Please note: The information displayed here is current as of Saturday, March 29, 2025, but the official Course Catalog should be used for all official planning.
Off-Campus Programs
Off-campus study provides a valuable opportunity to hone and extend the intellectual skills and capacity for civic and academic engagement associated with a Lawrence liberal arts education by placing students in educational settings that purposefully combine classroom and experiential learning. In such settings, students are challenged to apply and question what has been learned on the home campus and to evaluate alternate perspectives and ways of learning.
Off-campus study also provides a rich opportunity for personal growth as students gain independence and self-confidence through active engagement with social and cultural practices different than their own and/or through the experience of educational or research settings whose pedagogical approaches and curricular structures differ from those at Lawrence.
Look into options
A student interested in off-campus study should make an appointment with the Off-Campus Programs office well in advance of the time they wish to pursue such study. This meeting can help the student establish academic goals, explore off-campus options, and discuss logistical issues such as timing of participation and the application process.
An interested student should also discuss their desire to study off-campus with their faculty advisor. The advisor can help the student select a program that matches their academic preparation and interests as well as consider ways that the student may be able to integrate their off-campus study into their curriculum at Lawrence.
Students can also get information about off-campus study options when representatives from affiliated programs visit campus in fall and winter terms, in informational meetings held about specific programs, or from students who have studied off campus in the past.
It is a good idea to gather as much information about the program(s) as possible to get the fullest understanding of the options.
Study abroad funding
There are many sources of funding for off-campus study.
Students who wish to study off-campus are encouraged to make an appointment with the Financial Aid office to discuss their financial expectations. Program costs vary, and the Financial Aid office can help students understand the financial implications of off-campus study decisions. Students participating in Lawrence-sponsored or Lawrence-affiliated off-campus programs are able to utilize their financial aid package towards an off-campus program.
There are also many opportunities for funding in addition to a student's regular Lawrence financial aid package. The off-campus study funding page will help students identify funding possibilities from program providers, outside scholarships, and other resources.
Policies and procedures for off-campus study
Participation in an off-campus program requires approval by the Off-Campus Programs Committee and, in the case of affiliated programs, acceptance by the program sponsor. Students must apply using the Lawrence Off-Campus Programs online application system. The application deadline for most affiliated programs for the upcoming summer and following academic year is in late January, and a few programs have earlier application deadlines. Applications for the London Centre and the Francophone Seminar in Dakar, Senegal, have typically been due towards the end of winter term.
Lawrence approval for off-campus study participation is granted if the student is adequately prepared both personally and academically for the program and if the program coherently fits the goals of a Lawrence liberal arts education and the individual student’s academic plan.
Students may elect to participate in a non-affiliated off-campus program and seek transfer credit for that experience. Lawrence scholarships and grants may not be applied to the program costs associated with non-affiliated programs. Students interested in participating in a non-affiliated program must work closely with the Off-Campus Programs office in preparing for this and should seek approval for transfer credit prior to committing to the program.
Eligibility criteria and application evaluation
A student is ineligible for off-campus study if any of the following apply:
- the student will not achieve sophomore status prior to participation in the off-campus program;
- the student is on academic probation in the term preceding off-campus study or will not be in good academic standing at the time of participating in off-campus study;
- the student is on disciplinary probation in the term preceding off-campus study or will not be in good disciplinary standing at the time of participating in off-campus study; and/or
- the student has a demonstrated history of behavioral issues inappropriate for off-campus study.
In exceptional circumstances, final determination of eligibility can be made by petitioning the Faculty Subcommittee on Administration for academic matters only.
Applications for off-campus study are evaluated using the following criteria:
- The proposed program represents a well-defined continuation of the curricular and pedagogical goals of a Lawrence liberal arts education and the individual student’s academic plan. This may include, but is not limited to:
- opportunities to apply, extend, and/or develop specific academic or intellectual skills in a different educational, cultural, or linguistic context;
- opportunities to pursue specific independent research; and/or
- opportunities to apply, extend, and/or develop other kinds of on-campus learning in a different academic, cultural, or linguistic context.
- The student’s record shows evidence of college-level preparation and academic achievement appropriate to the proposed program.
- In situations where Lawrence limits participation, qualified students proposing their first off-campus program will be given priority over qualified students proposing participation in an additional program.
Off-campus study approval wait lists
In order to budget effectively for the institutional costs associated with off-campus study, Lawrence may establish an annual cap on the number of students who may participate in affiliated programs. If there are more suitable applicants than the annual cap allows the Off-Campus Programs Committee to support, a waiting list will be created based upon a combination of seniority and other relevant academic and application factors.
Program capacity for Lawrence-sponsored programs (the London Centre and internship spaces, in particular) can be limited. In the case of the London Centre, if there are more suitable applicants than there are available spaces for a given term, some students maybe shifted to their second-choice term based upon relevant factors. In situations where such accommodations cannot be made, a waiting list ranked according to the same criteria as above will be maintained for each over-subscribed term.
