2024-2025 Course Catalog

Please note: The information displayed here is current as of Thursday, March 6, 2025, but the official Course Catalog should be used for all official planning.

Conservatory of Music

ProfessorsC. Kautsky (George and Marjorie Olsen Chandler Professor of Music, chair), K. Leigh-Post, E. Lesser (chair) (on leave term(s) III), A. Mast (Kimberly-Clark Professor of Music), M. Mizrahi (on leave term(s) III), A. Padilla, P. Swan
Associate professorsT. Albright (chair), M. Arau (chair), I. Bates (chair), K. Cahn-Lipman (Associate Professor of Music), S. Ceballos (on leave term(s) III), S. Downing (chair), M. Dupere (chair), A. Ellsworth, J. Encarnacion (chair), S. George, W. Gu, A. Hudson (Associate Professor of Music), N. Lewis, J. McQuinn, J. Metcalf, B. Miller, R. Perry, B. Pertl, S. Spears (chair), A. Srinivasan (chair), M. Urness (chair), C. Woodruff (Director of Opera Studies)
Assistant professorsE. Gomez, S. Gravelle (Assistant Professor of Music), J. Kozoroz (Assistant Professor of Music), N. Noordhuis (Assistant Professor of Music), K. Roach, J. Ureña Gonzalez (Assistant Professor of Music)
Visiting Assistant ProfessorsM. Ambrosio, J. Gates, M. Paek (chair), E. Scheinberg, J. Sommer (Visiting Assistant Professor of Music)
InstructorsA. Boeckman, R. Cannizzo (Director of Conservatory Oper.), M. Clayville (Instructor of Music), J. Connor (Part-Time Faculty), P. Darling, B. Fitzgerald, J. Johnson (Dir Con Prog & Comm Outreach), B. Pratte (Student Teaching Assistant), M. Turner
LecturersI. Adnyana, N. Agbeli (Lecturer in Music), A. Boncher, N. Buchman (Lawrence Community Music School), B. Carrothers, K. Chu, L. Dempster, E. Dupere (Lecturer in Music), F. Fernandez Morales, B. Hauer (Audio Rec Tech Engr & Lect Rec), J. Jensen, R. Korb, J. Kottman Hittner (Lawrence Community Music School, Arioso Girl Choir Conductor), S. Peplin, O. Pimentel, J. Planet, L. Ramagopal Pertl, A. Reiser (Lecturer of Music), G. Riss, C. Rosche, D. Schwandt (Lecturer of Music & Organist), J. Snedeker (Lecturer of Music), C. Walby (Lawrence Community Music School), N. Wysock

Conservatory of Music

Music has been a prominent feature of life at Lawrence University since its founding in 1847; the first Bachelor of Music degree was conferred in 1892. Today, the conservatory curriculum affords students a unique blend of professional education in music and a liberal education, a combination that has produced outstanding composers, performers, scholars, and educators. Conservatory students are active in the academic and extracurricular life of the college, and college students avail themselves of the rich opportunities for music study in the conservatory. The conservatory is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.

Four separate courses of study lead to a degree in music: the Bachelor of Musical Arts degree; the Bachelor of Music degree with majors in performance, music education, music composition, or music theory; the five-year double program that combines the Bachelor of Music degree with a Bachelor of Arts degree in a major other than music; and the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music (see the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements and the major and minor in music). The Bachelor of Music degree and Bachelor of Arts degree offer the possibility of a student-designed major; students interested in a student-designed major should consult the associate dean of the conservatory.

General information

All students are expected to be familiar with the policies and procedures set forth in departmental handbooks which contain important information about recitals, departmental examinations, and other rules governing student academic life within the conservatory.

Students who wish to pursue two music majors in the Bachelor of Music degree must petition the Conservatory Committee on Administration.

Studio assignments and course placement will be determined upon matriculation. Students are expected to meet with their faculty advisors on a regular basis to discuss progress and course selections. Regular consultation with faculty advisors is essential for students who wish to attend an off-campus program or are planning to complete both the Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts degrees.


Bachelor of Musical Arts Degree

The Bachelor of Musical Arts is a professional degree. Courses in music represent approximately one-half of the curriculum while the other half is devoted to First Year Studies, general education requirements, and a secondary field of study (cognate). 

Requirements for the Bachelor of Musical Arts Degree

  1. Completion of a minimum of 216 units.
  2. Of the 216 units required to complete the degree, a student must present:
    1. a minimum of 108 units in music
    2. a minimum of 108 units in courses other than music, consisting of two discrete groups of courses:
      1. a minimum of 30 units primarily in courses other than music in a secondary field of study (cognate), developed according to procedures described below
      2. an additional 78 units in courses other than music
    3. a minimum of 30 units in a secondary field of study (cognate), developed according to procedures described below.
    4. no more than 18 units in ESL courses
    5. no more than 12 units from academic internships 
  3. Completion of 6 units of First-Year Studies, taken during the fall and winter terms of the first year
  4. Completion of the general education requirements:
    1. 6 units selected from courses designated as writing-intensive
    2. International diversity. One of the following: Note: While some music courses may satisfy general education requirements, a minimum of 78 units in courses other than music is required for the degree.
      1. 6 units selected from courses designated as either emphasizing global and comparative perspectives on the world or focusing on areas outside Europe and the United States
      2. 12 units selected from courses numbered below 200 in a single language other than English. The language competency requirement may be satisfied in other ways described under Academic Procedures and Regulations
      3. Participation for one term in a Lawrence or affiliated off-campus study program held outside the United States
  5. Completion of music requirements:
    1. Applied Musicianship I, II, and III: MUJI 150, 250, and 350
    2. Theory and improvisation: 3 units selected from MUJI 410 or 420
    3. Keyboard skills
      1. MURP 201, 202, 203 or MURP 301, 302
      2. MURP 320
    4. Musicology
      1. MUCO 211 and 212
      2. 6 units selected from courses in musicology numbered 400 or above
    5. Applied music individual instruction: a minimum of 36 units and 12 terms of study
    6. Ensemble study
      1. a minimum of 9 units selected from major ensembles
      2. a minimum of 3 units selected from MUEN 245 or 248
      3. students are required to participate in an ensemble every term in which they are attending classes on the Appleton campus.
    7. Composition and Arranging
      1. MUCA 230 Small Group Jazz Composition and Arranging - 3 units
      2. 6 units from the following courses:  
        MUCA 330 Large Ensemble Composition and Arranging  
        MUCA 530 Advanced Jazz Writing Skills  
        MUCA 100 Introduction to Composition  
        MUSI 110 Songwriting I  
        MUSI 210 Songwriting II  
        MUSI 315 Topics in Songwriting  
        MUSI 111 Collaborative Songwriting I  
        MUSI 211 Collaborative Songwriting II or applied study.  
      3. MUEP 305 Jazz Pedagogy
      4. MUEP 120 Basic Audio Recording
      5. MUJI 130 Contemporary Orchestration for Digital Workstations
  6. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  7. A 2.000 grade-point average in all Lawrence courses
  8. Completion of required terms and units in residence as specified by the residence requirements

Senior Experience

The required senior recital is considered the standard Senior Experience for students in the Bachelor of Musical Arts degree program. Students have the option of proposing enhancements to the senior recital or alternative performance projects as their Senior Experience with the approval of the applied teacher, advisor, and department chair. Alternative Senior Experience projects do not replace the senior recital requirement.

Stipulations pertaining to the general education requirements

A single course may be used to satisfy both requirement a. (writing intensive) and b. (international diversity) above. Credits granted pursuant to university policy for advanced placement or for transfer work may be used to fulfill general education requirements with the exception that coursework from other institutions may not be used to fulfill requirement a. (writing intensive).

Stipulations pertaining to the secondary field of study (cognate)

Depending upon each student’s academic objectives, the secondary field can consist of courses from a single academic department, courses from a single existing Lawrence interdisciplinary program, or courses from multiple departments and/or programs that can be combined to constitute a coherent interdisciplinary/multi-disciplinary secondary field not represented by one of Lawrence’s already established interdisciplinary programs.

The procedure for establishing the courses to be taken for the secondary field is as follows:

  1. With both the academic advisor and a faculty member from the secondary field, the student develops a statement on the planned secondary field. The statement indicates (a) the proposed secondary field of study; (b) how the secondary field will serve the student’s academic objectives; and (c) the specific courses to be taken as part of the secondary field.
  2. The student submits the statement of the proposed secondary course of study, endorsed by the faculty advisor and faculty member from the secondary field, to the associate dean of the conservatory for review before the end of Term I of the student’s sophomore year.
  3. The associate dean takes action on the proposal and communicates its action to the student, the faculty academic advisor, and the faculty member from the secondary field.



Bachelor of Music Degree

The Bachelor of Music is a professional degree. Courses in music represent approximately two-thirds of the curriculum, while one-third is devoted to First Year Studies and general education requirements.


Admission to the Bachelor of Music degree

An entrance audition is required of all applicants for admission to the Bachelor of Music degree. Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Musical Arts students who wish to become Bachelor of Music students must petition the Conservatory Committee on Administration for admission. Bachelor of Music students who wish to become Bachelor of Arts students must petition the University Faculty Subcommittee on Administration for acceptance into the Bachelor of Arts degree program. 

Requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree

  1. Completion of a minimum of 216 units. The following music courses are used in the computation of the degree grade-point average but are excluded from the total of 216 units required for the degree: MURP 201, 202, 203, 301, 302 and MUTH 161, 162, 171, 172.
  2. Of the 216 units required to complete the degree, a student must present:
    1. a minimum of 144 units in music
    2. a minimum of 60 units in courses other than music
    3. no more than 18 units in ESL courses
    4. no more than 12 units from academic internships
    The additional 12 units may be selected from any department.
  3. Completion of 6 units of First-Year Studies, normally taken during the fall of the first year
  4. Completion of the general education requirements:
    1. 6 units selected from courses designated as writing-intensive
    2. International diversity. One of the following:
      1. 6 units selected from courses designated as either emphasizing global and comparative perspectives on the world or focusing on areas outside Europe and the United States
      2. 12 units selected from courses numbered below 200 in a single language other than English. The language competency requirement may be satisfied in other ways described under Academic Procedures and Regulations.
      3. Participation for one term in a Lawrence or affiliated off-campus study program held outside the United States
      Note: While some music courses may satisfy general education requirements, a minimum of 60 units in courses other than music is required for the degree.
  5. Completion of music core requirements:
    1. Music theory
      1. MUTH 151, 161, 171 or MUTH 201, 211, 221
      2. MUTH 152, 162, 172 or MUTH 202, 212, 222
      3. MUTH 251, 261, and 271
      4. MUTH 252, 262, and 272
      5. MUTH 301, 311, and 321
    2. Musicology
      1. MUCO 211 and 212
      2. 12 units selected from courses in musicology numbered 400 or above
    3. Keyboard skills: MURP 201, 202, 203 or MURP 301, 302
    4. Applied music individual instruction as specified under requirements for the major and areas of emphasis
    5. Ensemble study: a minimum of 12 units. Students are required to participate in an ensemble every term in which they are attending classes on the Appleton campus. Requirements for specific types of ensemble study (MUEN) are specified under requirements for majors and areas of emphasis.
  6. Completion of a major in music—performance, music education, theory, composition, or student-designed—including all course and non-course requirements, such as recitals, qualifying examinations, etc.
  7. An academic record that meets the following standards:
    1. A 2.000 grade-point average in all Lawrence courses
    2. A 2.000 grade-point average in the music major (all music courses and non-music courses required for the major) unless otherwise specified under the major requirements
  8. Completion of required terms and units in residence as specified by the residence requirements.

