We hope you'll join us for one (or more!) of our Björklunden seminars. 

These classes are fondly referred to as “vacations with a purpose.”  You'll learn and grow while experiencing the hominess of our lodge and the natural beauty of Lawrence's Door County campus.

Browse the seminar offerings below, and when you're ready click the Register button. If you are having difficulty registering, it may be that the class is full. Note that each week you register for will require its own separate payment.

If you need assistance, have any questions, or wish to be added to a wait list, please contact us at  bjorkseminars@lawrence.edu or 920-839-2216.

The brochure includes detailed seminar descriptions and presenter bios.

Online Seminars

Actor John Wayne in foreground and and actor an camera crew in background in front of train
Film and Masculinity

Wednesdays, Apr. 2-30, 2-3:30 p.m. | Online | Facilitator: Paul Cohen

This seminar examines the construction of masculinity in American history through the lens of five iconic Hollywood films from World War II to the 1980s.

Person praying in a church
“Please God Make Me Good, But Not Just Yet”—Three Confessions Across Time

Tuesdays, May 6-Jun. 3, 2-3:30 p.m. | Online | Facilitator: Nikolas Hoel ‘99

This seminar explores the theme of personal transformation by analyzing and comparing confessional works by Augustine, Petrarch, and Rousseau, examining their influence across different historical periods and reflecting on individual journeys to enlightenment.

Sigmund Freud smoking
Why Trump? Ask Freud

Wednesdays, May 7-Jun. 4, 2-3:30 p.m. | Online | Facilitator: Paul Cohen

This seminar analyzes Donald Trump’s 2024 election victory through Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents and essays by Fintan O’Toole, exploring human drives and societal conduct.

Black and white silhouette of person walking away from camera down a hall and the call is all blurry
What is Existentialism?

Wednesdays, Jul. 16-Aug. 13, 2-3:30 p.m. | Online | Facilitator: Paul Cohen

This seminar explores the enduring mystique of existentialism through key works by Sartre, Camus, and De Beauvoir.

Movie film reel
Film and History

Wednesdays, Sep. 17-Oct. 15, 2-3:30 p.m. | Online | Facilitator: Paul Cohen

This seminar examines how historians interpret films by analyzing historical dramas and documentaries from Renoir to Spielberg.

Blend of two communist country flags
Why Putin? The Russia Syndrome

Wednesdays, Nov. 5-Dec. 3, 2-3:30 p.m. | Online | Facilitator: Paul Cohen

This seminar investigates Russia’s historical resentment of the West, tracing its roots from the mid-19th century to Putin’s war on Ukraine.

Summer In-person Seminars

Forest on Bjorklunden campus in Door County, Wisconsins
Adventures in Forests in Time

Jun. 15-20 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Relena Ribbons

This seminar explores the ecology, history, and human impact on the forests at Björklunden through immersive hikes, discussions, and studies on climate, ecosystem challenges, and the reciprocal relationship between humans and forests.

Image taken from Treatise on the Vices of a person serving alcohol
Saints and Sinners in the Middle Ages

Jun. 15-20 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Nikolas O. Hoel ’99

This seminar explores the fluid boundaries between saints and sinners in medieval religious life, examining the diverse roles of holy and heretical figures and how modern scholarship interprets these complex identities.

Cross on grassy cliff on shores of Ireland
From Conflict to Peace: Northern Ireland, Great Britain, and Ireland, Past and Present

Jun. 15-20 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Tim Crain

This seminar will examine The Troubles in Northern Ireland (1969-1998), focusing on the sectarian conflict between unionists and nationalists, and the transformative impact of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

Three people holding up word bubble signs with COLA, SODA, and COKE on them
What Do You Say? Exploring American Accents and Dialects

Jun. 22-27 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Sue Hanna ‘75

In this fun course, you will explore your personal dialect—vocabulary, pronunciation, phrases, and grammar—within the context of the American dialect map, considering how your life experiences shape the way you speak.