Financial aid and off-campus study
To promote equitable access to off-campus study, Lawrence University provides financial assistance to students who wish to participate in one of Lawrence's approved off-campus programs by allowing Lawrence institutional financial aid to apply.
Off-campus program charges and financial aid
Lawrence University students participating in Lawrence-approved off-campus programs will be billed regular Lawrence tuition for programs equal in length to a Lawrence term or the off-campus program’s semester tuition for programs longer than 12 weeks. If the program tuition is higher than the applicable Lawrence term or off-campus semester tuition, the student will be billed the differential tuition amount. In addition to tuition and in lieu of on-campus room and board, Lawrence University students will be billed the program fee assessed by the off-campus program they are attending. The program fee typically covers all or a portion of housing and food expenses and may include costs for local transportation, excursions, etc.
Tuition benefit programs (LU Tuition Remission, ACM TREP, and Tuition Exchange) apply toward affiliated off-campus program participation according to the same practices as institutional gift aid.
Additional cost information
The cost for some off-campus study programs may be greater than the cost of studying for the same period of time on campus, and a student should also consider out-of-pocket expenses when selecting a program. Any student considering off-campus study is encouraged to meet with the Financial Aid office, which has comprehensive cost estimates for all Lawrence-approved programs.
Any student who will need financial assistance to fund an off-campus study program should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible during the year preceding their proposed program. Even those who do not qualify for need-based aid may wish to investigate ways to offset the expense through either an unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan or a parental PLUS loan. Students considering these options should also submit the FAFSA.
Students are also encouraged to pursue outside scholarship opportunities to assist with the incremental cost of off-campus programs. Additional scholarships (LU-dedicated funding for study abroad, scholarships from program providers, and outside scholarships) are supplemental to the Lawrence financial aid award. See the off-campus study funding page for more information about scholarships and funding options for off-campus study.
Billing, deposits, & refunds
Students participating in LU-sponsored or affiliated off-campus programs are invoiced through their Lawrence student account for tuition and billable program fees.
Most programs require a confirmation deposit from students to officially accept their offer of admission. For affiliated programs, students pay this deposit directly to the program provider. Students accepted to a Lawrence-sponsored program will receive more information about this confirmation deposit upon acceptance. The deposit for an affiliated or sponsored program cannot be billed to a student's Lawrence student account.
Lawrence honors the refund, cancellation, and withdrawal policies of our partner institutions. Once a student accepts placement in a program, the program provider begins preparation for their participation. If, after a student commits to a program, they withdraw or do not participate for any reason, most program providers hold the individual student accountable for some or all of the costs incurred on their behalf. Students should make themselves aware of the policies of the organization providing their program.
Mandatory international health and evacuation insurance
Students participating on a Lawrence-sponsored or affiliated international off-campus program are required to carry the Lawrence University international health and evacuation insurance policy administered by Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI). The only exception to this requirement is for students on programs provided by IES, who will not be enrolled in the LU group coverage through CISI. It is presumed that this coverage is in addition to whatever medical insurance coverage the student already holds, and it has been factored into the comprehensive cost estimates for the international off-campus study programs.
CISI insurance coverage starts three days before the program start date and extends one week beyond the program end date to allow time for travel to and from the program. As this coverage is valid only outside the United States, all students are strongly encouraged to maintain their health insurance coverage in the United States in the event of their unexpected return due to a health emergency.
The Off-Campus Programs office automatically enrolls students in the CISI insurance. The fee (currently $51.25 per month of coverage) is charged to the student’s Lawrence account along with the program fees.
Student travel to countries or areas with heightened risk
Lawrence University supports international travel as an essential means of providing invaluable learning opportunities for our students. We recognize, though, that international travel involves the potential for risks which may or may not be present within the United States. Lawrence strongly recommends that all students familiarize themselves with the travel information available from the U.S. State Department and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) websites. In particular, students should carefully consider the information included in State Department travel advisories and alerts for the country in which they are pursuing off-campus study and/or for any other country to which they are planning to travel during their time abroad. Please note the difference between State Department travel advisory levels, which range from 1 to 4.
Lawrence will cancel a Lawrence-sponsored program, will withdraw its approval for study on a Lawrence-affiliated program, and will not provide funding or support for travel to a country or area of a country if a State Department level 4 travel advisory is in place for the host country or area. Any student travel to a country or area with a State Department level 3 travel advisory and/or a CDC level 3 travel warning must be proposed and approved through the exemption petition process outlined below. Lawrence does not support students participating in off-campus study programs or international travel in countries with these levels of caution. Any student intending to travel to a country with an overall State Department level 1 or 2 travel advisory but with level 3 or 4 areas/regions within the country must provide a separate signed statement declaring that the student will not enter those areas.