Completion of a minor or interdisciplinary area is optional. If a minor is declared, a 2.000 grade-point average in the minor (all courses taken in the minor department, program, or area and any other courses required for the minor) is required to complete the minor and have it recorded on the academic record.

Stipulations pertaining to the general education requirements

A single course may be used to satisfy both requirement a. (writing intensive) and b. (international diversity) above. Credits granted pursuant to university policy for advanced placement or for transfer work may be used to fulfill general education requirements with the exception that coursework from other institutions may not be used to fulfill requirement a. (writing intensive).

Performance Major


  1. Piano performance: 54 units
    1. A minimum of 54 units in MUIN 301
    2. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  2. Supporting courses for the major: 18 units
    1. MURP 451, 452: Literature of the Piano I, II (12 units)
    2. MUEP 301, 302: Piano Pedagogy I, II (6 units)
  3. Keyboard skills: MURP 301, 302: Functional Skills for Keyboard Majors I, II
  4. Ensemble: 12 units
    1. 3 units in major ensemble
    2. 3 units in MUEN 245: Chamber Music
    3. 6 units in MUEN 250: Supervised Accompanying


  1. Organ performance: 54 units
    1. A minimum of 54 units in MUIN 302
    2. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  2. Supporting courses for the major: 17 units
    1. MURP 391: Directed Study Organ Pedagogy (3 units)
    2. MURP 391: Directed Study Organ Design and Literature (6 units)
    3. Keyboard skills: MURP 301, 302: Functional Skills for Keyboard Majors (2 units)
    4. MUEP 380: Conducting Principles (6 units)
  3. Ensemble: 12 units
    1. 3 units in major ensemble
    2. 3 units in MUEN 245: Chamber Music
    3. 6 units in major ensemble, chamber music, or supervised accompanying


  1. Voice performance: 54 units
    1. A minimum of 54 units in MUIN 303
    2. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  2. Supporting courses for the major: 22 units
    1. MURP 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276: vocal diction and technique series (6 units)
    2. MURP 455: Vocal Literature (3 units)
    3. MUEP 371, 372: Vocal Science & Pedagogy I, II (4 units)
    4. MUEP 380: Conducting Principles (6 units)
    5. MURP 361: Acting for Singers 1 (3 units)
  3. Ensemble: 18 units
    1. 6 units in MUEN 272: Concert Choir or 275: Cantala
    2. 6 additional units in a major choral ensemble
    3. 2 units in opera theatre
  4. General education:
    1. 12 units each of courses taught in two of the following languages (or placement at the intermediate level): French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, or other language as approved by petition to the voice faculty. Must be taken for a grade.
    2. 1 unit selected from: THAR 355: Theatre Production, THAR 357: Musical Theatre Production, MUEN 278: Opera Production

Strings: violin, viola, violoncello, doublebass

  1. String performance: 60 units
    1. A minimum of 60 units in MUIN 304, 305, 306, or 307
    2. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  2. Pedagogy: One course selected from MUEP 201, 245, 252, or 333 (1–3 units)
  3. Conducting: MUEP 380: Conducting Principles (6 units)
  4. MUCA/MUCO/MUTH: 6 units from courses numbered 300 or above beyond degree requirements
  5. Ensemble: 18 units
    1. 12 units in MUEN 290: Symphony Orchestra
    2.  6 units in MUEN 245: Chamber Music, 3 units of which must be completed after the student has passed the qualifying examination for the major

Classical guitar

  1. Guitar performance: 60 units
    1. A minimum of 60 units in MUIN 308
    2. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  2. Supporting courses for the major: 9 units
    1. MURP 315: Fretboard Harmony for the Classical Guitarist (1 unit)
    2. MUEP 304: Guitar Pedagogy (1 unit)
    3. MURP 317: History and Literature of the Guitar (1 unit)
    4. MUEP 380: Conducting Principles (6 units)
  3. MUCA/MUCO/MUTH: 6 units from courses numbered 300 or above beyond degree requirements
  4. Ensemble: 12 units
    1. 3 units in major ensemble,
    2. 3 units in MUEN 245: Chamber Music
    3. 6 units in major ensemble or chamber music

Brass and Woodwinds: flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba

  1. Brass/Woodwind performance: 60 units
    1. A minimum of 60 units in MUIN 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, or 318
    2. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  2. Pedagogy: One course selected from MUEP 201, 245, 259, 260, 261 or 262 (1-3 units)
  3. Conducting: MUEP 380: Conducting Principles (6 units)
  4. MUCA/MUCO/MUTH: 6 units from courses numbered 300 or above beyond degree requirements
  5. Ensemble: 15 units
    1. 6 units in MUEN 285: Wind Ensemble or MUEN 287: Symphonic Band
    2. 6 units in a major instrumental ensemble
    3. 3 units in MUEN 245: Chamber Music


  1. Percussion performance: 54 units
    1. A minimum of 54 units in MUIN 320
    2. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  2. Pedagogy: MUEP 245: Instrumental Pedagogy or MUEP 201: Intro to Music Education (3 units)
  3. Conducting: MUEP 380: Conducting Principles (6 units)
  4. MUCA/MUCO/MUTH: 6 units from courses numbered 300 or above beyond degree requirements
  5. Ensemble: 16 units
    1. 12 units in a major instrumental ensemble, including
      1. 3 units in MUEN 285: Wind Ensemble
      2. 3 units in MUEN 290: Symphony Orchestra (a minimum of 3 units in MUEN 285 or MUEN 290 must be completed after the student has passed the qualifying examination for the major)
    2. 4 units of MUEN 230: Percussion Ensemble (one term each year for four years)

Senior Experience in music performance

The required senior recital is considered the standard Senior Experience for students in the performance major. Students have the option of proposing enhancements to the senior recital or alternative performance projects as their Senior Experience with the approval of the applied teacher, advisor, and department chair. Alternative Senior Experience projects do not replace the senior recital requirement.

Emphasis in jazz and improvisational music

Admission to the Bachelor of Music performance major with an emphasis in jazz and improvisational music may be granted to a limited number of students upon completion of qualifying examinations and with the approval of a candidate selection committee. For detailed information on admission and scheduling of requirements, students are referred to the chair of the jazz and improvisational music department.

Note: Before admission to the jazz emphasis, Bachelor of Music performance candidates are required to study with the respective classical applied instructors but may elect added applied study with the respective jazz applied instructor. After admission to the jazz emphasis, candidates are required to study with the respective jazz applied instructors but may elect to continue with the respective classical instructor.

  1. Performance: 54 units
    1. 36 units of applied individual instruction (MUIN) in piano, strings, winds, or percussion numbered 301-320 during the freshman and sophomore years (before admission to the jazz emphasis)
    2. 18 units of MUIN 329 after admission to the jazz emphasis (candidates may elect more than 18 units)
    3. Presentation of a half recital during junior year and a full recital during senior year
  2. Supporting courses for the emphasis:
    1. MUTH 240: Jazz Theory and Aural Training (3 units)
    2. MUCA 220, 221: Jazz Improvisation I, II (6 units)
    3. MUCA 230: Small Group Jazz Composition and Arranging (3 units)
    4. MUCA 330: Large Ensemble Jazz Composition and Arranging (3 units)
    5. MUCA 530: Advance Jazz Writing Skills (3 units)
    6. MUIN 329: Jazz Studies - one term of applied individual study in jazz piano (3 units)
    7. MUEP 305: Jazz Pedagogy (1 unit)
    8. MUEP 120: Basic Audio Recording (1 unit)
  3. Piano majors must complete either MURP 451 and 452: Literature of the Piano I and II or MUEP 301 and 302: Piano Pedagogy I and II
  4. Ensemble: completion of the requirement must include:
    1. 5 terms of MUEN 248: Jazz Small Group Studies after admission to the jazz emphasis (5 units)
    2. 6 terms of MUEN 295: Jazz Ensemble or MUEN 293: Jazz Band, after admission to the jazz emphasis (6 units)
    3. Additional ensembles, specific to primary instrument, as follows:
      • Winds/Percussion: 6 terms of wind ensemble, symphonic band, IGLU or symphony orchestra; 3 terms of chamber music
      • Strings: 9 terms symphony orchestra or IGLU; 3 terms chamber music
      • Piano: 3 terms symphony orchestra, wind ensemble, symphonic band, concert choir, women’s choir, chorale or IGLU; 3 terms supervised accompanying
      • Guitar: 3 terms symphony orchestra, wind ensemble, symphonic band, concert choir, women’s choir, chorale, IGLU or chamber music
  5. Required projects:
    1. DownBeat Magazine Student Music Awards Application: By December 31 of the senior year, all candidates are required to submit an application and compact-disc recording (a minimum of 10 minutes or 3 selections) for the Jazz Soloist category in the annual DownBeat Magazine Student Music Awards. Repertoire will be chosen by the coordinator of jazz performance practice in consultation with the applied jazz studio teacher.
    2. Assembly of self-promotional CD and/or web site: Over the course of the candidate’s two years in the jazz emphasis, a media project documenting the student’s jazz performances, compositions, arrangements, and teaching/pedagogical demonstrations must be assembled. Candidates may choose to create an audio CD, audio/visual DVD, or personal web site containing a minimum of 30 minutes of recorded work by the candidate. The selected project(s) must be presented to the jazz and improvisational music faculty before the conclusion of the final term of study.
    3. Jazz Small Group Coaching: All candidates will direct or co-direct a jazz small group for a minimum of one term after admission to the emphasis in jazz studies (one 60-minute rehearsal per week). Each candidate must submit (in writing to the jazz faculty) a repertoire list and rehearsal plan for the term by the end of the third week. Each candidate must arrange for one group rehearsal observation by a jazz faculty member before the mid-term reading period.
    4. Jazz Big Band Conducting: All candidates will conduct designated rehearsals and sectionals of Jazz Band or Jazz Workshop after admission to the emphasis in jazz studies.
    5. Jazz “Tune of the Week” Tutoring: All admitted jazz emphasis candidates will serve as co-tutors for jazz “Tune of the Week” study/rehearsal sessions once each term. Tutors will organize and lead a single session (2–3 hours in duration, time and date TBA) at the end of each term for freshmen and sophomores contemplating admission to the jazz emphasis. Each session will serve as an “organized jam session” covering the 10 “Tune of the Week” selections assigned in each given term.

Note: Before admission to the jazz emphasis, Bachelor of Music performance candidates are required to study with the respective classical applied instructors but may elect added applied study with the respective jazz applied instructor. After admission to the jazz emphasis, candidates are required to study with the respective jazz applied instructors but may elect to continue with the respective classical instructor.

