Alumni Perspective
"Completing the Museum Studies IA taught me to think critically about how, why, and should items be in museums and special collections. The skills I learned in these classes are imperative tools in working to make research libraries more inclusive and welcoming spaces."
Emma Lipkin ’19, Special Collections Librarian for Collection Management at The Newberry Library
English, Archeological Anthropology, Museum Studies
Chicago, Illinois
From chemistry to curation, learn all about museum work.
The Museum Studies Checklist helps guide you through museum studies requirements.
The Chandler Senior Experience
Work closely with Museum Studies faculty to develop a Senior Experience project that incorporates your explorations and learnings from this interdisciplinary field.
Recent Senior Experiences include:
Senior Experience: The Currency of Femininity: How the Roman Emperor was Represented in Female Figures on His Coins (Exhibition); Rachel David ‘24, Art History (Museum Studies); advisor: Elizabeth Carlson
Living and Learning: The Partial History of Women at Lawrence University (Exhibition); Carolyn Ford ’19, History (Museum Studies); advisors: Jake Frederick, Jerald Podair
In the Mudd Gallery: Wonder and Resonance; Manuel Ferreira ’18, Anthropology (Music, Museum Studies), cum laude; advisor: Peter Peregrine

Museum Studies Outcomes
You will find Lawrentians in leadership positions at galleries, archives, museums, and libraries putting what they learned as museum studies students into action, shaping the world of learning and discovery around them.