Luaroo 2022 filled Main Hall Green with music for two glorious days over the Memorial Day weekend. More than 20 bands took the stage during the annual student-organized music festival. Many of them were bands featuring Lawrence students. Others came to campus to entertain the Lawrence audience for one last celebration before Spring Term comes to a close. It's one of the great traditions of Lawrence. Take a bow, Band Booking Committee. Here is a gallery of photos from Saturday and Sunday.

Luaroo drew an enthusiastic audience both Saturday and Sunday.

Deryk G performs during LUaroo.

Dreamer Isioma performs during LUaroo.

A student captures the action as Fusion performs during LUaroo.

Nathan Gault-Crabb, a junior, cheers for Eviatar & The Klezmommies during LUaroo.

Fugu performs during LUaroo.

Voodis performs during LUaroo.

26 BATS! perform during LUaroo.

midwxst performs during LUaroo.