Front of Memorial Chapel

Lawrence Memorial Chapel (Photo by Danny Damiani)

Honors Convocation, the third and final Convocation of the 2021-22 academic year, will be held Friday in Memorial Chapel.

Austin Segrest, assistant professor of English, will deliver the convocation address. He will focus on “how embracing vulnerability in poetry binds people together.”

See faculty profile on Austin Segrest

Set for 12:30 p.m., the Honors Convocation celebrates the more than 125 students and five faculty and staff who will be honored on Wednesday evening as part of the annual Honors Awards Ceremony and Reception.

The student awards include academic awards from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Conservatory of Music, as well as awards from student life and athletics leadership. Also being recognized are members of the Mortar Board, the senior honor society; Pi Kappa Lambda, music honor society; and Phi Beta Kappa, the most prestigious academic honor society for seniors.

Five faculty or staff will be applauded for their contributions to the student experience. You can find the full list of honors and award recipients beginning Thursday at The convocation will be available live on YouTube.