Senior Experience in music - jazz emphasis

The senior recital and media project (assembly of a self-promotional CD and/or personal web site) are designated as the official Senior Experiences for jazz emphasis candidates in both performance and composition and arranging. Students have the option of proposing enhancements to this Senior Experience with the approval of the applied teacher, advisor, and department chair.

Over the course of the candidate’s two years in the jazz emphasis, a media project documenting the student’s jazz performances, compositions, arrangements, and teaching/pedagogical demonstrations will be assembled. Candidates may choose to create an audio CD, audio/visual DVD, or personal web site containing a minimum of 30 minutes of recorded work by the candidate. The selected project(s) must be presented to the jazz and improvisational music faculty before the conclusion of the final term of study.

Emphasis in Collaborative Piano

In addition to all requirements for the major in piano performance, the following are required:

  1. Supporting courses for the emphasis: 10 units
    1. MURP 420: Collaborative Piano: Vocal (3 units)
    2. MURP 425: Collaborative Piano: Instrumental (3 units)
    3. MURP 599: Independent Study-Collaborative Piano (1 unit)
    4. MURP 272: English Singing Diction (1 unit); must be fulfilled before requirement 1.e. below
    5. Two of the following in a language not used to satisfy requirement 3: General education language requirement below (2 units):
      • MURP 273: Italian and Latin Singing Diction
      • MURP 274: German Singing Diction
      • MURP 275: French Singing Diction
    6. One term of the supervised accompanying requirement must be fulfilled with Opera Scenes.
  2. Recitals: In addition to required solo degree recitals, accompany one half vocal recital and one half instrumental recital; must be prepared under supervision of keyboard faculty member(s) through registration in an accompanying class, supervised accompanying, or chamber music.
  3. General education: Completion of the degree requirements must include 12 units of one of the following (or placement at the intermediate level): French, German, or Italian, taken for a grade.

Minor in pedagogy


  1. MUEP 301, 302, 303: Piano Pedagogy I, II, III (9 units)
  2. Two of the following (6 units total):
    • MUEP 502: Early Advanced Piano Pedagogy
    • MUEP 503: Group Piano Pedagogy
    • MUEP 505: Internship in Piano Pedagogy
  3. MUEP 581, 582: Student Teaching in Piano I, II (6 units)
  4. MURP 451, 452: Literature of the Piano I, II (12 units)
  5. Completion of the general education requirement must include one of the following (6 units):
    • PSYC 180: Psychology of Learning
    • PSYC 260: Developmental Psychology
    • PSYC 340: Cognitive Psychology
  6. Presentation of a half recital.
  7. Students must participate in individual performance study in each term in which they are in residence on the Appleton campus.


  1. MUEP 371, 372: Voice Science and Pedagogy I, II (4 units)
  2. MUEP 373: The Brain, Music, and Optimal Performance (3 units)
  3. MUEP 395: Internship in Music Pedagogy (3 units; 1 unit per term for 3 terms)
  4. MUEP 399: Additional independent study in historic pedagogy, acoustics, and/or body/mind research (3 units)
  5. MURP 223: Educators' Keyboard Skills (1 unit)
  6. Completion of the general education requirement must include one of the following (6 units):
    • PSYC 180: Psychology of Learning
    • PSYC 260: Developmental Psychology
    • PSYC 340: Cognitive Psychology
  7. Students must participate in individual performance study in each term in which they are in residence on the Appleton campus.


  1. MUEP 245: Instrumental Pedagogy (3 units)
  2. MUEP 345: Applied Instrumental Pedagogy (3 units)
  3. MUEP 331, 332: String Techniques I, II (6 units)
  4. MUEP 395: Internship in Music Pedagogy (3 units)
  5. Completion of the general education requirements must include one of the following (6 units):
    • EDST 180: Psychology of Learning
    • PSYC 260: Developmental Psychology
    • PSYC 340: Cognitive Psychology
    • EDST 350: Ethnicity, Cultural Diversity, and Education
    • EDST 440: Sociology of Education
  6. Students must participate in individual performance study in each term in which they are in residence on the Appleton campus.


  1. MUEP 245: Instrumental Pedagogy (3 units)
  2. MUEP 345: Applied Instrumental Pedagogy (3 units)
  3. MUEP 310: Brass Techniques (3 units)
  4. MUEP 259: Brass Pedagogy (1 unit)
  5. MUEP 395: Internship in Music Pedagogy (3 units)
  6. Completion of the general education requirements must include one of the following (6 units):
    • EDST 180: Psychology of Learning
    • PSYC 260: Developmental Psychology
    • PSYC 340: Cognitive Psychology
    • EDST 350: Ethnicity, Cultural Diversity, and Education
    • EDST 440: Sociology of Education
  7. Students must participate in individual performance study in each term in which they are in residence on the Appleton campus.


  1. MUEP 245: Instrumental Pedagogy (3 units)
  2. MUEP 345: Applied Instrumental Pedagogy (3 units)
  3. MUEP 315: Percussion Techniques (3 units)
  4. MUEP 395: Internship in Music Pedagogy (3 units)
  5. Completion of the general education requirements must include one of the following (6 units):
    • EDST 180: Psychology of Learning
    • PSYC 260: Developmental Psychology
    • PSYC 340: Cognitive Psychology
    • EDST 350: Ethnicity, Cultural Diversity, and Education
    • EDST 440: Sociology of Education
  6. Students must participate in individual performance study in each term in which they are in residence on the Appleton campus.


  1. MUEP 245: Instrumental Pedagogy (3 units)
  2. MUEP 345: Applied Instrumental Pedagogy (3 units)
  3. MUEP 321, 322: Woodwind Techniques I, II (6 units)
  4. MUEP 395: Internship in Music Pedagogy (3 units)
  5. Completion of the general education requirements must include one of the following (6 units):
    • EDST 180: Psychology of Learning
    • PSYC 260: Developmental Psychology
    • PSYC 340: Cognitive Psychology
    • EDST 350: Ethnicity, Cultural Diversity, and Education
    • EDST 440: Sociology of Education
  6. Students must participate in individual performance study in each term in which they are in residence on the Appleton campus.

Music Education

The Bachelor of Music degree with a major in music education is subject to revision. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm requirements with the chair of the music education department. A cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required for admission to music education and for certification to teach music, and students must demonstrate content knowledge through either a 3.00 major GPA or a passing score on the Praxis II: Music Content Knowledge test before they may student teach. Students seeking licensure should consult the Music Education Student Teaching Handbook for further information and requirements.

Students in the Bachelor of Music degree program may qualify for a 13th-term tuition waiver for student teaching, paying only a registration fee (see Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance). Students must have completed all graduation requirements except student teaching, and this term must immediately follow the 12th term. For students in the five-year double-degree program, a 16th term of student teaching is available under the same policy; this term must immediately follow the 15th term.

Common requirements for the major in music education

In addition to degree requirements and those of specific areas below, the following are required of all music education majors:

  1. Education: 21 units
    1. EDST 180: Psychology of Learning (6 units)
    2. EDST 350: Ethnicity, Cultural Diversity, and Education (6 units)
    3. EDST 440: Sociology of Education (6 units)
    4. EDUC 431: Educating All Learners - Music (3 units)
  2. Music education: 9 units
    1. MUEP 201: Introduction to Music Education (3 units)
    2. MUEP 380: Conducting Principles (6 units)
    3. MUEP 307: Orchestration for the Music Educator (1 unit)
    4. MUEP 403: Large Ensemble Rehearsal Techniques (6 units)
  3. Student teaching: 21 units
    1. MUEP 660: Advanced Methods in Teaching Music (3 units)
    2. MUEP 680: Student Teaching (18 units)
  4. Performance: 36 units
    1. Minimum of 36 units in applied individual instruction, required every term in which the student is in residence on the Appleton campus with the exception of the student-teaching semester
    2. Presentation of a half recital during the junior or senior year
  5. Students are reminded that at least 60 units outside music are required for the degree.
  6. Participation in a major ensemble is required every term in residence on the Appleton campus, as specified in the following requirements for each track: general, choral/general, instrumental, and instrumental/general.
  7. Completion of major requirements for one of the areas as outlined below.

Senior Experience in music education

Student teaching is the culminating experience for students in music education. This experience places Lawrence seniors in schools for a period of 18 weeks. During this time, student teachers work closely with a mentor teacher at the secondary and/or elementary level to gain the professional knowledge and skills that will prepare them for certification and licensure in Wisconsin and other states. A variety of projects, tasks, and events comprise the student teaching Senior Experience at Lawrence. As they work with their mentor teacher, students observe classroom teaching as they prepare to take responsibility for planning and executing classes, rehearsals, and lessons under the expert guidance of master teachers.

In addition to working with a mentor teacher in the schools, students also work with Lawrence faculty during student teaching, both as mentors and in a weekly seminar meeting. Seminar topics include examination of practical issues related to the classroom, (such as classroom management, lesson planning and execution, and working with young learners), broad matters related to functioning professionally in schools and the profession (licensure, administration, and community), and philosophical issues. One of the mechanisms for facilitating discourse in the seminar is the videotape that student teachers bring in to the seminar. These brief episodes facilitate group discussion of their concerns, questions, and wonderments while providing a glimpse into their distinct student teaching environment.

During student teaching, students engage the complete range of their Lawrence studies, including but not limited to the musical, pedagogical and technical coursework in the program. A culminating product of the student teaching experience is a final teaching portfolio that includes a teacher performance assessment (edTPA), reflective essay, and final student teaching evaluations, which together provide evidence that the student has met Lawrence's teacher education standards.

General music

In addition to degree requirements and common requirements for all music education majors (above), the following are required for the general music emphasis:

  1. Music education and pedagogy
    1. Students whose principal performance instrument is not voice must complete MUEP 230: Voice for Instrumental Educators (1 unit)
    2. Students whose principal performance instrument is voice must complete MUEP 371, 372: Voice Science & Pedagogy I, II (4 units)
    3. MUEP 240, 350: General Music Methods I, II (12 units)
    4. MUEP 336: Guitar for the Music Educator (1 unit)
    5. MUEP 340/THAR 340: Musical Theatre Production Overview (3 units)
  2. Keyboard skills: MURP 223: Educators' Keyboard Skills (1 unit) in addition to degree requirement in keyboard skills
  3. MURP 271, 272, 273, 274, 275 for students whose primary instrument is voice
  4. Ensemble: 12 units. Participation in major ensemble required every term in residence on the Appleton campus. The requirement is based on the student’s principal instrument, as follows:
    1. Voice and keyboard:
      1. 9 units in a major choral ensemble
      2. 3 units in any major ensemble
    2. Winds and percussion:
      1. 6 units in Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band
      2. 3 units in any major choral ensemble
      3. 3 units in any major ensemble.
    3. Strings:
      1. 6 units in Symphony Orchestra
      2. 3 units in any major choral ensemble
      3. 3 units in any major ensemble

Note: B.Mus. students earning this major should expect to attend Lawrence for four and one-half years; double degree students earning this major should expect to attend Lawrence for five and one-half years.


