50 per addition or cancellation approved after the class withdrawal deadline for the term, no maximum.

Other Academic Records

Students wishing to exercise their right to inspect other academic records should call the Registrar's Office to make an appointment. A charge of $.25 per page will be assessed for copies of all or part of the record. Official transcripts of work completed at other institutions and official test score reports must be obtained directly from the issuing authority.


Academic Exceptions

University regulations govern the academic progress of students, the welfare of the community, and the equitable and orderly conduct of the university. On occasion, however, individual circumstances may warrant exceptions to established regulations, and students may petition the appropriate office of the university or university committee for such exceptions.

Petitions for exceptions to university academic regulations should be directed to the Faculty Subcommittee on Administration via the registrar or dean of academic success. The Faculty Subcommittee on Administration meets once a week when school is in session to review and act on petitions. Academic Exception Petition (PDF) is provided for this purpose is available on the web. 

A petition for an exception to an academic regulation should contain a clear and detailed statement of the exception requested and the special circumstances that are the basis for the request. Students should review their petitions with faculty advisors and others who may be involved, such as instructors, departments chairs, or deans, and seek their approval. Petitions must contain the signature of the student's advisor(s) and, depending on the exception requested, the instructor's or department chair's signature may also be required. Comments from these individuals indicating support for the petition or providing pertinent information, such as the last date the student attended class, are important. Petitions missing required information will be returned to the petitioner and a decision will be delayed.

Petitions will not be accepted for the following requests:

  • Requesting an S/U be applied to a course after the add/drop period (5th day of the term)
  • Fulfilling the Writing and Speaking Intensive competency requirement with a transfer course
  • An exception to completing at least 216 units for either the BA, BMus, or BMA degrees or 270 units for the double degree BA/BMus
  • Waiving the language competency requirement on any basis other than native language-ability or documented disability
  • Withdrawing from a course more than one year after the course was completed
  • Adding a course taken at Lawrence more than one year after coursework was completed (If necessary, such requests can be directed to the Associate Dean of the Conservatory or the Associate Provost of the College)
  • Reducing the number of units in a variable-unit course after the Monday following the midterm reading period or any time thereafter


Course Credit

Lawrence University operates on a 3-term calendar (September to June) and uses a term-course credit system. A standard course is valued at 6 Lawrence units. A normal course load for a term is three standard courses, or 18 units. Some departments offer fractional courses and the credit earned in tutorials, independent study, and internships varies and is determined by the instructor of the course. The smallest amount of credit recorded is 1 Lawrence unit.

Prior to the fall of 2001, credit was recorded in term courses. A standard course was one credit and fractional courses were reported in sixths.

A term consists of 10 weeks of instruction and one week of exams. The normal class period is either three 70-minute sessions or two 110-minute sessions per week. A standard course (reported as either 6 units or 1 term course credit) is the equivalent of 3.333 semester hours or 5 quarter hours. The laboratory components of courses in the sciences are not listed separately on transcripts. Laboratory courses in the sciences are equivalent to courses at other colleges valued at 5 semester or 8 quarter hours.

Credit attempted and credit earned plays a role in the evaluation of academic progress, eligibility for grants and scholarships, load deferments, veteran's benefits, participation in sports and co-curricular activities, insurance (car, health), etc.

Lawrence Credit Units for Academic Class Standing

  • Freshman: 0 to 47
  • Sophomore: 48 to 101
  • Junior: 102 to 155
  • Senior: 156 or more

Minimum Lawrence Credit Units Required For Degree

  • B.A.: 216
  • B.Mus.: 216
  • B.A./B.Mus.: 270

Lawrence Credit Unit Time Status

  • Normal Load for Standard Term: 18
  • Full-Time (standard term): 15 or more
  • Three-Quarter-Time (standard term): 12 to 14
  • Half-Time (standard term): 8 to 11
  • Less than Half-Time (standard term): 7 or fewer
  • Normal Load for Off-Campus Semester Program: 27
  • Full-Time (semester program): 21 or more
  • Three-Quarter-Time (semester program): 16 to 20
  • Half-Time (semester program): 11 to 15
  • Less than Half-Time (semester program): 10 or fewer


Course Numbers

Prior to the fall of 2001 Lawrence used 2-digit course numbers. Courses numbered 20 or above were considered upper-level courses. Beginning with the fall term of 2001-02 Lawrence converted to 3-digit course numbers. These can be interpreted as follows:

  • 100-199 Introductory Courses: These courses generally do not require prior study unless they are part of a sequence, such as introductory language or mathematics courses. This level includes courses introducing students to the discipline as well as any topical courses aimed at non-majors.
  • 200-399 Foundation/Gateway Courses: These courses represent the second tier of work in each discipline and might include methods courses and introductions to sub-disciplines. Typically these courses are not appropriate for entering freshmen, but in some departments they might be appropriate for continuing students with no prior experience in the subject.
  • 400-599 Advanced Courses: These courses include seminar series, special topics courses, and advanced work in sub-disciplines. Students enrolling in advanced courses are expected to understand the basic methodology of the discipline.
  • 600-699 Capstone Courses: These courses include the culminating work in a discipline, and are not appropriate for students who are neither majors nor minors in the discipline.


Enrollment Verifications

Students needing verification of their enrollment at Lawrence University should contact the Registrar's Office. Forms for verification for insurance, scholarship, and other purposes should be submitted well before deadlines as verifications are processed after each term begins. Enrollment verification for students with federal loans is accomplished through the Student Loan Clearinghouse.

