Sigma Colón holds a joint appointment in Environmental Studies and Ethnic Studies. She has a PhD in American Studies from Yale University and an MA in History and BA in English literature and Spanish from the University of Arizona. Her research on environmental humanities, racial ecologies, critical geography, ethnic and border studies, art, feminist praxis, and pedagogy in higher education has been published in diverse journals including Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies, Humanity & Society, Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities, Open Rivers, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Transforming Anthropology, and Social Text. She was awarded a Citizens & Scholars Career Enhancement Fellowship to support her current book project about rivers.
Committed to community building, collaboration, and place-based education, Professor Colón has worked with students on various projects including summer research, digital mapping, podcasts, publications, and curriculum building. She recently worked on a grant with students in the Lawrence University Disability Working Group (LUDWiG) to develop an “Introduction to Disability Studies” course that Colón launched in 2023. She welcomes and continues to create opportunities to collaborate with students, faculty, staff, and the broader community.