In addition to degree requirements and common requirements for all music education majors (top), the following are required for the choral/general emphasis:

  1. Music education and pedagogy: 31-33 units
    1. MUEP 371, 372: Voice Science & Pedagogy I, II (4 units)
    2. MUEP 240, 350: General Music Methods I, II (12 units)
    3. MUEP 336: Guitar for the Music Educator (1 unit)
    4. MUEP 340/THAR 340: Musical Theatre Production Overview (3 units)
    5. MUEP 452: Choral Techniques (6 units)
  2. Keyboard skills: MURP 223: Educators' Keyboard Skills (1 unit) in addition to degree requirement in keyboard skills
  3. Performance: 5-6 units
    1. MURP 271, 272, 273, 274, 275 for students whose primary instrument is voice
    2. A minimum of 2 terms of MUIN 303 for students whose primary instrument is other than voice and satisfactory completion of the vocal proficiency examination
  4. Ensemble: 12 units in a major choral ensemble. Participation in major ensemble required every term in residence on the Appleton campus.

Note: B.Mus. students earning this major should expect to attend Lawrence for four and one-half years; double degree students earning this major should expect to attend Lawrence for five and one-half years.


In addition to degree requirements and common requirements for all music education majors (top), the following are required for the instrumental emphasis:

  1. Music education and pedagogy: 33 units
    1. MUEP 230: Voice for Instrumental Music Educators (1 units)
    2. One of the following: MUEP 305: Jazz Pedagogy (1 unit), MUEP 333 String Pedagogy: Pedagogues and Methods (1 unit), or MUEP 334 String Pedagogy: Editing Orchestral String Parts (1 unit)
    3. MUEP 451: Instrumental Methods and Rehearsal Techniques (6 units)
    4. MUEP 310: Brass Techniques (3 units)
    5. MUEP 315: Percussion Techniques (3 units)
    6. MUEP 321, 322: Woodwind Techniques I, II (6 units)
    7. MUEP 331, 332: String Techniques I, II (6 units)
  2. Ensemble: 12 units
    1. Winds and percussion:
      1. 9 units in MUEN 285: Wind Ensemble or MUEN 287: Symphonic Band
      2. an additional 3 units in any major ensemble
    2. Strings:
      1. 9 units in MUEN 290: Symphony Orchestra
      2. 3 additional units in any major ensemble

Note: B.Mus. students earning this major should expect to attend Lawrence for four and one-half years; double degree students earning this major should expect to attend Lawrence for five and one-half years.


In addition to degree requirements and common requirements for all music education majors (top), the following are required for the instrumental/general emphasis:

  1. Music education and pedagogy: 50 units
    1. One of the following: MUEP 305: Jazz Pedagogy (1 unit), MUEP 333 String Pedagogy: Pedagogues and Methods (1 unit), or MUEP 334 String Pedagogy: Editing Orchestral String Parts (1 unit)
    2. MUEP 230: Voice for Instrumental Music Educators (1 unit)
    3. MUEP 240, 350: General Music Methods I,II (12 units)
    4. MUEP 336: Guitar and Recorder for the Music Educator (1 unit)
    5. MUEP 451: Instrumental Methods and Rehearsal Techniques (6 units)
    6. MUEP 310: Brass Techniques (3 units)
    7. MUEP 315: Percussion Techniques ( 3 units)
    8. MUEP 321, 322: Woodwind Techniques (6 units)
    9. MUEP 331, 332: String Techniques (6 units)
  2. Keyboard skills:
    1. MURP 223: Educators' Keyboard Skills (1 unit) in addition to degree requirements in keyboard skills.
  3. Ensemble: 12 units. Participation in major ensemble required every term in residence on the Appleton campus. The requirement is based on the student’s primary instrument, as follows:
    1. Winds and percussion:
      1. 6 units in Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band
      2. 3 units in any major choral ensemble
      3. 3 additional units in any major ensemble
    2. Strings:
      1. 6 units in Symphony Orchestra
      2. 3 units in any major choral ensemble
      3. 3 units in any major ensemble

Note: B.Mus. students earning this major should expect to attend Lawrence for four and one-half years; double degree students earning this major should expect to attend Lawrence for five and one-half years.

Music Composition

Required for the major in composition

  1. Music composition: 45 units
    1. MUCA 100: Fundamentals of Composition (6 units)
    2. MUCA 345: Composition (27 units; 9 terms, 3 units per term)
    3. MUCA 300: Techniques of the Contemporary Composer (6 units)
    4. MUCA 400: Topics in Electronic Music (6 units)
  2. Music theory in addition to the core courses required for the B.Mus. degree: 12 units
    1. One course in counterpoint (6 units), either:
      • MUTH 400: Renaissance Counterpoint (6 units) or
      • MUTH 401: Counterpoint in the Style of J.S. Bach I (6 units)
    2. One course in analysis (6 units) selected from the following:
      • MUTH 421: Theory and Analysis of Music Since 1900 (6 units)
      • MUTH 550: Topics in Music Theory and Analysis (6 units); topic must concern music composed since 1900
  3. Orchestration: MUCA 411, 412: Orchestration I, II (12 units)
  4. Conducting: MUEP 380: Conducting Principles (6 units)
  5. Performance: A minimum of 18 units in applied individual instruction
  6. Ensemble: 12 units; participation in an ensemble is required every term in residence on the Appleton campus, as specified by the following requirements:
    1. 6 units selected from wind ensemble, symphonic band, symphony orchestra, or a major choral ensemble
    2. 6 additional units selected in consultation with the composition faculty

The qualifying examination in composition

The qualifying examination in composition comprises a portfolio of compositions that is submitted to and adjudicated by a committee of composition faculty members. The examination must be completed no later than the end of the first term of the sophomore year.

Senior Experience in composition

For students majoring in composition, the Senior Experience consists of a recital of original compositions and a portfolio of scores and recordings of works composed while at Lawrence.  The senior recital and portfolio is not normally subject to consideration for honors in independent study. Students wishing to undertake an honors project distinct from the senior recital may do so, but the honors project may not substitute for the senior recital and portfolio.

Required for the emphasis in jazz and improvisational music

Admission to the Bachelor of Music in composition with an emphasis in jazz and improvisational music may be granted to a limited number of students upon successful completion of qualifying examinations and with the approval of a candidate selection committee. For detailed information on admission and scheduling of requirements, students are referred to the chair of the jazz and improvisational music department.
Specific courses required for the emphasis are as follows:

  1. Music theory in addition to the core courses required for the B.Mus. degree (6 units):
    • MUTH 421: Theory and Analysis of Music Since 1900 (6 units)
  2. Music composition and arranging
    1. MUCA 230: Small Group Jazz Composition and Arranging (3 units)
    2. MUCA 330: Large Ensemble Jazz Composition and Arranging (3 units)
    3. MUCA 411: Orchestration I (6 units)
    4. MUCA 530: Advanced Jazz Writing Skills (12 units)
    5. MUCA 300: Techniques of the Contemporary Composer (6 units)
    6. 6 units from MUCA 345: Composition
  3. Supporting courses for the emphasis:
    1. MUCA 220, 221: Jazz Improvisation I, II (6 units)
    2. MUTH 240: Jazz Theory and Aural Training (3 units)
    3. MUIN 329: Jazz Studies - one term of applied individual study in jazz piano (3 units)
    4. MUEP 305: Jazz Pedagogy (1 unit)
    5. MUEP 120: Basic Audio Recording (1 unit)
  4. Performance: A minimum of 24 units in applied individual instruction and 6 terms on the major instrument or voice
  5. Ensemble: Completion of the requirement must include:
    1. 3 terms of MUEN 248: Jazz Small Group Studies, after admission to jazz emphasis (3 units)
    2. 3 terms of MUEN 295: Jazz Ensemble or MUEN 293: Jazz Band, after admission to the jazz emphasis (3 units)
    3. Additional ensembles, specific to primary instrument, as follows:
      • Winds/Percussion: 6 terms wind ensemble/ symphonic band; 3 terms chamber music
      • Strings: 9 terms symphony orchestra (3 terms required participation after admission to the emphasis in jazz studies); 3 terms chamber music
      • Piano: 3 terms symphony orchestra, wind ensemble, symphonic band, concert choir, women’s choir, or chorale; 3 terms supervised accompanying
      • Guitar: 3 terms symphony orchestra, wind ensemble, symphonic band, concert choir, women’s choir, chorale, or chamber music
      • Voice: 6 terms concert choir or women’s choir
  6. Required projects:
    1. Recitals: Half recital (30 minutes maximum stage time) during junior year, full recital (60 minutes maximum stage time) during senior year.
    2. DownBeat Magazine Student Music Awards Application: By December 31 of the senior year, all candidates are required to submit an application and CD recording (a minimum of 10 minutes or 3 selections) for the Jazz Soloist category in the annual DownBeat Magazine Student Music Awards. Repertoire will be chosen by the coordinator of jazz performance practice in consultation with the applied jazz studio teacher
    3. Assembly of self-promotional CD and/or web site: Over the course of the candidate’s two years in the jazz emphasis, a media project documenting the student’s jazz performances, compositions, arrangements, and teaching/pedagogical demonstrations must be assembled. Candidates may choose to create an audio CD, audio/visual DVD, or personal web site containing a minimum of 30 minutes of recorded work by the candidate. The selected project(s) must be presented to the jazz and improvisational music faculty before the conclusion of the final term of study.
    4. Jazz Small Group Coaching: All candidates will direct or co-direct a jazz small group for a minimum of one term after admission to the emphasis in jazz studies (one 60-minute rehearsal per week). Each candidate must submit (in writing to the jazz faculty) a repertoire list and rehearsal plan for the term by the end of the third week. Each candidate must arrange for one group rehearsal observation by a jazz faculty member before the mid-term reading period.
    5. Jazz Big Band Conducting: All candidates will conduct designated rehearsals and sectionals of Jazz Band or Jazz Workshop after admission to the emphasis in jazz studies.
    6. Jazz “Tune of the Week” Tutoring: All admitted jazz emphasis candidates will serve as co-tutors for jazz “Tune of the Week” study/rehearsal sessions once each term. Tutors will organize and lead a single session (2–3 hours in duration, time and date TBA) at the end of each term for freshmen and sophomores contemplating admission to the jazz emphasis. Each session will serve as an “organized jam session” covering the 10 “Tune of the Week” selections assigned in each given term.

Note: Before admission to the jazz emphasis, students are required to study with the respective classical applied instructors but may elect added applied study with the respective jazz applied instructor. After admission to the jazz emphasis, candidates are required to study with the respective jazz applied instructors but may elect to continue applied study with the respective classical instructor.