Lawrence reserves the right to cancel support of travel based on extenuating circumstances. If cancellation is necessary, the institution will work to provide alternate programming when feasible. Withdrawal of approval for an affiliated program bars a student from receiving Lawrence credit for the program and from applying institutional financial aid or funding to the program costs.
In order to make certain that a student may make an informed decision regarding participation in a program, the issue of potential loss of Lawrence approval for an affiliated program will be brought to the student’s attention as far in advance of the program start date as is feasible. This policy applies to students attending programs where such a warning or advisory level is in place before the program begins (even if there may not have been such a warning or alert for the host country when the student applied and/or was accepted to the program).
Students or faculty travel leaders who have a compelling educational reason for student travel to such countries may submit a petition for an individual exemption from this policy through the Off-Campus Programs office. Information about this petition process is available below.
In the event that an advisory or alert of this level is instituted while a student is in-country, Lawrence will consider the situation to determine if program participation should continue, be adapted, or be suspended. Lawrence will be in contact with impacted students and work with the travel assistance service of the international insurance that is required of all students traveling internationally with Lawrence support. Security evacuations are highly unusual, and the travel assistance company determines whether a political, security, natural disaster, or medical evacuation is necessary. If emergency evacuation becomes necessary, Lawrence will work with the evacuation service and impacted students to coordinate this. If a student refuses to comply with an evacuation, the University maintains the right to withdraw financial support and may institute disciplinary action.
The authority to cancel Lawrence support of international travel to particular countries according to this policy can be exercised by the provost or delegate, director of off-campus programs, or vice president for student life or delegate. When possible, these parties will confer and come to a decision in consultation with each other. In circumstances necessitating a quick response, this decision may be made by one or two of these parties.
Exemption petition process
Lawrence considers the health and safety of student participants to be the highest priority. Petitions for exemption to the Policy on Student Travel to Countries with Heightened Risk will be thoroughly considered. Petitions will be reviewed by a committee that includes the director of off-campus programs, the provost or delegate, the vice president for student life or delegate, and university counsel when necessary. The committee will (1) review plans to ensure individual safety while traveling in a country with this level of warning, and (2) determine whether Lawrence will support travel to this area in light of the risks of the location.
Student travel to a country or area of a country with a State Department level 3 travel advisory and/or CDC level 3 travel warning is allowed only with an approved exemption granted through this exemption process. A petition for an exemption for travel to a country or area of a country with a State Department level 4 travel advisory will be considered only in instances of an international student seeking support to travel to their home country and should follow the exemption proposal process.
The petition for exemption should be submitted to the Off-Campus Programs office along with all supporting materials as far in advance as possible and no later than six weeks before the proposed travel. Standard practice is that the committee will make a decision within two weeks of submission. If an exemption is granted, all paperwork to register international travel and make arrangements for insurance enrollment will follow the regular timelines. If an exemption is granted, each participant will be required to review, sign, and return an additional ‘Assumption of Risk for Travel to Countries with Heightened Risk’ form.
If the petition for an exemption is not approved, the student or group will not be allowed to travel to the country with Lawrence advice, support, credit, or funding. Permission for travel with Lawrence sponsorship or support may be denied at any time, and decisions may be reversed if the political climate or security situation changes after a petition for exemption is initially granted.
ISA Buenos Aires offers a broad curriculum that includes a focus on Argentine and Latin American studies. Students may select from courses designed specifically for foreign students and, in the case of students with advanced fluency in Spanish, from the regular course offerings at the University of Belgrano. In this latter case, classes are taught by Argentine faculty and classmates are regular Argentine university students. The Latin American Studies option, however, is intended for students with intermediate and advanced Spanish who have an interest in the political, social, economic, and cultural aspects of Argentina.
Duration: Summer, Year, Semester
Previous language study required.
IES Vienna - European Society and Culture offers a broad curriculum in the humanities and social sciences. Students participating on this program take one required German language course and then choose from English-taught or German-taught area studies courses in a range of subjects, including art history, business, history, political science, psychology, and more! Students with advanced German proficiency may also choose to pursue integrated study at the Universität Wien.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study is required.
IES Vienna - Music offers a comprehensive music curriculum featuring individual music instruction, history, and theory, as well as a Music Performance Workshop (audition required) and music-related internship options. Along with music, students take German language instruction and can choose additional electives from a broad range of area studies courses in the humanities and social studies. Most area studies courses are taught in English, but students with advanced German proficiency may also choose to pursue integrated study at the Universität Wien.
Duration: Semester
No language pre-requisite. Students registering for the Music Performance Workshop must audition on-site.