Door County Theater seminar in woods with logos for theater groups from the Door County area
The Door Four: Theater Seminar

Jul. 13-18 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Dan Klarer

Door County has four professional theaters producing unique works, and this seminar includes nightly theater productions, post-show discussions led by local artist Dan Klarer, and workshops at local venues.

Watercolor of a fawn laying down in a brushy area
Watercolor: A Fresh Start

Jul. 13-18 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Helen Klebesadel

This is a seminar for beginners or those refreshing their skills, offering hands-on learning of traditional and experimental watercolor techniques in a supportive environment, with a $35 materials fee.

Cover of Truman Capote's
American True Crime in Books, Docuseries and Podcasts

Jul. 13-18 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Harry MacLean

This course explores the evolution of True Crime across books, films, docuseries, and podcasts, featuring works like In Cold Blood and In Broad Daylight, while examining storytelling techniques, ethical challenges, and the genre's cultural impact.

Chemistry lab counter with bottles, goggles and paint brushes
Chemistry of Art

Jul. 13-18 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Allison Fleshman

This seminar explores the chemistry behind art, including paintings, dyes, glass, and stained glass, featuring hands-on lab activities and discussions, along with insights into pigment identification in Medieval illuminated manuscripts.

Stones stacked up on a stone surface
The Mindful Brain

Jul. 20-25 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Lori M. Hilt, '97

This seminar examines the secularization and application of mindfulness in modern settings, explores neuroscience research on mindfulness's impact on the brain, and combines discussions with experiential mindfulness practices.

View of night sky with solar system
Our Cosmological Origins: Something from Nothing?

Jul. 20-25 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Dr. Megan Pickett

This seminar explores our cosmological origins, from the Big Bang and galaxy formation to the origins of our solar system and life, with opportunities for evening sky observations.

Mechanism of normal Blood Sugar (white crystals) absorption (Left) Vs. insulin resistance in Type 2 Diabetes (Right)
Type 2 Diabetes: A Modern Affliction with Roots in the Past

Jul. 20-25 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Mark R. Jenike

This seminar examines the biological, social, political, and economic dimensions of type 2 diabetes, exploring its rising prevalence, systemic causes, societal burdens, and potential solutions. Note: this is not a personal diabetes management course.

Person writing poetry in a journal at a coffee shop
Taking the Leap into Writing Poetry

Jul. 20-25 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Lauren Gatti ‘94

This seminar introduces poetry writing, blending creative practice with analysis. We'll explore diverse poems, finding inspiration in their beauty. Focusing on themes like childhood and love, we'll write our own poetry, building skills and confidence in a supportive environment.

US Capitol Building
Trump II

Jul. 27-Aug. 1 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Terry Moran ‘82

This seminar examines Trump’s unprecedented return to the presidency, exploring his ability to harness voter frustration, Republican unity six months into his term, and the potential legacy of Trumpism as a transformative force in American politics.

Profile of a person's head with an overlay of sketches with math
Computational thinking is NOT just programming

Jul. 27-Aug. 1 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Keith W. Miller, Ph.D.

This seminar invites participants to learn about computational thinking skills such as pattern recognition, thinking in levels of abstraction, decomposition, and data visualization. No computer programming experience is necessary.

Art depicting Battle at Antietam
The Unfinished Nation: The American Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877

Jul. 27-Aug. 1 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Jerald Podair and Jon Greenwald

This seminar explores how the Civil War and Reconstruction transformed the U.S., shaping ongoing debates over freedom and equality through their military, political, and social impacts.

Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Bulgakov in movie film frames
Books and Movies: The Soviet Tradition

Aug. 3-8 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Peter Thomas

This seminar explores Russian literary culture through film adaptations, featuring readings, discussions, and screenings of works by authors like Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Bulgakov, including the 2024 Master and Margarita.

Grateful Dead logo
What a Long Strange Trip: The Grateful Dead and American Cultural Change

Aug. 3-8 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Eric Mlyn

This seminar delves into the history and cultural significance of the Grateful Dead, exploring their impact on the counterculture and the music industry, while examining their enduring influence through poetry, art, film, and music.