Music Theory

Required for the major in music theory

  1. Music theory in addition to the core courses required for the B.Mus. degree (36 units):
    1. MUTH 401: Counterpoint in the Style of J.S. Bach (6 units)
    2. MUTH 421: Theory and Analysis of Music since 1900 (6 units)
    3. MUTH 520: Schenkerian Analysis (6 units)
    4. Two iterations of MUTH 350 or 550: Topics in Music Theory and Analysis (12 units)
    5. MUTH 599: Independent Study in Music Theory or one additional iteration of MUTH 550 (6 units)
  2. Music composition and arranging (9 units):
    1. MUCA 100: Fundamentals of Composition (6 units)
    2. One term of MUCA 345: Composition (3 units)
  3. Any one of the following courses: (6 units)
    • ANTH 531/LING 531: Semiotics
    • EDST 545/LING 545/PSYC 545: Gesture Studies
    • ENG 401, 402, or 403: Topics in Literary Criticism 
    • FIST 100: Introduction to Film Studies or FIST 120: Image and Sound I
    • GEST 100: Introduction to Gender Studies or GEST 222: Music and Gender
    • LING 470: Cognitive Linguistics
    • MUCO 411: Aesthetics of Music
    • PHYS 107: Physics of Music
    • PSYC 230: Psychology of Music
    • Other cognate-area course approved by the music theory department
  4. Performance: A minimum of 24 units in applied individual instruction
  5. Ensemble: 12 units; participation in an ensemble is required every term in residence on the Appleton campus, as specified by the following requirements:
    1. 6 units selected from wind ensemble, symphonic band, symphony orchestra, or a major choral ensemble
    2. 6 additional units in any ensemble
  6. Language: 6 units in languages other than English taken from courses numbered 200 or above 

Required for the minor in music theory

Four upper-level MUTH courses (24 units):

  1. MUTH 401: Counterpoint in the Style of J.S. Bach (6 units)
  2. MUTH 421: Theory and Analysis of Music since 1900 (6 units)
  3. MUTH 520: Schenkerian Analysis (6 units)
  4. One iteration of MUTH 350 or 550: Topics in Music Theory and Analysis (6 units)

Senior Experience in music theory

The topic of the Senior Experience in music theory will arise from the student’s encounter, in organized and/or independent study upper-level courses, with advanced theoretical and analytical concepts, methods, and techniques. Topics may take one of the following forms, subject to approval by the music theory faculty:

  1. an original essay, of substantive length and publishable quality, on a theoretical or analytic topic
  2. a critical exegesis of a monograph by a contemporary or historical music theorist or of a series of interrelated essays
  3. a lecture-recital
  4. a software application for music theory pedagogy or analysis

Ensemble performance study

Major ensembles are:

  • MUEN 203 Balinese Gamelan Music
  • MUEN 212 Hybrid Vocal Ensemble
  • MUEN 230 Percussion Ensemble
  • MUEN 231 Kinkiviwo
  • MUEN 232 Tambo Toké
  • MUEN 233 Sambistas
  • MUEN 235 Improvisation Group
  • MUEN 270 Viking Chorale
  • MUEN 272 Cantala Women's Choir
  • MUEN 275 Concert Choir
  • MUEN 282/283/284 Opera
  • MUEN 285 Wind Ensemble
  • MUEN 287 Symphonic Band
  • MUEN 290 Symphony Orchestra
  • MUEN 293 Jazz Band
  • MUEN 295 Jazz Ensemble



Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Music Degree

Professional study in music and study in the liberal arts may be combined in a five-year program leading to both Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts degrees, the latter with a major other than music. Both degrees are awarded at the conclusion of the five-year program. Interested students should discuss this possibility with their advisors as early as possible.

Approximately half of the curriculum is devoted to the study of music—completion of the music core and requirements for a major in performance, music education, theory, or composition. The other half of the curriculum mirrors that of the Bachelor of Arts program, emphasizing breadth of study central to a liberal arts education, focused study in the college major, and elective study to complement other work or explore other fields of interest.

Certain majors in the Bachelor of Arts degree program (for example, some laboratory sciences) may be difficult to combine with the Bachelor of Music degree program into a five-year double-degree program. Such combinations may require that course overloads be taken to complete minimum requirements in each major in a timely and satisfactory manner. Early and regular consultation with advisors in both the college and the conservatory is imperative. Further, students who seek certification for purposes of teaching a subject other than music are urged to see the associate dean of the conservatory and the director of teacher education.


Requirements for the five-year Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Music degrees

  1. Completion of a minimum of 15 terms of study and 270 units. December Term does not count as a term toward this requirement. Of the 270 units required, a student must present:
    1. a minimum of 144 units in music, exclusive of MURP 201, 202, 203, 301, 302 and MUTH 161, 162, 171, 172
    2. a minimum of 114 units selected from courses other than music
    3. no more than 42 units from courses in education
    4. no more than 18 units in ESL courses
    5. a minimum of 72 units from courses numbered 200 and above
    6. no more than 90 units from a single subject outside of music
    7. no more than 12 units from academic internships
  2. Completion of 6 units of First-Year Studies, normally taken in the fall of the first year.
  3. Completion of the general education requirements:
    1. Distribution, in order to gain exposure to a range of disciplines, subjects, and perspectives within the liberal arts:
      1. 6 units selected from departments and courses listed within the division of humanities. All courses in the humanities taught in English will count toward this requirement. Humanities courses taught in a language other than English and numbered 300 and above also will count toward this requirement, except as noted in the course catalog.
      2. 6 units selected from departments and courses listed within the division of fine arts
      3. 6 units selected from departments and courses listed within the division of social sciences
      4. 6 units selected from laboratory courses in biology, chemistry, geology, or physics in the division of natural sciences
      See divisions within the university under Structure of the Curriculum.
    2. Diversity, in order to prepare students for a more global world and a more diverse America:
      1. 6 units selected from courses designated as either emphasizing global and comparative perspectives on the world or focusing on areas outside Europe and the United States
      2. 6 units selected from courses designated as focusing on dimensions of diversity, such as race, ethnicity, and gender, that are of particular importance in understanding contemporary society in the United States
    3. Competency, in order to improve and reinforce those fundamental abilities central to a liberal arts education:
      1. 6 units selected from courses designated as writing-intensive or 6 units selected from courses designated as speaking-intensive
      2. 6 units selected from courses designated as emphasizing mathematical reasoning or quantitative analysis
      3. 6 units in a language other than English taken from courses numbered 200 or above and taught primarily in a language other than English. The language competency requirement may be satisfied in other ways described under Academic Procedures and Regulations.
  4. Completion of a college major—departmental, interdisciplinary, or student-designed—exclusive of music, including all course and non-course requirements, such as departmental examinations, research projects and presentations, portfolios, etc. Students are required to declare a major by the beginning of the junior year and encouraged to declare a major by spring term of the sophomore year, when they advance register for junior-year courses.
  5. Completion of music core requirements:
    1. Music theory
      1. MUTH 151, 161, 171 or MUTH 201, 211, 221
      2. MUTH 152, 162, 172 or MUTH 202, 212, 222
      3. MUTH 251, 261, and 271
      4. MUTH 252, 262, and 272
      5. MUTH 301, 311, and 321
    2. Musicology
      1. MUCO 211 and 212
      2. 12 units selected from courses in musicology numbered 400 or above
    3. Keyboard skills: MURP 201, 202, 203 or MURP 301, 302
    4. Applied music individual instruction as specified under requirements for the major and areas of emphasis
    5. Ensemble study: a minimum of 12 units. Students are required to participate in an ensemble every term in which they are attending classes on the Appleton campus. Requirements for specific types of ensemble study (MUEN) are specified under requirements for majors and areas of emphasis.
  6. Completion of a major in music—performance, music education, theory, composition, or student-designed—including all course and non-course requirements, such as recitals, qualifying examinations, etc.
  7. Completion of a designated Senior Experience course or activity within the chosen majors for each degree.
  8. An academic record that meets the following standards:
    1. A 2.000 grade-point average in all Lawrence courses
    2. A 2.000 grade-point average in the college major (all courses in the major department or program and any other courses required for the major)
    3. A 2.000 grade-point average in the music major (all music courses and non-music courses required for the major) unless otherwise specified under the major requirements
  9. Completion of required terms and units in residence as specified by the university residence requirements.

Completion of a minor or interdisciplinary area is optional. If a minor is declared, a 2.000 grade-point average in the minor (all courses taken in the minor department, program, or area and any other courses required for the minor) is required to complete the minor and have it recorded on the academic record.

Stipulations pertaining to the general education requirements

Qualified courses may count toward the requirements in any two of the categories above (distribution, diversity, and competency). Some courses may meet two requirements within a category. No single course can be used to fulfill more than two requirements.

Credits granted pursuant to university policy for examinations (Advanced Placement [AP], International Baccalaureate [IB], or A-levels) may be used as appropriate to fulfill diversity or competency requirements; such credit may not be used to fulfill distribution requirements. Coursework from other institutions may not be used to fulfill the writing or speaking competency requirement.

Courses - Music Composition & Arranging

MUCA 100: Fundamentals of Composition

An introduction to the craft of contemporary classical composition. Intended for composition majors, theory majors, and other students interested in music composition. Weekly compositions are supplemented by listening, analysis, and writing assignments. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 201 or MUTH 100
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 201 or MUTH 100

MUCA 110: Introduction to Electronic Music

Through hands-on composition-based projects, the course explores electronic and computer music in the context of the contemporary art music tradition as well as various popular idioms. Topics include digital audio sampling and editing, digital signal processing, sound synthesis, MIDI sequencing, and multi-track sound mixing. Discussions engage the integral role of technology in shaping our musical culture as well as the history of electronic music.
Units: 6

MUCA 191: Directed Study in Music Composition and Arranging

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCA 195: Internship in Music Composition and Arranging

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCA 210: Improvisation

This course introduces improvisational concepts and ideas in popular, jazz and experimental styles. Musicians with classical backgrounds will expand their skill sets and marketability; songwriters and pop musicians will expand their spontaneous arranging abilities. This is an experiential course, practicing the art of solos, fills, backgrounds, and how to create music with others.
Units: 3

MUCA 220: Jazz Improvisation I

An introduction to the fundamentals of jazz improvisation. Exploration of jazz repertoire through scale/chord/mode associations, rhythmic and linear development, and solo transcription/analysis. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 240
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUTH 240

MUCA 221: Jazz Improvisation II

Continued exploration of jazz repertoire using more complex forms and progressions, intermediate linear concepts, and solo transcription/analysis. PREREQUISITES: MUCA 220
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUCA 220

MUCA 230: Small Group Jazz Composition and Arranging

Fundamentals of notation, orchestration, rhythmic embellishment, melodic development, jazz harmony, vertical sonorities, basic forms, and 2-5 part densities for jazz small groups. PREREQUISITES: MUJI 350 or MUTH 301
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUJI 350 or MUTH 301

MUCA 300: Techniques of the Contemporary Composer

Development of the craft of the contemporary composer through selected topics in pitch, rhythm, and form. The course comprises analysis of major compositional techniques of contemporary music in tandem with directed assignments in composition. PREREQUISITES: Two terms of MUCA 345 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Two terms of MUCA 345 or consent of instructor

MUCA 330: Large Ensemble Jazz Composition and Arranging

Scoring techniques for the jazz big band and expanded chamber jazz ensembles. Focus upon melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, textual, and formal variation in the large jazz ensemble format. PREREQUISITES: MUCA 230 or consent of instructor
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUCA 230 or consent of instructor

MUCA 345: Composition

Private instruction in music composition. PREREQUISITES: MUCA 100 and MUTH 251 or consent of instructor
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUCA 100 and MUTH 251 or consent of instructor

MUCA 390: Tutorial Studies in Music Composition and Arranging

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUCA 391: Directed Study in Music Composition and Arranging

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCA 395: Internship in Music Composition and Arranging