Programs Offered: Arts and Sciences; Community Public Health. The CIEE program in Botswana provides experience in Sub-Saharan Africa for students from a range of backgrounds, offering direct university enrollment options at the University of Botswana. Students can choose from two tracks of this program: Arts and Sciences or Community Public Health. Students in the Arts and Sciences track take courses at the University of Botswana from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds. There is also an internship option for students in a wide array of fields. Community Public Health students take some courses at the local university in addition to CIEE courses focused on public health and a community health practicum.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study required. Minimum GPA of 2.75.
Program Focus: Politics, Social Justice, and Language. IES Santiago offers an opportunity to pursue Spanish language study, Spanish-taught elective courses, integrated study at the Universidad de Chile or the Pontificia Universidad Católica, and internships. Students are placed in a home stay to facilitate language development and cultural immersion.
Duration: Year, Semester
Completion of Spanish 202 or equivalent.
Focus: Perspectives on Contemporary China. The CET Shanghai program gives students without previous Chinese language background an opportunity to explore a range of topics in Shanghai, with particular strength in the Social Sciences. The program includes housing in dormitories with local roommates, an internship in a wide array of fields, and elective classes. The program is located at Donghua University’s downtown Shanghai campus.
Duration: Summer, Year, Semester
No previous language study required. Minimum GPA of 3.0
Costa Rica
This program is offered at a field station in the community of Atenas, located along the Rio Grande River in the Central Valley. Students enroll in four courses, each of which includes extensive field study and makes use of guest lecturers and opportunities to interact with the host community. The program provides environmental studies majors who wish to focus on policy issues with an opportunity to study the challenges that developing countries face as they attempt to increase prosperity while striving for levels of sustainable development that preserve natural resources.
Duration: Summer, Semester
No previous language study required. At least one college-level course in ecology, biology, or environmental studies/science required.
MSID seeks to engage students in an environment of reciprocal learning concerning local and global problems with a particular focus on development issues. This program allows students interested in the theoretical and practical implications of international development and social justice to study firsthand the challenges faced by developing countries. Students gain hands-on experience by participating in a community-based internship in addition to program coursework. Students are placed in homestays to facilitate language development and community integration.
Duration: Year, Semester
Spanish 202 or the equivalent required. Applicants must have junior or senior status during the program.
IES Quito offers the opportunity for students to explore and study Spanish in an Andean location. Students in the Area Studies and Language track pursue Spanish language study, Spanish-taught IES elective courses, and have the option of integrating study at a local partner university. Students with advanced language skills can take part in the Direct Enrollment track where students take their full course load in the local university. Students may also pursue internships. Students are placed in a home stay to facilitate language development and cultural immersion. Note: Lawrence is not affiliated with the Galapagos program.
Duration: Year, Semester
Minimum of Spanish 202 or equivalent. For Direct Enrollment track of the program, students will need to have completed two to three classes beyond Spanish 202.
The American University in Cairo (AUC) is a liberal arts institution and a premier English-language university in the Arab world. This direct enrollment study abroad program offers content courses in English in a range of disciplines while also offering high-quality Arabic instruction. While it is suggested that students have some experience with Arabic before attending this program, this is not required and students with an interest in the Middle East from a variety of academic backgrounds will find courses from AUC's course offerings. Courses are available for Anthropology, Arabic, Art History, Government, and Religious Studies students.
Duration: Summer, Year, Semester
No previous language study required. Minimum GPA of 3.0. Most participants are juniors or seniors but applications for sophomore year are considered.
Currently, the United States Department of State lists Egypt as a Level 3 Travel Advisory overall. This can impact travel. Please contact the Off-Campus Programs Office for more information.
With intensive, immersion-based Russian language instruction in Tallinn, Estonia, this program provides approximately 20 hours per week of in-class instruction in Russian grammar, phonetics, conversation, and cultural studies. Participants will also complete coursework in the history and culture of Estonia and may elect to enroll in Estonian language study. Program features include homestays, weekly excursions, travel to other regions outside the host city, conversation partners, and a wide range of opportunities to volunteer, pursue hobbies and personal interests in a Russian-language context. Participants receive academic credit for the program and coursework may include such subjects as literature, history, political science, and contemporary society. All courses are taught in Russian by expert faculty with experience teaching foreign students.
Duration: Summer, Year, Semester
At least two semesters of college-level Russian language instruction or the equivalent.
Minimum GPA of 2.7
IES Nantes offers students the opportunity to combine French language study, French-taught area studies courses offered by the program, integrated study at l'Université de Nantes, and internship opportunities. Students are placed in a home stay to facilitate language development and cultural immersion.
Duration: Year, Semester
French 202 or equivalent required.
IES Paris offers students the opportunity to combine French language study, French-taught area studies courses offered by the program, internship opportunities, and integrated study at l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, l'Université Paris VIII, or l'Institut Catholique. Music students may pursue performance and/or content study at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris/Alfred Cortot. Students are placed in a home stay to facilitate language development and cultural immersion. Note: Lawrence is not affiliated with the "Business and International Affairs" program.
