Explore our communities...

Health Care & Medical Professions
The Health Care & Medical Professions (HMP) community revolves around professions that directly impact the health and wellbeing of others, clinically and non-clinically.

Physical & Natural Sciences
The Physical & Natural Sciences (PHN) community is for professions connected to scientific research and application, particularly those with a lab focus.

Visual & Performing Arts
Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) community includes creative fields like theatre, music, television, film, and related professions.

Nonprofit, Education, & Social Impact
The Nonprofit, Education, & Social Impact (NES) community includes teaching, service, and non-profit roles, along with “helping professions” like advising and coaching.

Communication, Journalism & the Written Arts
The Communication, Journalism & the Written Arts (CJW) community includes journalism along with advertising, public relations, publishing, and broadcasting.

Government, Law, & International Affairs
Government, Law, & International Affairs (GLI) includes roles pertaining to politics, policy, legal professions, think tanks, NGOs, and more.

Business & Entrepreneurship
Business & Entrepreneurship (BE) includes everything from finance, consulting, and operations, to sales, marketing, human resources, and management training programs.

Technology & Data Sciences
The Technology & Data Sciences (TD) community includes everything from software engineering and developers to UX/UI, tech sales, and gaming, and the growing fields of data science, machine learning, and analytics.
Need more support?
Talk to an advisor about career communities and learn how to take the first steps towards your professional goals. Sign-in to your LU Handshake account to schedule an appointment.