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCA 399: Independent Study in Music Composition and Arranging

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUCA 400: Topics in Music Composition

Selected topics in contemporary music, intended for composition majors and other students interested in music composition.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 301 or consent of instructor

MUCA 411: Orchestration I

Capabilities and uses of strings, woodwinds and horn; notational practices; scoring for chamber orchestra. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 301 and two terms of MUCA 345 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 301 and two terms of MUCA 345 or consent of instructor

MUCA 412: Orchestration II

Capabilities and uses of brass, percussion and harp; advanced orchestration techniques; scoring for wind ensemble and full symphony orchestra. PREREQUISITES: MUCA 411
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCA 411

MUCA 530: Advanced Jazz Writing Skills

A continuation of MUCA 230 and MUCA 330 that focuses upon special recital, concert, recording, and honors projects in jazz composition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: MUCA 330 and admission to the emphasis in jazz, or consent of instructor
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUCA 330 and admission to the emphasis in jazz, or consent of instructor

MUCA 590: Tutorial Studies in Music Composition and Arranging

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUCA 591: Directed Study in Music Composition and Arranging

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCA 595: Internship in Music Composition and Arranging

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCA 599: Independent Study in Music Composition and Arranging

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUCA 690: Tutorial Studies in Music Composition and Arranging

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUCA 691: Directed Study in Composition and Arranging

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCA 695: Internship in Music Composition and Arranging

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCA 699: Independent Study in Music Composition and Arranging

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

Courses - Dance

MUDA 132: Ensemble Thinking

Ensemble Thinking is a system of physical, improvisational, group exercises that provides organizing lenses through which we observe and participate in movement and performance. Using this technique, we will develop awareness and listening skills for relating to others, build a common language, and practice collaboratively creating dances. Through embodied studio investigations, this course introduces students to dance composition.
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 132

MUDA 134: Contact Improvisation

Contact Improvisation is a partnering dance form that explores movement possibilites created when two or more individual bodies are touching and/or sharing weight, balance or support. The practice of Contact Improvisation encourages the development of self-responsibility, awareness, clear physical communication and a strong, versitile body. This is a rigorous dance lab in which we will experiment with action, physics and listening.
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 134

MUDA 136: Embodied Creative Practice

This is a course designed to build your creative muscle. In the supportive community of this class, we will access your individual story, writing, drawing, movement and voice to create and perform for each other every class meeting. Employing diverse performance techniques and referencing various readings, we will discover and craft our unique inspirations, directions, and experience.
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 136

MUDA 138: Articulating the Solo Body

Based in ReWire/Dancing States and other contemporary techniques, this course will build a movement foundation for the solo dancing body. In the studio, we will work with clarity, speed, and precision to develop a versatile and conscious dancer. We will also explore topics such as performance, intention, and habits while dancing.
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 138

MUDA 143: Fundamentals of Movement: Practices of Care for the Performing Artist, Athlete

Fundamentals of Movement introduces the performing artist, the performing athlete to tactics of care, injury prevention, performance enhancement, and wellness. Through experiential anatomy, fascial training, restorative and preventative somatic practices students actively engage with experiential tools that will enhance and add longevity to their performative careers, whatever performative situation comes next. The course will have reading, viewing, discussion, written and verbal critique, and experiential components. Recommended for students who wish to participate in theatre, opera, musical and collaborative productions as well as competitive sport and athletics.
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 143

MUDA 147: Physical Practice: Modern Dance

Physical Practice introduces students to dance as an embodied practice, academic study and a process of investigating and making. This class section explores the basic elements of contemporary modern dance: coordination, alignment, time, space, speed, rhythm, weight, and solo/ensemble practice. Emphasis is placed on moving and dancing a lot, getting sweaty in order to build strength and stamina in the body and mind. The course will have viewing, discussion, written and verbal critique, composition, and experiential components. Recommended for students who wish to participate in theatre, opera, musical and collaborative productions. This course can be repeated (and can be taken by students who previously took THAR 147 under the old title.) Only 6 units of Physical Practice (any type) can count toward the theatre arts major.
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 147

MUDA 149: Physical Practice: Broadway Styles

Physical Practice introduces students to dance as an embodied practice, academic study and a process of investigating and making. This class section explores the basic elements of contemporary Broadway dance: coordination, alignment, time, space, speed, rhythm, weight, and solo/ensemble practice. Emphasis is placed on moving and dancing a lot, getting sweaty in order to build strength and stamina in the body and mind. The course will have viewing, discussion, written and verbal critique, composition, and experiential components. Recommended for students who wish to participate in theatre, opera, musical and collaborative productions. This course can be repeated (and can be taken by students who previously took THAR 149 under the old title.) Only 6 units of Physical Practice (any type) can count toward the theatre arts major.
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 149

MUDA 185: Movement and Text

This studio-based introductory course examines the interplay of physical movement with verbal and written texts. Using choreographic approaches and improvisational structures, students will investigate how to mine a theatrical text for its range of expression, embodiment, and compositional qualities, and to examine the kinesthetic body as a text.
Units: 6
Also listed as Theatre Arts 185

MUDA 191: Directed Study in Dance

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 220: Topics in Movement/Performance

Topics in this series vary from year to year. May be repeated when topic is different.
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 220

MUDA 221: Dance Studies: Global Perspectives

This course introduces major concepts, approaches and issues in the study of dance as a cultural, historical and artistic practice. By examining key texts in dance studies, viewing dance films and engaging in the practice of dancing, students will investigate how moving bodies shaped history while considering dance as a form of cultural identity and political power.
Units: 6
Also listed as Theatre Arts 221

MUDA 222: Dance, Yoga, and Body Knowledge in Religion

This class introduces students to the concept of embodied knowledge, asking students 'what do our bodies know and how do they learn?' and 'what do the performances of our bodies create?' Students will explore embodied ways of knowing at the intersection of Indian classical dance, yoga, and Hindu traditions and then create and analyze their own movement practices as part of the class.
Units: 6
Also listed as Religious Studies 221

MUDA 341: C.S: Tools For Embodied Resear

What constitutes performance and how is performance a site of possibility, discourse, dissension, and connection? Through the lens of dance as a foundation, we grapple with embodying our research and creating action in our campus communities and beyond. This upper-level course is meant to prepare students for their senior capstone and for any students who want to dive into deep research.
Units: 6
Also listed as Theatre Arts 341

MUDA 390: Tutorial in Dance

A tutorial is a student-driven course of study undertaken by an individual student or a small group of students in collaboration with one or more faculty members from the department. The primary goal of a tutorial is the expansion, refinement, and synthesis of knowledge through in-depth exploration of a specific topic. A tutorial may be arranged with an instructor in accordance with the guidelines contained in the course catalog and any departmental requirements.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 391: Directed Study in Dance

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 399: Independent Study in Dance

An independent study is largely student-directed work in scholarship or creative activity supervised by a member of an academic department. An independent study may be arranged with an instructor in accordance with the guidelines contained in the course catalog and any departmental requirements.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 590: Tutorial in Dance

A tutorial is a student-driven course of study undertaken by an individual student or a small group of students in collaboration with one or more faculty members from the department. The primary goal of a tutorial is the expansion, refinement, and synthesis of knowledge through in-depth exploration of a specific topic. A tutorial may be arranged with an instructor in accordance with the guidelines contained in the course catalog and any departmental requirements.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 591: Directed Study in Dance

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 599: Independent Study in Dance

An independent study is largely student-directed work in scholarship or creative activity supervised by a member of an academic department. An independent study may be arranged with an instructor in accordance with the guidelines contained in the course catalog and any departmental requirements.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 690: Tutorial in Dance

A tutorial is a student-driven course of study undertaken by an individual student or a small group of students in collaboration with one or more faculty members from the department. The primary goal of a tutorial is the expansion, refinement, and synthesis of knowledge through in-depth exploration of a specific topic. A tutorial may be arranged with an instructor in accordance with the guidelines contained in the course catalog and any departmental requirements.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 691: Directed Study in Dance

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUDA 699: Independent Study in Dance

An independent study is largely student-directed work in scholarship or creative activity supervised by a member of an academic department. An independent study may be arranged with an instructor in accordance with the guidelines contained in the course catalog and any departmental requirements.
Units: 1 TO 98

Courses - Music Education and Pedagogy

MUEP 191: Directed Study in Music Education and Pedagogy

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEP 195: Internship in Music Pedagogy

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEP 201: Introduction to Music Education

An introduction to the philosphy of music education and the principles of learning theory and pedagogy, and improvisation as applied to the private lesson, instrumental and choral ensembles, and the general music classroom. In addition, the course includes observation of experienced teachers, in-class teaching, and improvisation.
Units: 3

MUEP 230: Voice for Instrumental Music Educators

An introduction to singing technique, voice use, and health. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUEP 240: General Music Methods I

An examination of various approaches to designing music instruction for general music environments. The course provides future teachers with strategies and learning theories for improving large group teaching and motivating all learners to succeed. Instructional skills and evaluation techniques needed for classroom application in diverse school settings will be addressed. PREREQUISITES: Prior completion or concurent enrollment in MUEP 336, and MURP 223, or consent of instructor.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Prior completion or concurent enrollment in MUEP 336, and MURP 223, or consent of instructor.

MUEP 245: Instrumental Pedagogy

An introduction to individualized instrumental instruction. Directed reading and discussion concerning instrumental technique and pedagogy, learning theory, and lesson planning. Includes supervised teaching of private lessons and observation of experienced teachers. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing and consent of instructor
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and consent of instructor

MUEP 252: Cello Pedagogy

An introduction to cello teaching. Directed reading and discussion concerning technique and pedagogy, learning theory, and lesson planning. Includes supervised teaching of private lessons and observation of experienced teachers.
Units: 3

MUEP 259: Brass Pedagogy

An introduction to individualized brass instrument instruction. Directed reading and discussion concerning brass instrument technique, pedagogy, and lesson planning.
Units: 1

MUEP 261: Flute Pedagogy

An introduction to teaching the flute. Directed reading and discussion concerning technique and pedagogy, learning theory, and lesson planning. Includes supervised teaching of private lessons and observation of experienced teachers. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUEP 262: Clarinet Pedagogy

An intensive study and direct application of pedagogical principles related to clarinet instruction at all levels. Students will consider and discuss traditions and trajectories of global clarinet instruction, develop materials necessary for a career in applied education, establish a pedagogy authentic to their own lived experience, and use their skills in evaluated hands-on teaching experiences and to generate materials for usage moving forward.
Units: 1

MUEP 270: Percussion Pedagogy

Students will explore the world of percussion literature through listening, performing, and visual learning. By listening to recordings of seminal pieces and watching master performers, students will gain insights into various styles, techniques, and performance practices. Each class will delve into the historical context, compositional techniques, and traditions of percussion music, enriching students' appreciation and understanding of the art form. PREREQUISITES: Instructor Approval
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval

MUEP 271: Auxiliary Percussion Playing

Students will study the pedagogical and performing principles of instruments such as the tambourine, triangle, bass drum, cymbals, shaker, and more. Through the study of ensemble repertoire, students will develop understanding of common practices essential for the successful performance of these instruments. The skills learned in this class benefit students’ performance in large ensembles, auditions and professional endeavors. This course may be repeated. PREREQUISITES: Instructor Approval
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval

MUEP 272: Percussion Repertoire Class

Students will explore the world of percussion literature through listening, performing, and visual learning. By listening to recordings of seminal pieces and watching master performers, students will gain insights into various styles, techniques, and performance practices. Each class will delve into the historical context, compositional techniques, and traditions of percussion music, enriching students' appreciation and understanding of the art form. PREREQUISITES: Instructor Approval
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval

MUEP 301: Piano Pedagogy I

An introduction to piano teaching. Study of learning process and teaching methods and materials. Work with lesson and curriculum planning and instructional techniques for both groups and individuals, from average-age beginners through intermediate-level students. Required observation of experienced teachers and supervised teaching. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor

MUEP 302: Piano Pedagogy II

An introduction to piano teaching. Study of learning process and teaching methods and materials. Work with lesson and curriculum planning and instructional techniques for both groups and individuals, from average-age beginners through intermediate-level students. Required observation of experienced teachers and supervised teaching. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 301
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 301

MUEP 303: Piano Pedagogy III

An introduction to piano teaching. Study of learning process and teaching methods and materials. Work with lesson and curriculum planning and instructional techniques for both groups and individuals, from average-age beginners through intermediate-level students. Required observation of experienced teachers and supervised teaching. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 302
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 302

MUEP 304: Guitar Pedagogy

An introduction to class guitar and individual guitar instruction. Includes reading and discussion, lesson and curriculum planning, observation of experienced teachers and a survey of pedagogical materials. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUEP 305: Jazz Pedagogy

Structured to prepare teachers of elementary, middle school, and high school students. Jazz education philosophies, teaching improvisation/aural skills/interaction, fostering composition/arranging in the school program, small group development, large ensemble rehearsal techniques, repertoire/ programming, and public presentation. PREREQUISITES: Junior standing or consent of instructor
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor

MUEP 307: Orchestration for the Music Educator

An overview of woodwind, brass, string, and percussion instrument families, with discussion of solutions to common problems encountered when dealing with these instruments. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 301
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 301

MUEP 310: Brass Techniques

An introduction to the teaching of brass instruments, with emphasis on teaching principles and their application to school music. Theoretical and practical playing knowledge of all brass instruments required. Discussion and evaluation of method, materials, and literature. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUEP 315: Percussion Techniques

An introduction to the teaching of percussion instruments, with emphasis on teaching principles and their application to school music. Theoretical and practical playing knowledge of all percussion instruments required. Required observation, discussion, and evaluation of method, materials, and literature. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUEP 321: Woodwind Techniques I

A study of the woodwind instruments, with emphasis on teaching principles and their application to school music. Laboratory fee. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUEP 322: Woodwind Techniques II

A study of the woodwind instruments, with emphasis on teaching principles and their application to school music. Laboratory fee. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 321 or consent of instructor.
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 321 or consent of instructor.

MUEP 331: String Techniques I

Class instruction in all bowed string instruments, with emphasis on teaching principles and their application to string classes in elementary and secondary schools. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing; recommended that string majors take this course during the sophomore year
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing; recommended that string majors take this course during the sophomore year

MUEP 332: String Techniques II

Class instruction in all bowed string instruments, with emphasis on teaching principles and their application to string classes in elementary and secondary schools. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 331 or consent of instructor.
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 331 or consent of instructor.

MUEP 333: String Pedagogy: Pedagogues & Methods

A concentrated course encompassing a wide range of pedagogical approaches and principles involved in teaching and playing the violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Topics include the study of major pedagogues, including Galamian, Suzuki, Rolland, and others. Offered even years only.
Units: 1

MUEP 336: Guitar Techniques for the Music Educator

Beginning guitar and recorder instruction providing practical application of basic performance techniques to the elementary music classroom for the purpose of teaching.
Units: 1

MUEP 337: Indigeneity Unleashed: Perspectives of Institutional Decolonization Today

This course centers Indigeneity by exploring how we may practice and enact decolonization at institutions through ethnographic analyses and studying talk and symbolic practice. We will equip students with the skills to identify and assess how colonialism currently affects them today in an effort to create innovation around systemic structural change. Using an interdisciplinary lens students will investigate the topic through music, art, literature, and ethnographic research. Field experiences and guest presenters from Indigenous communities will be an important component of this course. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 6
Also listed as Ethnic Studies 337, Anthropology 337
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUEP 340: Musical Theatre Production Overview

This course is designed to equip future educators with a basic understanding of the various details and responsibilities involved in mounting a musical theatre production. Topics include: choosing a musical, rehearsal schedules, finances, stage direction/blocking, lighting, sound, choreography, and pit orchestra. Offered every other year, fall term (even years). PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 340
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUEP 345: Applied Instrumental Pedagogy

Application of teaching strategies, learning theory, and lesson planning to private lesson instruction. Directed teaching and discussion of journal articles and texts addressing issues relevant to studio teaching. Students enrolled in the course are assigned a student from outside the university and teach an observed private lesson each week. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 201 or MUEP 245
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 201 or MUEP 245

MUEP 350: General Music Methods II

This course is designed to develop pedagogical competencies necessary for teaching general music in grades pre-K to 12. This course will strengthen understanding of culturally relevant pedagogy, Kodaly, Orff, and Dalcroze methodologies through solfège, improvisation, theory and movement. A practicum at a diverse area school is a key feature of this course. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 240, MUEP 336 and MURP 223
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUEP 240, MUEP 336 and MURP 223

MUEP 370: General Music Practicum

A pre-student-teaching opportunity to integrate coursework in general music with practical teaching experience in grades K-12. Two and one-half hours of teaching per week with weekly conferences with instructor. Teaching hours will count toward the 100 practicum hours required prior to student teaching. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 232, MUEP 335, MUEP 350, and MURP 212; or consent of instructor
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 232, MUEP 335, MUEP 350, and MURP 212; or consent of instructor

MUEP 371: Voice Science and Pedagogy I

An introduction to the science and pedagogy of singing, emphasizing the physiology and pedagogy of respiration for singing, the voice source, vocal acoustics, and registration. The application of voice science to pedagogy, issues of pedagogical philosophy and psychology, vocal line, vocal vibrato, and vocal hygiene also are introduced. 3 units awarded upon completion of MUEP 372. PREREQUISITES: Junior standing or consent of instructor; credit awarded upon completion of MUEP 372
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor; credit awarded upon completion of MUEP 372

MUEP 372: Voice Science and Pedagogy II

A continuation of MUEP 371. Supervised student teaching with weekly lab discussions on issues arising from the teaching experience. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 371
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUEP 371

MUEP 380: Conducting Principles

An introduction to choral and instrumental conducting: baton and rehearsal techniques, and score-reading (utilizing aural and keyboard skills). Lab required. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing, MUTH 301 and BKS
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, MUTH 301 and BKS

MUEP 390: Tutorial in Music Pedagogy

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUEP 391: Directed Study in Music Education and Pedagogy

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEP 395: Internship in Music Pedagogy

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEP 399: Independent Study in Music Pedagogy

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUEP 403: Large Ensemble Rehearsal Techniques

Concepts and techniques appropriate to effective leadership of musical ensembles in the 6th-12th grade band, choir, or orchestra setting. Topics include programming and repertoire, rehearsal planning, assessment, community leadership, strategies for working with wind, brass, string, percussion instruments and vocalists, adaptive strategies, and curriculum design with incorporation of national standards for learning. PREREQUISITES: Junior Standing, MUEP 380
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Junior Standing, MUEP 380

MUEP 431: Educating All Learners - Music

This course for students seeking certification to teach music (choral, general, and/or instrumental) focuses on adapting music instruction to learners with disabilities. Practicum of 10 hours required in a music class that includes learners with special needs. PREREQUISITES: EDST 180, junior standing, and declared major in music education
Units: 3
Also listed as Education 431
Prerequisite: EDST 180, junior standing, and declared major in music education

MUEP 451: Instrumental Methods and Rehearsal Techniques

A continuation of instrumental conducting studies; rehearsal technique; aural, vocal, and written score analysis; and improvisation. Specific topics pertinent to the student’s emphasis addressed. Required participation in instrumental lab. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 403
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUEP 403

MUEP 452: Choral Techniques, Rehearsal Procedures and Repertoire

Students will transfer ensemble techniques from MUEP 403 to the choral setting. Includes more intensive formal score analysis, lesson planning, vocal modeling, and listening. Students will begin to develop inner hearing, demonstrate an ability to play and sing the score, refine rehearsal efficiency, and demonstrate effective nonverbal skills as well while conducting. Students will also teach in a high school or middle school choral classroom. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 403 Corequisite: MUEP 307
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUEP 403 Corequisite: MUEP 307

MUEP 502: Early Advanced Piano Pedagogy

A course in how to teach the advancing pianist, with a survey of piano literature for the pre-college student. Readings on style, technique, form, and practice techniques. Required observation of conservatory piano faculty. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 303
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 303

MUEP 503: Group Piano Pedagogy

Study of different types of group teaching situations: in the schools, independent studios, different age and special-interest groups, repertoire classes. Techniques for teaching in the electronic piano laboratory. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 303
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 303

MUEP 505: Internship in Piano Pedagogy

Internship in independent studio teaching. Opportunity to integrate coursework in piano pedagogy with practical experience in an independent piano studio. Exploration of the business and professional aspects of establishing an independent teaching studio. Studio placement must be approved by instructor. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 303
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 303

MUEP 581: Student Teaching in Piano I

Supervised teaching in the Lawrence Community Music School. Includes weekly conferences with the pedagogy instructor. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 303
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 303

MUEP 582: Student Teaching in Piano II

Supervised teaching in the Lawrence Community Music School. Includes weekly conferences with the pedagogy instructor. PREREQUISITES: MUEP 303
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUEP 303

MUEP 590: Tutorial in Music Pedagogy

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUEP 591: Directed Study in Music Education and Pedagogy

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEP 595: Internship in Music Pedagogy

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEP 599: Independent Study in Music Pedagogy

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUEP 660: Advanced Methods in Teaching Music

The seminar will engage students in critical reflection upon their teaching experience. Concrete and theoretical problems having to do with teaching and learning will be explored (e.g., classroom management, assessment of pupil performance, curriculum design, instructional methods), as will issues having to do with educational policy and school organization. PREREQUISITES: Concurrent enrollment in MUEP 680 or consent of the instructor
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in MUEP 680 or consent of the instructor

MUEP 680: Student Teaching

Student teaching is a full-day, full-semester (18-week) experience combining observation with practice teaching in K-12 schools within a 45-mile radius of campus. Concurrent registration in MUEP 660 Advanced Methods in Teaching Music is required. PREREQUISITES: Senior standing and admission to student teaching program; contact department chair about specific prerequisites and co-requisites
Units: 18
Prerequisite: Senior standing and admission to student teaching program; contact department chair about specific prerequisites and co-requisites

MUEP 685: International Student Teaching

This is an overseas student teaching option in music. After nine weeks of student teaching in the greater Fox Valley, students will be placed in one of 16 countries to complete the student teaching practicum. International student teaching is available during 13th term. For students in the five-year double-degree program, a 16th term of student teaching is available under the same policy. Students must have been admitted to the student teaching program and have met all requirements for domestic student teaching. Contact the department chair for additional admission and fee requirements. PREREQUISITES: Senior standing and admission to student teaching program; contact the music education department chair about specific prerequisites, co-requisites, admission and fee requirements
Units: 18
Prerequisite: Senior standing and admission to student teaching program; contact the music education department chair about specific prerequisites, co-requisites, admission and fee requirements

MUEP 690: Tutorial in Music Pedagogy

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUEP 691: Directed Study in Music Education and Pedagogy

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEP 695: Internship in Music Pedagogy

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEP 699: Independent Study in Music Pedagogy

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

Courses - Music Ensemble Performance

MUEN 191: Directed Study in Music Ensemble Performance

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUEN 199: Independent Study Music Ensemble Performance

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: Student initiated course form required for registration.