Duration: Year, Semester
French 202 or equivalent required.
Study Russian at a variety of levels in an immersion environment, while also learning about the histories, cultures, and geopolitical realities of the countries of the Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) in English-language classes.
Duration: Summer, Semester
GPA 2.5 or higher
IES Freiburg offers students the opportunity to combine German language study, German-taught area studies courses offered by the program, integrated study at the Albert-Ludwigs Universität, and internship opportunities. Note: Lawrence is not affiliated with the "Freiburg Environmental Studies" program.
Duration: Year, Semester
German 202 or equivalent required.
IES Berlin offers advanced students the opportunity to combine German language study, German-taught area studies courses offered by the program, integrated study at the Humboldt Universität, and internship opportunities. Note: Lawrence is not affiliated with the "Metropolitan Studies" program.
Duration: Year, Semester
German 202 or equivalent required.
IES European Union: Politics, Law & Economics offers students an opportunity to study the on-going development of the European Union (EU). In addition to a core seminar and a German language class, students pursue elective courses in one of three tracks: economics, political science, or international relations. Students travel approximately 22 days to gain exposure to the European Union and beyond. Each new country allows you to develop an understanding of the European Union, its history, and its institutions. In addition, students participate in a weekend-long model EU simulation. Internship opportunities are also available.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study is required.
The CIEE program in Ghana gives students from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds an opportunity to study in a Sub-Saharan African, urban setting at the University of Ghana which is the oldest and largest university in the country. CIEE Ghana offers a variety of opportunities for students who wish to study and engage with their location through an internship or conducting an independent study.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study required. Minimum GPA of 2.5 required. It is recommended that students have taken college-level courses related to African Studies.
The College Year in Athens offers courses in English focusing on Ancient Greece but also offers many classes on pre-historic, classical, post-classical, Byzantine, and modern Greece. In addition to offering courses useful to classics majors, the CYA curriculum includes offerings that would interest students of art history, archaeology, and Near East culture and history. All courses make full use of the resources available in Athens, with many of the classes conducted wholly or in part in museums or at historic sites. CYA regularly draws on the broad range of European and U.S. scholars pursuing research in Athens to offer lectures and colloquia at the CYA facility.
Duration: Summer, Year, Semester
No previous language study required.
This program allows students to study mathematics and mathematics education with eminent Hungarian instructors in Budapest. Hungary has a long tradition of excellence in mathematics education. The Budapest Semester in Mathematics track provides advanced mathematics coursework. The Budapest Semester in Mathematics Education track of this program allows students to combine mathematics courses from the BSM track with education methods classes and observation opportunities. All classes are taught in English. Classes are small and are held on the College International campus of the Technical University Budapest near the city center.
See as well as the main program URL.
Duration: Summer, Semester
No previous language study required. Applicants in the Mathematics track must have completed at least one semester of Abstract Algebra or Real Analysis (a first course in the Theory of Analysis) prior to attending the program.
Summer@BSME is a six-week summer program in Budapest, Hungary, designed for undergraduates interested in the learning and teaching of secondary mathematics. Participants take a variety of courses in mathematics education and complete a week-long field experience. Students can experience Hungarian pedagogy, which is based on guided discovery - emphasizing problem solving, creativity, and communication, as well as the rich and vibrant culture of Hungary.
Duration: Summer
Explore and study Buddhism in India through interdisciplinary courses and Buddhist meditation traditions. At the heart of the Buddhist Studies in India program is the desire to allow students to explore this subject from as many different points of view as possible. Western academic models are systematically used in the core courses, while Buddhist philosophies are tested in the Meditation Traditions course. Students take courses in philosophy, Buddhist culture, and language. All students conduct rigorous independent research in the field. The program is located in Bodh Gaya which is a unique pilgrimage center in northern India.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study required.
Study at the well-regarded Gaiety School of Acting provides a valuable opportunity for a theatre arts major to experience a semester focused on the craft of acting. The school provides conservatory-like professional training taught by local acting instructors. Students take courses in contemporary Irish drama, improvisation, acting, and voice and movement for the stage. Students also attend plays and take part in related field trips and cultural events.
Duration: Semester
Applicants must be Theatre Arts or English majors or minors, have junior or senior standing by the beginning of the program and have an appropriate amount of theatre arts coursework completed. Final admission decisions rest with the Gaiety School.
Based in Rome, the ICCS offers a curriculum exploring classical Roman civilization. The core seminar, The Ancient City, explores aspects of Roman archaeology and topography, as well as the social and urban history of Rome and Roman civilization. Students also choose elective courses from offerings in ancient history and archaeology, Latin literature, and ancient art. Weekly field trips to sites in and near Rome supplement the coursework.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study required. This program is designed for students majoring in classics, classical history, archaeology, or art history with strong classical interests and background. All applicants should have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Previous study of Latin and the classical Roman civilization is strongly advised.
