2024-2025 Course Catalog

Please note: The information displayed here is current as of Saturday, March 29, 2025, but the official Course Catalog should be used for all official planning.

Health and Society

ProfessorsE. De Stasio (Biology, The Raymond H. Herzog Professor of Science) (on leave term(s) III), S. Debbert (Chemistry, chair)
Associate professorsI. Albrecht (Philosophy), M. Ansfield (Psychology), B. Jenike (Anthropology, Edward F. Mielke Professor of Ethics in Medicine, Science and Society), M. Jenike (Anthropology), J. Smith (Ethnic Studies)

As students build expertise in the social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences, the interdisciplinary minor in Health and Society will allow them to explore how social, cultural, biological, and environmental factors contribute to the complexities of individual and population health. Students will learn to recognize the complicating factors that affect the application of biomedicine to human health and will gain an understanding of the intersection of human health and social inequalities in both local and global contexts. 

The Health and Society minor is designed to augment pre-professional course work for any career in health care, including nursing, medicine, health care administration, public health, physical or occupational therapy, and genetic counseling. In addition to gaining facility with multiple disciplinary frameworks related to wellness, disability, and illness, students will be asked to explore and assess their own values, experiences, and skills relative to possible career paths within health care or public health. The courses in this minor will prepare students for meaningful lives of service with a broad liberal arts approach, which includes an understanding of the intersection of society, environment, and human health.

Required for the minor in health and society

The minor in health and society requires 6 1/3 courses or 5 1/3 courses + 100 hours of engaged learning.  Courses from three different departments are required to complete the minor (prerequisites for elective courses are indicated in parentheses):

  1. One course that places medical practice in a global or community setting:
    1. UNIC 202: Foundations of Global Health (sophomore standing)
    2. ANTH 342: Medical Anthropology (ANTH 110, 140, or 141)
    3. ETST 303: Race, Ethnicity, and Health (sophomore standing)
    4. PHIL 120: Biomedical Ethics
  2. Two of the following courses covering cultural and psychosocial aspects of health and illness or disability:
    1. ANTH 377: Culture and Aging (ANTH 110 or sophomore standing)
    2. ANTH 542: Anthropology and Public Health (junior standing and ANTH 342 or 340 or PHIL 120)
    3. ANTH 551: Anthropology of Biomedicine (junior standing and ANTH 342 or 200 or PHIL 120)
    4. ANTH 552: Disability and Culture (junior standing and ANTH 110 or 342 or PHIL 120)
    5. ENST 127: Environmental Justice and Citizenship
    6. PHIL 370: Advanced Studies in Bioethics (PHIL 120)
    7. PSYC 245: Health Psychology (sophomore standing; not to be taken by students taking PSYC 270)
    8. PSYC 250: Psychopathology (PSYC 100 or sophomore standing)
    9. PSYC 260: Developmental Psychology (PSYC 100 or sophomore standing)
    10. PSYC 335: Clinical Psychology (PSYC 281 and 250 or 290)
    11. PSYC 350: Psychopharmacology & Behavior (sophomore standing; 1 biology course recommended)
    12. Additional core course(s) from above: UNIC 202 or ANTH 342 or ETST 303
  3. Two courses in the biological, biochemical, or environmental basis of human health:
    1. ANTH 340: Human Biology, Evolution, and Health (ANTH 140, ANTH 141, ANTH 142, BIOL 135, BIOL 150, or consent of instructor)
    2. ANTH 344: Nutritional Anthropology (ANTH 140 or 141 or 142 or consent of instructor)
    3. BIOL 100: The Biology of Human Reproduction OR BIOL 103: Biotechnology & Society
    4. BIOL 222: Parasitology (BIOL 130 and 150)
    5. BIOL 226: Microbiology (BIOL 130 and 150)
    6. BIOL 260: Genetics (BIOL 130 or ANTH 140 or 141)
    7. BIOL 370: Human Physiology (BIOL 130 and 150)
    8. BIOL 430/431: Immunology (430: BIOL 130 and 150 and junior standing; 431: junior standing only)
    9. GEOS 125: Natural Hazards
    10. GEOS 213: Geology & Health – (GEOS 110, ENST 150, or CHEM 116)
    11. HESO 343: Understanding Diabetes: Causes, Consequences, Strategies (sophomore standing & one course in biology)
    12. UNIC 189: Introduction of Public Health and Epidemiology (First Year Studies)
  4. HESO 380: Health Career Exploration and Self-Reflection
  5. One additional elective from the lists above OR UNIC 301 OR Engaged Learning: a minimum of 100 hours of internship, paid employment, or volunteer work in the area of health care delivery, policy, or other work with vulnerable populations. This work need not be credit-bearing, but must be registered through The Career Center.