View from an escarpment on shoreline of a lake
Protecting Door County’s Wild Places: From Estuaries to Escarpments

Aug. 3-8 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Titus Seilheimer '00, Paul Senner '11, Caitlin Williamson '11

Door County’s unique natural features, including rare habitats and species, will be explored alongside the conservation efforts that protect them, through presentations, discussions, and optional field trips.

Photo of  Joseph Raymond McCarthy
The Politics of Fear: J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph McCarthy, and the Red Scare in 20th Century America

Aug. 3-8 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Tim Crain

This seminar explores the rise and impact of McCarthyism, a Cold War-era anti-Communist movement led by Senator Joseph McCarthy that destroyed countless lives despite uncovering no actual communists. The seminar will contextualize McCarthyism within the broader landscape of American fear and Cold War tensions.

One side of image is white and other side is solar system with the dividing line forming a profile of a human torso
The Importance of Philosophy: Then and Now

Aug. 10-15 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Terry Goode

This seminar explores the progress and relevance of philosophy, examining how its evolving ideas address traditional problems and contribute to solving contemporary societal challenges through critical thinking and the search for truth.

Watercolor of flowers in a prairie
Watercolor: The Expressive Medium

Aug. 10-16 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Helen Klebesadel

Watercolor seminar for all skill levels. Learn traditional and non-traditional techniques, experiment, and create individualized artistic statements. Repeat class welcome. Materials fee applies.

Insulin crystals in the shape of cubes
The Biotechnology Revolution: Building with Genes.

Aug. 10-15 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Eric Lewellyn

This course explores key discoveries and technologies in biotechnology over the past 50 years. It covers foundational concepts in molecular biology and genetics, focusing on Recombinant DNA, Plant Genetic Modification, and CRISPR-based Genome Editing. The course discusses the development of biotechnology products and explores future implications.

Images of various presidents of the United States
Ranking the Presidents: The Best and Worst of America’s Chief Executives

Aug. 24-27 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Jerold Podair & Arnold Shober

Join Arnold Shober and Jerald Podair, “The Professors” from WHBY’s Outside the Box, as they present their definitive ranking of America’s forty-five presidents, exploring the attributes of greatness, who had them, who didn’t, and who claims the top and bottom spots

Ink wells, pens and a poem
Poets’ Circle: Reading and Writing Poems with Austin Segrest

Aug. 24-27 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Austin Segrest

This workshop will cultivate the camaraderie of a poets’ circle, guiding participants through model poems while generating new work and building a supportive, collaborative community.

Coach assisting student with Alexander Method
Moving Through Your Day with Ease: Applying Alexander Technique

Aug. 24-27 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Kathy Privatt

This hands-on workshop teaches how to apply the Alexander Technique to everyday activities, improving posture, reducing strain, and bringing ease and efficiency to daily movements.

Fall In-person Seminars

Birds flying over water
Great Migrations: Animal Behavior Across Distance and Time

Sep. 7-12 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Bart De Stasio ‘82

This seminar explores animal migration, including Door County examples like birds and monarchs, and examines the evolutionary drivers of movement, such as food, predation, and reproduction, through discussions and field trips.

Person sitting in woods
Be present in nature and discover what nature has to present you

Sep. 7-12 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Jane Burress

This weeklong seminar offers daily guided forest bathing walks, reflective activities, creative expression, and community engagement, providing participants with a deep, immersive experience in nature to enhance mindfulness, well-being, and connection.

Books on Democracy featured in Democracy Book Club
Democracy Book Club

Sep. 7-12 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Bronwyn Mauldin

The Democracy Book Club returns to Bjorklunden with a new reading list! Over five days, we will discuss five works of literature that explore civic life during troubled times, including "A Paradise Built in Hell," "Pacific Edge," "Black Reconstruction in America," "The Pyramid," and "On Freedom."