The IES Milan - Music: Voice, Composition, and Instrumental program offers an opportunity to combine highly customized musical instruction with beginning and intermediate language study and area-studies courses taught in English.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study is required. Approved only for B.Mus. and B.A. Music students to pursue music study.
ISA Rome offers students the opportunity to enroll at the American University of Rome. Courses are available to students in a variety of areas, including humanities, arts, sciences, computer science, history, literature, and language (with an emphasis on Italian and the classics). However, students should only select courses that are appropriate to the Lawrence curriculum. All courses are taught in English, and there is no language prerequisite, but a basic knowledge of Italian is encouraged and enrollment in Italian coursework during your time there is encouraged. Students are housed in shared apartments in neighborhoods close to the university campus.
Duration: Summer, Year, Semester
Previous language study is encouraged but not required.
Offering a unique blend of academic guidance and experiential learning, the program combines dynamic studio-based classes with immersive field trips to help students develop a deep understanding of the artistic process and cultivate their own unique and creative voice. On this program, students will refine their painting, drawing, sculpture, and digital media skills.
Paired with electives offered in such varied disciplines as business, STEM, humanities, and more, as well as excursions meant to delve deeper into Italian culture, this offers a very well-rounded program for art and art history students.
At this time only curricular concentrations in Art History or Studio Art are approved.
Duration: Year, Semester
The IES Nagoya, Japan program offers a direct enrollment opportunity through Nanzan University's Center for Japanese Studies, where students will choose between a Modern Japanese track or an Intensive Japanese track. Aside from language study, both tracks also offer students English-taught area studies courses, elective arts classes, and Japanese-taught seminar courses. Advanced-level Japanese language courses are available.
Duration: Year, Semester
1 semester of college-level Japanese; enrollment in a Japanese course in the last year
This ACM/GLCA program places students at Waseda University's School of International Liberal Studies in Tokyo, pursuing language study and English-taught Asian studies elective courses. A family-living experience in Tokyo and a month-long cultural internship provides an invaluable education in Japanese culture.
Duration: Year, Semester
At least one term of Japanese study is required, and preference is given to applicants who will be participating during their junior year. Selection is competitive and a minimum GPA of 3.0 strictly required.
This program has an early application deadline of November 7, 2024, for any term during the 2025-2026 academic year.
IES Tokyo offers an opportunity to study Japanese language and culture. Japanese language courses through Kanda University, English-taught program elective courses, and an integrated seminar and field experience introduce students to Japanese social organization. Students are placed in a home stay to facilitate language development.
Duration: Year, Semester
Previous language study is not required though it is strongly recommended. Program requires a minimum 3.0 GPA, although GPAs under this requirement may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The AMIDEAST Area & Arabic Language Studies program in Amman, Jordan provides students with an immersive cultural and academic experience in Jordan as well as opportunities to explore a variety of topics related to the Middle East. Students take Arabic language classes available at all proficiency levels and elective classes in a variety of subject areas. This program offers content courses taught in English from a range of disciplines while also offering high-quality Arabic instruction. Students can opt to take the community-based learning course which places students in local organizations and workplace settings.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study required.
Bishkek: Central Asian Studies provides an intensive study of the fascinating region of Central Asia, combining intensive Russian as a Second Language with a range of language, linguistics, and regional studies courses.
If you have at least four semesters of Russian language, you may be able to replace some language credits with Russian language electives or other Central Asian language electives, such as Kyrgyz, Kazakh, or Arabic.
The semester program addresses geopolitics, history, and culture and includes a two-week travel program to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Duration: Semester
The Madagascar Semester through Stony Brook University offers students interested in anthropology, tropical biology, primatology, or ecology an option for field study in biodiverse Ranomafana National Park at the Centre ValBio research station.
During the program, students enroll in courses that allow for the study of primatology, the comparison of ecosystems in Madagascar, culture and language of Madagascar, and an Independent Study. Further information about Centre ValBio and the program is available:….
Duration: Semester
No previous language study is required. This program is open to juniors and seniors, though, well qualified sophomores may be considered.
The AMIDEAST Area & Arabic Language Studies program in Rabat, Morocco provides students with an immersive cultural and academic experience in Morocco as well as opportunities to explore a variety of topics related to the Middle East. Students take Arabic language classes available at all proficiency levels and elective classes in a variety of subject areas. This program offers content courses taught in English from a range of disciplines while also offering high-quality Arabic instruction. Students live in a homestay.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study is required. Most participants will be juniors or seniors, though, applications for sophomore year are considered as well.
Since 1984, Women’s and Gender Studies in Europe has offered students a unique opportunity to explore feminist and queer theory in practice across Western and East Central Europe. Interaction with academics, politicians, activists, and homestay hosts encourages comparative approaches to independent research projects. Students explore the culture and history of Amsterdam, Utrecht, Berlin, and Prague throughout the program.