Students may wish to emphasize certain aspects of health and society.  For example, students with interests in gender and health would be well served to include one or more of the following courses: ANTH 342, PSYC 245, BIOL 260, and GEST 100. Those interested in Global Health issues should consider UNIC 189, UNIC 202, ETST 303, BIOL 222, GEOS 125 and GEOS 213.

Courses - Health and Society

BIOL 100: The Biology of Human Reproduction

An introductory course focusing on human reproduction to demonstrate some basic biological principles. The course includes discussion of cellular and organismal processes related to the development of human biological complexity. Current research in reproductive biology and its impact on the individual and society is considered. Lecture and laboratory. Primarily for non-science majors; credit not applicable to the biology major.
Units: 6
Also listed as Gender Studies 180

PHIL 120: Applied Ethics: Introduction to Biomedical Ethics

The course will examine moral dilemmas created or intensified by recent advances in medical technology and study ways of analyzing those dilemmas to make them more tractable. We will focus on examples such as euthanasia and the right to die, abortion, behavior modification, allocation of scarce medical resources, in vitro fertilization, genetic screening and engineering, and human experimentation. PREREQUISITES: Recommended for freshmen and sophomores
Units: 6
Also listed as Biomedical Ethics 120
Prerequisite: Recommended for freshmen and sophomores

GEOS 125: Natural Hazards

Natural disasters are commonplace and are becoming increasingly costly in terms of economic impact and loss of human life. Through readings, lectures, and interactive labs we examine the root causes of natural hazards such as landslides, flooding, earthquakes, and tsunamis. We consider also the role humans have in elevating common hazards into humanitarian disasters, including the potential impact of global climate change on future events.
Units: 6

ENST 127: Environmental Justice and Citizenship

Environmental degradation impacts some individuals and communities more than others: the poor, people of color, and certain nonhuman species and landscapes bear the brunt of our collective actions. This seminar pairs literary texts (novels, short stories and poems) with nonfiction essays on topics ranging from food production to indigenous rights. We will discuss and write about how these texts impact our understanding of fairness, justice, rights and responsibility.
Units: 6

HESO 189: Introduction to Public Health and Epidemiology

An introduction to the growing field of public health and core concepts in epidemiology. Students will discuss historical and current issues affecting the public’s health, including individuals in disadvantaged communities, and examine innovative solutions that cross diverse disciplines, such as the health sciences, computer science, government, music and theatre. Through hands-on activities, students will observe and experience public health and epidemiology in action. Lecture/discussion format. PREREQUISITES: First Year Studies
Units: 6
Also listed as University Courses 189
Prerequisite: First Year Studies

HESO 202: Foundations of Global Health

This course will introduce students to global health concepts, including the ways in which culture, values, and differing worldviews impact the socio-ecological determinants of health, globally and locally. Through the use of case studies, students will examine various international health systems, progress toward global health priorities and discover the importance of multi-sector partnerships to address the world’s pressing problems. Discussion/lecture format; writing, exams, and presentations. PREREQUISITE: Sophomore standing PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 6
Also listed as University Courses 202
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

GEOS 213: Geoenvironmental Health and Justice

A course investigating the links between geology and health, with a particular focus on issues of environmental justice. The course considers topics such as human lead exposure from soil and water, the links between air pollution and asthma, and environmental health concerns presented by a changing climate. PREREQUISITES: GEOL/GEOS 110, ENST 150, or CHEM 116
Units: 6
Also listed as Environmental Studies 202
Prerequisite: GEOL/GEOS 110, ENST 150, or CHEM 116

BIOL 226: Microbiology

A study of microbial life with an emphasis on prokaryotes. Microbial physiology is examined in the context of how unique characteristics allow microbes to exploit a vast diversity of environments, including the human body. Laboratory exercises introduce students to techniques used to safely study microorganisms. PREREQUISITES: BIOL 130 and BIOL 150, CHEM 116 recommended
Units: 6
Prerequisite: BIOL 130 and BIOL 150, CHEM 116 recommended

