Below are registration schedules and a checklist. 

If you have a registration plan and want to get started:

Access Registration Portal

If you need additional guidance or have questions:

View Additional Help

Registration Schedule

2025-26 Advanced Registration for Returning Students

  • Apr. 22, 2025: students with senior standing
  • Apr. 23, 2025: students with junior standing
  • Apr. 24, 2025: students with sophomore standing
  • Apr. 25, 2025: students with first-year standing
  • April 26, 2025: Waitlists open for all terms (fall/winter/spring)
  • D-Term Registration: TBD

Assigned times can be viewed by students in Voyager (registration status page).

2025-26 Registration for New Transfer Students

  • Dates will be released for transfer student registration soon. 

Bachelor of Music students will be in communication with the Conservatory about music course registration dates. The waitlist is open for Fall, Winter, and Spring Terms. Assigned times can be viewed by students in Voyager (registration status page).

2025-26 Registration for New First-Year Students

  • Registration for new first-year students for the academic year will be opening in June 2025. 

Bachelor of Music students will be in communication with the Conservatory about music course registration dates. The waitlist is open for Fall, Winter, and Spring Terms. Assigned times can be viewed by students in Voyager (registration status page).

Registration Reopens for Returning Students for Fall, Winter, D-Term, and Spring Terms

  • Continuing students who need assistance with registration should contact the registrar's office at

Last day to add/drop or S/U courses for Fall Term

  • September 19, 2025

Registration closes at 5:00 p.m. on September 19, 2025, for Fall Term, 2025. Following the five-day class change period, students in all programs may continue to make changes for Winter and Spring Terms only.


Registration Instructions & Checklist

Rev. July 2019

____ 1. Review Registration Rules & Procedures.

____ 2. Check the schedule above for important dates and deadlines.

____ 3. Check your registration status for each term (in Voyager go to Student Services/Academic Resources & Services/Registration/Register for Classes/2) Check Registration Times & Status).  All holds affecting registration must be addressed and cleared.  Contact the appropriate office as needed.  See (5.) below for more information about academic advisor holds.

____ 4. Review your academic record and degree summary (in Voyager go to Student Services/Academic Resources & Services/Academic Records). You should verify your degree summary against your academic history at least once each term.

____ 5. Draft your registration plan:

____ 5. Meet with your academic advisor and revise your plan as needed. You may talk with any member of the faculty about your plans, but you MUST meet with your academic advisor(s) prior to the advance registration period to register for the next academic year. Your advisor will release the advising hold on your record after you have met.

____ 6. Obtain required instructor approvals. The approval of the instructor (recorded in Voyager by the instructor) is required for registration if any of the following apply:

  • The class is marked in the schedule as requiring the instructor's approval to register (APR).
  • The class has an enrollment limit and the term in which it is scheduled has started.
  • You are in one of the following non-degree programs: General Non-Degree, Audit Only, ECCP (Early College Credit Program for high school students), or Teacher Certification.

____ 7. During your assigned times, add/drop classes (in Voyager go to Student Services/Academic Resources & Services/Registration/REGISTER FOR CLASSES)

  • Choose:
    • '1) SELECT TERM' to select a term.
    • '2) Check Registration Times & Status' to check times, holds, and approvals.
    • ‘3) Add/Drop Classes'. You will not be able to access this page until your assigned registration time begins and all registration holds have been cleared.
      • Enter CRNs of classes to be added in boxes at the bottom of the form (Add Classes Worksheet section).
      • Click on the ‘Submit Changes’ button.
      • Scroll down to see if there are any 'Registration Add Errors'. Review any problems displayed.
        • Waiting lists for limited enrollment classes will be made available one term in advance. If you want to be added to a wait list choose 'Student Web Waitlisted' in the action box; if not, then choose 'None'.
        • YOU MUST click 'Submit Changes' again to for your changes to take effect.
        • Repeat this process until the 'Add Errors' box is cleared.
      • Classes for which you are registered or waitlisted will be shown in the 'Current Schedule' section of the form. NOTE: If you are waitlisted you DO NOT have a seat in the class.
      • To drop a class for which you are registered or waitlisted, use the action drop-down box on the class listing and select 'Student Web Drop'. Click on 'Submit Changes' to make the change.
      • The 'Reset' button will clear CRNs to be added and set 'None' in any action boxes displayed in the 'Registraton Add Errors' section.
      • Total credit hours is equivalent to the total units for which you are registered for the session (waitlisted courses are NOT included in this total). You will not be able to register for more than the maximum hours shown on the page. To request an overload, you must submit an Overload Request Form at the beginning of the term and before the 4th day of classes.
      • VERY, VERY IMPORTANT: ALWAYS click 'Submit Changes' before exiting the 'Add/Drop Classes' page to make sure your changes take effect.
    • '4) Change Class Options' to adjust class qualities. For example, music lessons will default to three units. A student wishing to take 6-unit lessons must change the number of units using this menu.
    • '5) View Your Schedule and Waiting List Information' to check your work.

____ 8. Limited Enrollment Classes & Waiting List Rules: If you are registered or waitlisted for one or more limited enrollment classes please read this section carefully.

  • If you are on the waiting list for a class and no longer wish to take it, you should use the '3) Add/Drop Classes' page to drop the waiting list request.
  • During the first class meeting, instructors MAY cancel the registration of students who do not attend (they are not required to do so), and may offer open seats first to students on the waiting list in rank order, and then to any other students in attendance at the meeting. Degree-seeking students will be given priority for seats when a class is full. If you cannot make the first class meeting due to travel problems or illness, you should contact the instructor or the Dean of Academic Success.
  • If you are offered a seat in the class, the instructor will record approval to register in Voyager. YOU MUST use the Voyager '3) Add/Drop Classes' page to register for the class. If the waiting list record has not been deleted, you will need to drop it before the system will allow you to add the class.

____ 9. If needed, submit completed registration forms for tutorials, directed study, independent study, internships and supervised accompanying. All regular registration deadlines and rules apply.


  • Select '5) View Your Schedule & Waiting List Information' from the REGISTER FOR CLASSES page and review your schedule for errors.
    • You are responsible for maintaining an accurate registration record with the Registrar’s Office.
    • After the 5th day of classes of the term, you must petition the Faculty Subcommittee on Administration to correct registration problems and may be assessed a late registration fee of $25 per class addition or cancellation approved from the second week of the term through the last day of classes. The fee increases to $50 per class addition or cancellation made after the last day to withdraw from class in the term. Please note: The Committee on Instruction has determined that petitions must be submitted no later than one year from the applicable term.
    • Improperly completed registration can result in receiving no credit for a completed course and/or receiving an ‘F’ in a course not completed.