Pia Kamonsit in yoga and pilates studio
“Yes, You Can!” Yoga-Pilates Emersion

Sep. 14-17 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Pia Kamonsit

Five-day wellness retreat at Björklunden Lodge with Pia. Morning sessions include mat Pilates, yoga, and light cardio. Afternoon sessions offer restorative yoga, deep stretching, and guided meditation. Healthy eating is a focus. Resistance bands and Pilates balls provided.

Hiking in an escarpment
Explore Door County’s Less Traveled Trails

Sep. 14-17 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Jane Whitney

Explore "quiet" preserves and parks in Door County. Hike through nature preserves each morning, with optional afternoon hikes. Expect 2-4 miles of walking on rustic trails. Good hiking shoes are essential.

Pile of folded newspapers on a street corner on fire.
Is Journalism Dead?

Sep. 14-17 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Melissa Wall

American journalism faces a crisis: economic decline, billionaire control, and AI disruption threaten its ability to inform the public. News deserts are expanding, while misinformation and political pressure erode trust. Journalists struggle to maintain independence and safety in this challenging environment.

Bird with long beak perched on a branch in the woods
Power and Intimacy: Writing Small

Sep. 14-17 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Kimberly M. Blaeser, PhD

This workshop will center on techniques to focus and render “in brief” resonant experiences, scenes, or images; meetings will include discussions of sample works, exploration of tools and techniques, prompts and practice in writing small.

Two people laying on floor and looking up at forks and corks floating in the air
Where Does Creativity Come From? The Performing Arts in the 21st Century

Sep. 21-26 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Eric Simonson ‘82

This course explores artistic collaborations during Lawrence's Door Kinetic Arts Festival. Artists from across the country create projects in a week-long residency at Björklunden. The course examines the current state of the arts and the future of artistic collaborations.

Watercolor of a monarch butterfly resting on a flower in a flower-filled area
Watercolor: In the Flow Workshop

Sep. 28-Oct. 1 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Helen Klebesadel

Guided painting retreat focusing on participants' artistic goals. Workshop includes demos and open painting time. Ideal for those launching new series or completing unfinished projects. $35 materials fee upon registration.

Fictional world with a moon in the sky and a person holding a floating moon on a rope, a person standing on a large open book and looking a moon in sky
Writing Short Fiction: From Blank Page to Last Page

Sep. 28-Oct. 1 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Holly Day

This non-competitive workshop helps writers overcome writer's block. Learn dozens of ways to get creative engines revved up, from character development to creating vivid scenes. By the end, you'll know how to start and keep writing.

Image of disease specimen microscopically enlarged
Mysteries with a Medical Explanation

Oct. 5-8 | Björklunden | Facilitator: David W Hines MD ‘76

This seminar explores fascinating historical and medical mysteries involving diseases, microbes, and their unexpected impacts on world events, offering in-depth discussions and an optional wine and cheese gathering.

Munsell Color System depicting colors in three dimensions extending the length and out from a central axle
Understanding Color: A Painting Workshop

Oct. 5-8 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Jill Newman

This three-day workshop on color in painting helps artists of all levels deepen their understanding of color theory through hands-on exercises and lectures, culminating in a small painting that applies key concepts of hue, value, and intensity.

Two actors engaged in improvisational acting on stage
Improv for Life

Oct. 5-8 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Lisa Cormier

Join this 3-day workshop to enhance your communication skills through improv theatre techniques, focusing on adaptability, collaboration, and active listening in a fun and supportive environment.

Person on lakeshore holding a microphone near the water and listening on a headset
The power of sound all around: A hands-on exploration of audio and content creation

Oct. 19-24 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Nathan Heffel ‘02 (Fernando-Frescas)

Students will explore the power of audio and its role in media. They'll use professional equipment to create a group audio project. Students will also learn from top radio/audio journalists about gathering engaging audio, writing for a listening audience, and crafting insightful interview questions for radio/audio interviews and podcasts.

John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck: Scribe of Social Conscience

Oct. 26-31 | Björklunden | Facilitator: Paul McComas ‘83

This seminar offers an in-depth exploration of John Steinbeck's works, including Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, and other classics, highlighting his advocacy for the underprivileged and his timeless relevance.