PSYC 245: Health Psychology

This course explores the link between mind and body from various psychological perspectives such as social, clinical, and psychobiological. We will survey the role of stress, emotion, self-regulation, and individual differences as predictors of health and illness. We also will examine assessment, diagnostic, treatment, and ethical issues in psychophysiological disorders. PREREQUISITES: PSYC 100 or sophomore standing
Units: 6
Also listed as Biomedical Ethics 245
Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or sophomore standing

PSYC 250: Psychopathology

A study of the major mental disorders. Theory and research into the origins of each disorder are examined from a variety of perspectives (psychoanalytic, biological, cognitive, behavioral, and humanistic). PREREQUISITES: PSYC 100 or sophomore standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or sophomore standing

BIOL 260: Genetics

A lecture and laboratory study of the principles of inheritance, gene expression, introductory genomics, sex determination, and the concepts of historical and modern eugenics and genetic engineering. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing and BIOL 130 or ANTH 141
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and BIOL 130 or ANTH 141

PSYC 260: Developmental Psychology

A study of the development of behavior and mental processes from conception through middle childhood. Topics include prenatal development, attachment, children’s language skills, social and cognitive development. A variety of theoretical perspectives are covered. PREREQUISITES: PSYC 100 or sophomore standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or sophomore standing

HESO 301: Digital Media and Communication for Public Health

This course will focus on the role of communication theory in public health and examine the impact of digital media (apps, social media, VR) on health and health behavior change. Students will also learn techniques for applying communication strategies and marketing concepts to public health practice and apply those to create communication outputs that will support the work of a local organization. Discussion/Lecture format. PREREQUISITES: Junior Standing
Units: 6
Also listed as University Courses 301
Prerequisite: Junior Standing

ETST 303: Race, Ethnicity and Health

The aim of this course is to introduce students to important health issues that different racial and ethnic communities face. The course will explore in-depth a range of issues relating to racial and ethnic health disparities and it will analyze these issues via structural, systemic and cultural frameworks.
Units: 6

PSYC 335: Clinical Psychology

This course focuses on the assessment and treatment of mental disorders. Each of the major approaches to conducting psychotherapy (e.g., psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, etc.) is examined. Students also start developing their clinical assessment skills. PREREQUISITES: PSYC 250 or 290
Units: 6
Prerequisite: PSYC 281 and PSYC 250 or 290

ANTH 340: Human Biology, Evolution, and Health

Students will develop an understanding of modern human biology as the outcome of interactions between evolved genomes and the myriad environments in which we are born, develop and live out our lives. Topics of study will include evolutionary approaches to reproduction, growth and development, health, behavior, adaptation, and life history. PREREQUISITES: ANTH 140, BIOL 150, or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: PREREQUISITES: ANTH 140, BIOL 150, or consent of instructor

ANTH 342: Medical Anthropology

An introduction to the comparative, cross-cultural study of health, healing, and beliefs about the body and illness. Topics covered include: (1) biocultural approaches to understanding health; (2) social determinants of health (how social inequalities become embodied); (3) medical systems, including biomedicine, as cultural systems of knowledge and practice; (4) the social construction of illness and health; and (5) an introduction to global health. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing, and ANTH 110, 140 or 141
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, and ANTH 110, 140 or 141

HESO 343: Understanding Diabetes: Causes, Consequences, Strategies

Investigation of diabetes types in their genetic, evolutionary, pathophysiological, cultural, social, and public health dimensions serves as a model for holistic study of human health. Research-based group projects flow from students' interests with an emphasis on achieving interdisciplinary understandings of diabetes. Skill development in information literacy, collaborative inquiry, and effective communication. Weekly assessments, research-based group projects, individual final project; brief lectures, discussion, small group work. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing, one course in Biology
Units: 6
Also listed as Anthropology 343
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, one course in Biology

ANTH 344: Nutritional Anthropology

This course provides a basic introduction to human nutrition. It then considers the evolution of human nutrition through the study of primate nutrition and the putative diets of human ancestors. Finally, it considers anthropological approaches to understanding cross-cultural, intracultural, and life-cycle variation in modern human nutrition. PREREQUISITES: ANTH 140, 141 or 142 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ANTH 140, 141 or 142 or consent of instructor

PSYC 350: Psychopharmacology and Behavior

An interdisciplinary examination of the ways in which behaviorally active drugs exert their effects, drawing on research in pharmacology, psychology, biochemistry, anatomy, and neurophysiology. Provides an understanding and appreciation of the role of behaviorally active drugs in people’s lives, today and in the past. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing; at least one prior biology course recommended
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing; at least one prior biology course recommended