Enrollment can be verified only for the current term and any previous terms the student may have attended. In cases where a student must have their enrollment verified for the entire academic year, enrollment for future terms will be described as provisional and will be based on the student's advance registration for the terms in question.

Certification of full- or part-time enrollment status is based on the number of units for which a student is registered. Students attending a regular 10-week term session must be registered for 15 units for full-time status, and at least 9 units for half-time status. Students attending a semester session (for example, student-teaching, ACM/GLCA off-campus programs, etc.) must be registered for the equivalent of at least 21 units for full-time status, and at least 14 units to maintain half-time status.

We cannot verify enrollment for students on leave from the university, except for prior terms in which the student was in attendance.



General Education Requirements

The text of the current general education and other degree requirements for each degree program (BA, BMUS, five-year BA/BMUS, and BMA) can be found at Academics. Current students should refer to the catalog under which they entered to review the requirements for their degrees, which can be found on the Course Catalogs page.

The most recent revision of the general education requirements occurred in Fall 2007 for the BMUS degree program, and in Fall 2008 for the BA and BA/BMUS degree programs. A comparison sheet (pdf) is available to help advisors who need to work with students completing under different sets of requirements (catalogs).

The university faculty has designated certain classes as meeting competency and diversity requirements. Symbols appear in the class schedule and on student transcripts for classes so designated. (G--global diversity, D--dimensions of diversity, A--BA foreign language competency, M--BMUS. foreign language competency, Q--quantitative and mathematical reasoning, S--speaking intensive, and W--writing intensive).

The definitive list of offerings meeting diversity and competency requirements can be found in the Class Schedule. There is no guarantee, however, that every time a particular course is offered it will be taught in a way that fulfills a particular competency or diversity requirement. For example, not every offering of ENG 455 will be done as a speaking-intensive class. Classes that might be offered to meet these requirements are listed in the Course-instructor Approvals for Diversity and Competency Requirements (PDF).

Instructors must request approval from the Committee on Instruction to have the courses they teach fulfill diversity and competency requirements using a GER approval request form.

Once a course syllabus has been approved for a competency or diversity requirement, the instructor is free to offer the course in a particular term using the approved syllabus. The instructor or department chair must indicate the competency or diversity requirement when scheduling the class.


Transferring Credit from Another Institution

Current Lawrence students may incorporate work taken at other institutions for credit towards their Lawrence degree.  Approval by the Registrar's Office in conjunction with the faculty, (in advance of enrolling at another institution) is required. It is to your advantage to know in advance that the credits you earn will be applicable to your Lawrence degree. Not all courses or programs of study offered by other institutions will be accepted for credit at Lawrence. Please note, a minimum of 108 units must be completed at Lawrence to graduate.

Students who attend a Lawrence-affiliated off-campus program (those listed in the current course catalog) do not need to complete the transfer credit request form for transfer credit. Credit for these programs will be automatically transferred to a student's record when the Registrar's Office receives a transcript from the program. If students want an off-campus program course to fulfill a specific degree requirement, they should meet with their advisor to request an exception.

New transfer students do not need to complete the transfer credit request form to transfer credit from their former institution. The registrar will provide transfer students with an evaluation of their previous work, from an official transcript that the student will submit to Lawrence University.

Transferring credit to Lawrence from another college/university:

  1. Provide course descriptions from the schools you are interested in attending. It is recommended that you try to obtain a syllabus for each course you are considering. 
  2. Complete the Transfer Credit Request Form. Use one form per subject.
  3. Please indicate on the form If you wish to fulfill a general education requirement with the transfer course.  Any given course may fulfill up to a maximum of two requirements. Transfer courses may NOT be used to complete the writing or speaking intensive competency requirements. Note: Request may require department chair/program director or Committee on Instruction approval, which will lengthen the processing time.
  4. Please specify If you wish to fulfill a requirement within your Major, Minor or Interdisciplinary Area with the transfer course. Note: Request will require department chair/program director approval, which will lengthen the processing time.
  5. Use the Additional Notes section to indicate when you intend to complete the course. If the course will be taken during a summer session, please indicate the number of weeks in the session and the number of hours of participation (class, laboratory, field, or studio). 

Upon completion of the course or program, you must have an official transcript of your work sent to the registrar before credit can be awarded. Transcripts in your possession, sealed in an envelope or not, are not considered official. Transfer credit is normally awarded on the basis of 3-1/3 semester, or 5 quarter, hours for 6 Lawrence units. For example, 3 semester hours are equivalent to 5 Lawrence units. Only courses in which you earn a grade of "C-" or better will be awarded credit. The grade(s) you earn will be used in the computation of your composite grade point average. Application of transfer course credits to major requirements is determined by the appropriate academic department. If you are transferring a course from outside of the United States, submit your transcript to Education Credential Evaluators, Inc (ECE) or World Education Services (WES) for a course-by-course evaluation. The student is responsible for any fees that may be required.


Completion of Your Academic Program and Graduation

To have your record reviewed for completion of requirements and your degree conferred, you must apply to graduate. Graduation applications are good for one academic year only. If you decide to postpone completion, you will need to fill out another application in the following year.

The checklist below contains important information you will need to complete your undergraduate work. Please read it carefully. The Academic Procedures and Regulations section of the course catalog also has information about the conferring of degrees and graduating with honors. The Course Catalog under which you entered (catalog of record) and your degree summary describe the minimum amount of work that must be completed for your degree to be conferred. If you have questions about your requirements, you should make an appointment to talk with your academic advisor.

You can find information about Commencement Weekend events, ordering a cap and gown, and the schedule for the ceremony on the Commencement page.