Seminar Options & Pricing

There are many ways to experience Björklunden: you may choose to attend a seminar as a resident with room and board, take a class as a commuter and enjoy Sunday dinner here and lunches, or join as an auditor (no meals). Houseguests and children of seminar participants are also welcome to reside at the lodge. Each of these options is available for online registration at the rates indicated below. First preference on housing will be given to seminar participants. 

Viking Discount: We offer an attractive discount for current students, recent grads of Lawrence University (classes 2016-2025), and Lawrence University faculty and staff. Look for the Viking Discount option when registering.

Rates below are for 2025 seminars.

ONLINE SEMINARS                                              $175


Sun. - Fri. Seminars Sun. - Sat. Seminar (8/10-15) Sun. - Wed. Seminars
Single $1,325 $1,385 $810
Double $975 $1,015 $600
Commuter (includes Sunday dinner & lunches) $575 $575 $355
Auditor (tuition only; no meals) $450 $450 $270
Houseguest (single) $975 $1,035 $600
Houseguest (double) $625 $665 $390
Child Houseguest $300 $340 $205

Please Note:

  • Some seminars include additional supply fees, which is noted in the class information.
  • Participants in the Sunday through Wednesday seminars may opt to add up to two additional nights stay in the lodge to extend their retreat. The cost to stay over Wednesday and/or Thursday night is $100 per night, per room. This is lodging only; there are no formal seminar classes held or meals served served after Wednesday lunch. Nearby dining options abound, and can be found here). Check out for stay overs is 11am.

Seminar Guidelines

  • Each seminar participant should choose only one seminar per week of attendance. Seminars sessions generally are held concurrently 9am - noon daily.
  • Class sizes are limited. Early registration helps ensure your preferred seminar options. If registration is full, you may be added to a wait list. 
  • Registration is open to the general public – participants need not have a connection to Lawrence University in order to attend.
  • Seminar participants may either take a room at the lodge (space permitting) or commute from the area. 
  • Definitions: Residents staying at the lodge during their seminar; Commuters enroll in the Seminar and enjoy some meals (i.e. Sunday dinner and all lunches); Auditors pay only tuition and receive neither lodging nor meals.
  • Residents and Commuters may arrive after 4 p.m. on Sunday for the opening dinner which happens at 5:30. Instructors often hold an informal “meet and greet” session with class participants after dinner on Sunday. The seminar sessions officially begin at 9am on Monday morning. 
  • Seminar sessions typically meet on weekday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon. Instructors may offer optional afternoon or evening sessions, and they have the freedom to change the typical schedule if need be.
  • Public events are often held at Björklunden on any given seminar week, which participants may be able to attend.  Details about these events will be posted at the lodge and announced during Sunday dinner. 
  • Dinner is not served at the lodge Wednesday evenings, and guests are encouraged to support some of the fine local restaurants in Door County. 
  • Sunday through Friday seminars end after Friday lunch; Sunday through Saturday seminar ends after Saturday breakfast; Sunday through Wednesday seminar ends after lunch on Wednesday. 
  • Participants are responsible for acquiring any seminar texts and/or materials suggested by the instructor. Seminar leaders will reach out to students with any pre-arrival preparations. Additionally, please note that some seminar instructors may assign coursework before and/or across the week.
  • Participants should bring their own writing utensils, notebooks, folders, tablets, laptops, and/or other items that will aid in taking notes and organizing class materials. 
  • Björklunden may document seminar activities via photograph, video, or sound-based media during courses and events and may use such media for educational, promotional, advertising, and other purposes. Please notify us if you wish to opt-out of appearing in seminar documentation. 

A Note About Communicable Diseases

Due to the nature of the communal experience enjoyed at Björklunden seminars and to accommodate those with compromised immune systems, please do not come if you are experiencing symptoms consistent with communicable disease (e.g. COVID, influenza). Anyone needing to cancel due to illness will be issued a full refund. Björklunden is a mask friendly campus. Masks may be worn by anyone at any time, and individuals may determine their own guidelines for their individual space and exposure.