BIOL 370: Human Physiology

An examination of how the body maintains homeostasis. The various physiological systems (e.g., respiratory and cardiovascular) will be studied at multiple levels of organization, from molecular and cellular to the macroscopic. This course is primarily aimed at students entering the health sciences. The course will have both lectures and a laboratory component. PREREQUISITES: BIOL 150
Units: 6
Prerequisite: BIOL 150

PHIL 370: Advanced Studies in Bioethics

A seminar examining one particular issue or set of issues in bioethics. PREREQUISITES: PHIL 120 or two courses in philosophy
Units: 6
Also listed as Biomedical Ethics 370
Prerequisite: PHIL 120 or two courses in philosophy

ANTH 377: Culture and Aging

This course uses ethnographic studies from a range of societies to understand how the experience of aging throughout the life course not only differs cross-culturally, but also within the same society over time in response to increased longevity and biomedical advances. Of particular concern will be cultural constructions of health, well-being, disability, and dependency, including in-depth analysis of aging in Asia. PREREQUISITES: ANTH 110 or sophomore standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ANTH 110 or sophomore standing

HESO 380: Health Career Exploration and Self-Reflection

This course will use discussion, alumni visits, and self-reflection through which students will engage in a process of exploration of careers in health care, broadly defined (ranging from medicine, physical therapy, other allied health careers, public health, and health-care related fields such as health care administration). Students will learn self-reflection and discernment based on their values and personal strengths. PREREQUISITES: sophomore standing
Units: 2
Prerequisite: sophomore standing

BIOL 430: Immunology

This course will cover the basic concepts of immunology, including differentiation of immune cells, antibody structure and function, antigen-antibody reactions, the major-histocompatibility complex, the complement system, immune responses to pathogens, allergies and auto-immune diseases, and comparative immunology. The course will also examine recent advances in the field through current peer-reviewed publications. The weekly laboratory will examine the basic questions, experimental subjects, and procedures of the field. PREREQUISITES: BIOL 130, BIOL 150, and junior standing; or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: BIOL 130, BIOL 150, and junior standing; or consent of instructor

BIOL 431: Immunology (lecture only)

This course will cover the basic concepts of immunology, including differentiation of immune cells, antibody structure and function, antigen-antibody reactions, the major-histocompatibility complex, the complement system, immune responses to pathogens, allergies and auto-immune diseases and comparative immunology. The course will also examine recent advances in the field through current peer-reviewed publications. Lecture only. PREREQUISITES: BIOL 130, BIOL 150, and junior standing; or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: BIOL 130, BIOL 150, and junior standing; or consent of instructor

ANTH 542: Anthropology and Public Health

This advanced discussion seminar considers applied critical medical anthropology's contributions, in terms of theory, research, and practice, to addressing community and global health concerns. With a political-economic framework, we will focus on the social determinants of health and how both macrostructural forces and local conditions have to be considered for effective health development. Reading response papers, final research paper and presentation. PREREQUISITES: ANTH 342 or ANTH 340 or BIET 120; and junior or senior standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ANTH 342 or ANTH 340 or BIET 120; and junior or senior standing

ANTH 551: Anthropology of Biomedicine

This advanced seminar, for students who have already had an introduction to medical anthropology or to poststructural anthropological theory, draws from critical theory and ethnographic research to study biomedicine as a system of knowledge and social practice, including discussion of the radical societal changes and ethical debates arising from the global application of biomedical technologies. Response papers, final research paper and presentation. PREREQUISITES: ANTH 342, 200 or BIET 120,and junior or senior standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ANTH 342, 200 or BIET 120,and junior or senior standing

ANTH 552: Disability and Culture

Disability is a social and lived category fundamental to human experience. This advanced discussion seminar draws from experiential, reflexive, phenomenological, and critical approaches in cultural and medical anthropology to cross-culturally explore the subjectivities of perceived disabilities in both local and global worlds. Topics may include: autism, learning disabilities, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, chronic pain, d/Deaf culture, and other categories of social impairment. Papers, research paper and presentation. PREREQUISITES: ANTH 110 or ANTH 342, or BIET 120, and junior or or senior standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: ANTH 110 or ANTH 342, or BIET 120, and junior or or senior standing