Lawrence University is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all students, regardless of citizenship and immigration status.

The information below is not legal advice.

Due to the fluid nature of governmental interpretation, USCIS may change its interpretation of these immigration laws/regulations and eligibility requirements for benefits, at any time. Each case is fact-specific, and it is advised that you contact an experienced immigration attorney if you have questions regarding your situation. 



DACA stands for "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals."

DACA is a discretionary U.S. government policy established on June 15, 2012 by former President Barack Obama. The program protects eligible immigrant youth who came to the U.S. before the age of 16 from deportation. DACA provides such individuals with a social security number and a work permit, which can be used until the expiration date listed on approved documents from USCIS. The program expires after two years, but is renewable. 


Undocumented refers to the status an individual born outside of the U.S. who currently does not have legal authorization to be or remain in the U.S. This includes those who never had permission to be in the U.S. or their visa has expired or became invalid.

Student Privacy & Confidentiality 

Citizenship and immigration status is confidential and held in strict confidence to the extent permitted by law. This means Lawrence will not release student records protected by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) except when legally required to do so. 

In general, faculty and staff do not know any student's citizenship or immigration status unless a student chooses to disclose it. 

Resources for DACA & Undocumented Students

Browse on- and off-campus resources and services for prospective and enrolled DACA and undocumented students.

Admission to Lawrence

Lawrence admits students without regard to immigration status. Application requirements are the same as domestic students.

Financial Aid Eligibility

Both undocumented and DACA students are eligible for institutional aid, which includes university scholarships and grants.

Undocumented and DACA applicants are not eligible to apply for FAFSA, unless the student is a U.S. citizen of an undocumented parent. If you are a DACA or undocumented applicant, complete a College Scholarship Service (CSS) profile or the Lawrence University Supplemental Financial Aid Application.

External Resources