Duration: Semester
One course relevant to the program, e.g., Gender Studies, Women’s Studies, psychology or sociology course in identity, may be required depending on course level selection.
Rolling applications accepted starting in mid-February for the program itself. LU OCP application due in January.
Music students may apply to the prestigious Amsterdam School of Music which offers a highly-individualized course of study. Musical training through this program is facilitated and administered by IES. As a large conservatory in the Netherlands, the Amsterdam School of Music takes advantage of the city's established reputation in both classical and contemporary music. The school is dedicated to high standards of teaching, performing, and creating music. Music students participating in this program should be strong in performance, composition, and/or theory and have the motivation and intention to succeed in this individualized and rigorous environment.
Duration: Year, Semester
No previous language study required. Applicants must be music majors and have junior or senior standing by the beginning of the program. Audition and additional application material required. Final admission decisions rest with the Amsterdam School of Music. Admission to this program is competitive.
Students take courses at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) which is known for its strong science programs, particularly global health, biomedicine, and neuroscience, as well as offering courses in psychology, earth sciences, and other areas. Students have the option of taking elective courses taught through IES’s Study Abroad center. VU courses are taught in English.
Duration: Year, Semester
No previous language study is required. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required. Junior or senior standing at time of program.
The IES Amsterdam: Social Sciences and Humanities program combines coursework at the prestigious Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) with courses taken at the IES Abroad Center. With a strong focus on internationalism, the UvA offers a wide range of courses in many areas of study, including Conflict & Cultural Diversity, Globalization & International
Relations, Migration Studies, and Sociology. At the IES Abroad Center, you will choose from offerings in Art History, Studio Art, Gender Studies, Dutch language, and other subjects taught by international faculty from diverse backgrounds and disciplines.
Duration: Year, Semester
No previous language study is required. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required. Junior or senior standing at time of program.
New Zealand
IES Auckland offers students the opportunity for integrated study at the University of Auckland. The university offers courses in a wide variety of disciplines, with especially strong programs in anthropology, natural science, and environmental science. While courses are available in a variety of areas, students should only select courses that are applicable to the Lawrence curriculum.
Duration: Semester
Republic of Korea
In the Seoul, South Korea program you will direct enroll in Yonsei University, one of South Korea’s leading universities, which offers over 500 classes taught in English. As a student at Yonsei you will have the opportunity to continue courses in the Liberal Arts; pursue Korean language and culture classes; and even study business, science, and much more.
Duration: Year, Semester
This biennial program in Dakar, Senegal, introduces students to Western African culture. Organized by the Lawrence French department in conjunction with the Baobab Center, participants, accompanied by a Lawrence professor, study the French and Wolof languages, Senegalese history and culture, and Francophone African literature and may arrange individual music lessons. The academic program is supplemented by local excursions, a stay in a rural village, and field trips to other parts of the country and region.
Duration: Term
Completion of French 202 or the equivalent. The course Destination Dakar is required in the term preceding the seminar term.
Application deadline in Winter Term the year preceding the seminar term.
This ISA program offers Spanish majors a classroom-based program with courses largely taught through the University of Granada program for foreigners. Based on the results of a placement exam administered on site, "advanced" students choose from courses, principally in the humanities, offered through the University of Granada Hispanic studies program. Students who do not pass the placement exam, usually students with "high intermediate" to "low advanced" language skills, may choose from a more limited curriculum in the Spanish Language and Culture program.
Duration: Summer, Year, Semester, Term
Completion of Spanish 202 or equivalent required. In order to gain admittance to the Hispanic Studies program, students will most likely need to have completed two to three classes beyond Spanish 202.
IES Salamanca offers Spanish-taught courses focusing on Iberian culture, comparative studies of the Mediterranean Basin, and comparative studies of Spain and Latin America. The majority of students combine program courses with study at the Universidad de Salamanca. The program also offers education and political internships. Students may take courses in Spanish or English, depending on their abilities.
Duration: Summer, Year, Semester
Spanish 202 or the equivalent required for this program.
CET Taiwan combines intensive Chinese language classes with either an English-taught elective or a customized internship opportunity. Internships are offered in both Chinese and English-speaking environments. Students will live with Taiwanese roommates in Taipei for a fully immersive experience that balances life in the city with quick access to nature.
Duration: Summer, Semester
Ecology and Anthropology in Tanzania combines field research with cultural immersion in East Africa and is designed to help students learn about the centrality, the methods, and the rewards of field work in both the social and natural sciences. Over the course of the program, students will live with local host families in the Usa River community near Arusha and take classes in ecology, cultural anthropology, and Swahili. Excursions and field trips to sites such as local Maasai villages and national parks (Serengeti, Tarangire, and Mount Kilimanjaro) provide unique opportunities to learn about and interact with the people, wildlife, and landscape of Northern Tanzania. The culmination of the program is research conducted under the guidance of regional experts, with the goal of serving student scholarship and contributing to a larger community benefit in Tanzania.
