Winifred and Donald Boynton

Winifred and Donald Boynton

written by SUSAN PAPPAS

Next year Lawrence University observes the 50th anniversary of receiving Bjorklunden vid Sjon, the incredibly generous bequest from Winifred and Donald Boynton. The Boyntons made this gift to Lawrence with confidence that their vision of sharing their beautiful site along Lake Michigan for individual or group meditation, contemplation and learning would continue.

Indeed, for 50 years, Lawrence has continued to honor the vision of the Boyntons. Besides the summer seminars, the surrounding grounds are open to the public. Hiking trails are well-marked, and visitors can see the wind turbine and solar panels which help make Bjorklunden achieve its energy goal of net zero. Winifred and Donald’s Chapel of Peace is open for tours on Mondays and Wednesdays during the summer and also available for weddings, baptisms, and vesper services. During the academic school year, the facility is well-used almost every weekend by Lawrence students along with their professors for unique and more intimate learning experiences away from the Appleton campus. All of this is being done at the same time we are challenging ourselves to make the Bjorklunden experience more broadly meaningful and accessible to all ages and ethnic groups while hoping to become a more contributing member of the Door County community.

Giving to Björklunden

Of course, there is a cost for maintaining and achieving our goals. All gifts directly contribute to operational and programmatic expenses and help keep Björklunden available to students and the Door County community. If you aren’t already a donor at the Boynton Society level, please consider making a gift at $250 or more.

Lawrence’s annual Giving Day is coming up on October 22, 2024, and is a great time to make a gift. A challenge is being established so that your gift to Björklunden will be matched 1 to 1. Last year a total of $116,665 was raised on Giving Day, and we are hoping to surpass that total this year. Your support for Björklunden is always greatly appreciated. Thank you!