Duration: Semester
No previous language study required.
United Kingdom
The Lawrence London Centre, established in 1970, plays a vital role in enhancing a student’s liberal arts education. By spending one term or longer at the London Centre, students gain a more global perspective and take what they learn in the classroom and apply it to a larger, world stage. London, as a cosmopolitan center of artistic, historical, political, and economic interest, becomes the classroom for students ready to take experiential learning to the next level.
Students of any major can learn something at the London Centre. Although courses vary each term, topics typically can include offerings in theatre arts, music history, anthropology, history, government, art history, literature, and more. London Centre courses do not have prerequisites and are open to all London Centre participants. Internships, music lessons, and independent study options are also available.
Duration: Term
United Kingdom
This program offers very strong students with an expressed interest in pursuing advanced study the opportunity to pursue focused study in a single subject area at one of six Oxford colleges: Hertford College, Lady Margaret Hall, Mansfield College (academic year only), St. Anne's College, St. Catherine's College, and St. Edmund Hall. Placements are available across the arts, sciences, and social sciences. This is an integrated program of study whereby Lawrence students participate in a given college's tutorial system alongside its degree-seeking students.
Duration: Year, Semester, Term
Minimum GPA of 3.7 (3.8 for Hertford College). Applicants must have junior or senior standing at the beginning of the program. This program is competitive; the final admission decision lies with the host university.
This program has an early application deadline of November 7, 2023, for any term during the 2024-2025 academic year.
United Kingdom
In this program, students will critically examine the work of justice, reconciliation, and repair while studying the historical, political and religious roots of the conflict in Northern Ireland, the prospects for peace, and the progress being made. While living in Derry-Londonderry, students will take classes and participate on a seven-week-long internship. This program is offered in partnership with Augsburg University.
Duration: Semester
United States
The Coe College Wilderness Field Station is a four-week summer program of biological field study in the Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota. Classes are small and personal, with no more than eight students per instructor. All courses integrate lectures and laboratory investigation with daily canoe outings. Each class undertakes a lengthy canoe trip into Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
Duration: Summer
United States
The Semester in Environmental Science is offered at the world-renowned Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Students participate in two core seminars focusing on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. They also choose an elective seminar and pursue an independent research project under the guidance of the MBL staff and faculty.
Duration: Semester
Applicants should have background in one Biology course, one Chemistry course, and one Math course. Students who are lacking in a given area may still qualify for admission to the program at the discretion of the on-campus faculty advisor and selection committee.
United States
Students seeking teacher certification can complete their student teaching practicum and seminar in the ethnically and culturally diverse urban Chicago environment. Placements are made in both public and private central-city Chicago schools. Students live in apartments located in Hyde Park, adjacent to the University of Chicago.
Duration: Summer, Semester
Interested students should talk with the education department about requirements for this program.
This program has an early application deadline. Be in touch with the education department to discuss the early deadline in fall term of the year prior to your proposed participation in this program.
United States
The Washington Semester enables students to participate in a thematic program of study at the American University in Washington, D.C. In addition to the core seminar, students pursue an internship related to the program topic and an independent study project. The Lawrence-approved program tracks are: American Politics, International Environment and Development, International Law and Organizations, Justice and Law, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Islam and World Affairs Foreign Policy, and Global Economics and Business.
Duration: Semester
United States
The New York Arts Program gives students of the visual arts, art history, performing arts, and film and media studies the opportunity to pursue their passion, learn from artists in their field, and explore the possibility of making a living from their art. In this fully immersive experience in New York City, students will have meaningful internships, individual advising, participate in a thematic seminar, enjoy program events, and develop a capstone project.
Students of the visual arts will further have the option of participating in a Studio Residency seminar. In this option, students will be provided with studio space for their use and have time to work on their art and develop their portfolio.
Duration: Semester
Open to artists of all kinds, including visual arts, art history, film, media, music, theatre, dance, writing, publishing and more!
United States
The SEA program is designed to develop in students a talent for the application of scientific thinking and method to the marine environment. This program gives undergraduates the opportunity to study the ocean from a variety of academic perspectives and to do it from the platform of a traditional sailing vessel. It is open to students in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. This is a unique opportunity for Lawrence students, scientists and non-scientists alike, to learn about maritime heritage (in art, literature, philosophy, and politics) and to develop the observational and investigative skills that grow from sustained attention to complex physical data. The 12-week program is divided into the Shore Component (the first six weeks) and the Sea Component (the remaining six weeks). No sailing experience is necessary.
Duration: Term
Some tracks of the program require past science coursework but many tracks do not -- students should check for prerequisites for their track of interest