MUEN 203: Balinese Gamelan Music

Open to all students. Gamelan is a type of traditional percussion and wind ensemble from Indonesia. This course offers study and performance of Balinese classical instrumental pieces, dance accompaniment, and contemporary works. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager.

MUEN 204: Didjeridu Lab

This is a course which teaches the fundamentals of didjeridu playing, covers the history and cultural significance of the instrument, and explores composition and collaborative improvisation. Instruments are provided. No previous experience needed.
Units: 1

MUEN 205: Dance Collective Ensemble

This dance performance ensemble is collectively driven and uses dance as an art form to change spaces, shift perspectives, and challenge boundaries. Sparked by experience with Articulating the Solo Body, Contact Improvisation, Ensemble Thinking and/or other Lawrence post-modern dance classes, Dance Collective Ensemble works together using movement and improvisation as foundation for weekly studio practice, building community, and creating performances across campus. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 211: Viola da Gamba Ensemble

An ensemble class for all students with previous experience playing the viola da gamba. (Instruments will be provided.) The ensemble will focus on viol consort music and it will perform at least once during the term. An audition may be required. Not appropriate for beginning viol players, who should instead register for MUIN 154. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Audition/Instructor Approval
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Audition/Instructor Approval

MUEN 212: Hybrid Vocal Ensemble

This ensemble, comprised of 8-16 SATB singers, will explore a wide variety of vocal works from all eras and genres of music and assist in building skills in various styles of improvisation while exploring and experiencing the deep connections between disparate musical genres. Particular emphasis will be placed on vocal jazz, early music, world music and newly composed works. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 213: Flute Ensemble

Open to all students by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Students may not register for ensemble study using Voyager; registration will be handled by ensemble directors at the beginning of each term.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Students may not register for ensemble study using Voyager; registration will be handled by ensemble directors at the beginning of each term.

MUEN 217: Bassoon Ensemble

Open to all students by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 218: Clarinet Ensemble

Open to all students by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 219: Saxophone Ensemble

Study and performance of music for saxophone ensemble, including original contemporary works, transcriptions, and works incorporating non-traditional notation and improvisation. Minimum of one performance (on or off-campus) per term. Course is scheduled at the following times: 6:30 - 7:30 PM T PREREQUISITES: An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: An audition may be required.

MUEN 220: Brass Ensemble

Open to all students by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 224: Horn Ensemble

Open to all students by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 225: Trombone Ensemble

Open to all students by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 230: Percussion Ensemble

Open to all students by audition. Performance of contemporary percussion chamber music, including music written specifically for mallet ensembles. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 231: Ghanaian Dancing and Drumming (Kinkaviwo)

Open to all students by audition. African drum and dance ensemble performing music from the Ewe people of Ghana. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 232: Tambo Toké

Open to all students by audition. Drum and song ensemble dedicated to performing Afro-Cuban music. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 233: Sambistas Ensemble

Open to all students by audition. Brazilian drum ensemble. May be repeated for credit. Course is scheduled at the following times: 12:30 - 1:40 PM M PREREQUISITES: An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 235: Improvisation Group

Solo and group improvisation without stylistic boundaries. Membership determined by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 237: Post-modern Opera Performance

A collaborative ensemble environment utilizing improvisation, devised theatre techniques, and extended vocal and performing techniques, with an invited performance at the end of the term. PREREQUISITES: MURP 361 Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MURP 361 Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 245: Chamber Music

A study of ensemble playing through repertoire selected according to the interests and capability of the students. A maximum of 6 units, beyond departmental requirements, may apply to degree requirements. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 248: Jazz Small Group Studies

Year-long study and performance of jazz small group repertoire for ensembles chosen by audition. A maximum of 6 units of jazz small group (chamber) music, beyond departmental requirements, may apply to degree requirements. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 250: Supervised Accompanying

Supervised accompanying in a voice or instrumental studio. To include attendance at lessons as determined by the supervising teacher and at least two hours of rehearsal weekly. Repertoire must be approved by both the pianist’s applied teacher and the other studio teacher involved. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Consent of instructor and students applied teacher. Supervised Accompanying Permission Form is required to register. To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and students applied teacher. Supervised Accompanying Permission Form is required to register. To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUEN 270: Viking Chorale

Introductory choral experience open to all students of the university. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 272: Cantala Women’s Choir

An advanced women’s ensemble that studies and performs music of all historical periods. Open to all women of the university by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 275: Lawrence Concert Choir

An advanced choral ensemble that studies and performs music of all historical periods. Open to all students of the university by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 278: Opera Production

Practicum in Opera Production. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager.

MUEN 280: Performance Skills for Singers

Introduction to the craft of the singing actor. Stage/audition protocol; expressive movement; gesture; character analysis; subtext; blocking. Students must prepare song for analysis and performance. May not be repeated. PREREQUISITES: Students may not register for ensemble study using Voyager; registration will be handled by ensemble directors at the beginning of each term.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Students may not register for ensemble study using Voyager; registration will be handled by ensemble directors at the beginning of each term.

MUEN 282: Mainstage Opera Preparation

Experience in musical and dramatic aspects of performance, especially preparation of character, language, and music from the selected production. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 283: Mainstage Opera Performance

Final preparation and performance of an operatic or music theatre production. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 284: Opera Scenes

Performance practice for the singing actor. Role preparation including musical/linguistic coaching; character analysis; blocking; staged performance. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 285: Wind Ensemble

A select group chosen by audition. Emphasis on wind repertoire with one player per part. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 287: Symphonic Band

Study and performance of music written for concert or symphonic band. Membership determined by audition. Note: Although students may participate in both Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band and receive credit for both, only 1 unit of this participation per term may apply toward satisfying degree requirements. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 290: Symphony Orchestra

Membership determined by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 293: Jazz Band

Membership determined by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 295: Jazz Ensemble

Membership determined by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 297: Jazz Workshop

Membership determined by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 391: Directed Study in Music Ensemble Performance

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: Student Initiated Course Form Required for Registration.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: Student Initiated Course Form Required for Registration.

MUEN 399: Independent Study in Music Ensemble Performance

Independent study for music ensemble. PREREQUISITES: Student initiated course form required for registration.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: Student initiated course form required for registration.

MUEN 430: Advanced Saxophone Quartet Studies

Year-long study and performance of advanced saxophone quartet repertoire for an ensemble chosen by audition. A maximum of 6 units of chamber music, beyond departmental requirements, may apply to degree requirements. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Consent of instructor and students applied teacher Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and students applied teacher Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

MUEN 440: Advanced Chamber Music Studies

Year-long study and performance of advanced chamber music repertoire for an ensemble chosen by audition. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Registration occurs through the ensemble request process in Voyager. An audition may be required.

Courses - Musicology

MUCO 110: Topics in Musicology for the Non-Major

An exploration of a musicological topic that is more narrowly focused than or lies outside the scope of the Introduction to Music Literature course. May be repeated when topic is different. Does not satisfy course requirements for any music major.

Units: 6

MUCO 111: Cantigas de Santa Maria

The Cantigas de Santa Maria, a thirteenth century songbook from Spain, contains hundreds of songs and dozens of miniatures. In this class, we analyze the poetry, music, and artwork of the Cantigas in regular class meetings for the first five weeks of the term. Students submit short analytic papers in tenth week, but no classes are held after week five.
Units: 3
Also listed as Art History 160, Spanish 302

MUCO 120: Introduction to Jazz History

An exploration of the musical development and cultural impact of jazz from its origins to the present for students not majoring in music. Lectures, films, and readings provide historical details. Does not satisfy course requirements for any music major.
Units: 6

MUCO 131: The Grand Tour: Musical Taste and Manners in Europe 1600-1750

A study of music in the Baroque period, its social and historical context and relationship to other arts. The course explores the depth and variety of 17th and 18th century musical life and follows a broad range of interests to suit both music majors and non-specialists. Museum visits and weekly concerts, with accompanying lectures; demonstrations by performers active in the field of historical performance practice; and readings on form, style, and the lives of composers. The course is general in scope, and no prior musical knowledge is expected. Does not satisfy course requirements for any music major. Not open to students who have previously recieved, or need to receive credit for MUCO 431.Offered at the London Centre. PREREQUISITES: Must be attending the Lawrence London Centre.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Must be attending the Lawrence London Centre.

MUCO 133: Perspectives on Genius: The life and musical impact of Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven, arguably one of the most famous composers of all time, is a compelling and fascinating figure in classical music. He occupies a central position as the architect of musical Romanticism and his influence continues today. In additions to studying his music from the perspective of his own time, we will discuss his extraordinary creative personality and the reception of his music by subsequent composers and listeners. A number of concerts and outside visits will be organized, and students will be encoursaged to attend relevant performances in London, for which they will be prepared in class. The course will be general in scope, and no prior musical knowledge will be expected. The course does not satisfy requirements for any music major. Not open to students who have received or need to receive credit for MUCO 433. PREREQUISITES: Must be attending the Lawrence London Centre
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Must be attending the Lawrence London Centre

MUCO 160: Advance of the American Musical

A study of this uniquely American theatrical form as it develops in response to our culture throughout the 20th century and into the 21st. Ability to read music helpful, but not required. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Theatre Arts 425
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor

MUCO 180: Introduction to World Music & Culture

This course offers the opportunity to explore music and music cultures in a variety of ways and to increase your understanding of and appreciation for musics from around the world. We will discuss what music means to different people, how this relates to issues of ethnic, national, and gender identity, and how music traditions are changing due to forces of globalization. We will also discuss current ethnomusicological and anthropological theories that can help explain and analyze different contexts and understandings of music and why music is so important in human life. Students will apply these ideas in conducting their own musical ethnographic projects.
Units: 6

MUCO 191: Directed Study in Musicology

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 195: Internship in Musicology

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 210: Topics in Musicology for the Non-Major

This course will enable non-music majors to engage with the discipline of music history. May be repeated when topic is different. Does not satisfy course requirements for any music major.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUCO 211: Introduction to Musicologies I

This course is the first in a two-term sequence that takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of music, drawing upon fields such as ethnomusicology, music history, popular music studies, sound studies, cultural studies, music hermeneutics, gender studies, critical race theory, post-colonial studies, historiography and performance studies. We will explore musical styles, practices, functions, meanings and values in cross-cultural and transhistorical contexts. We will develop--and think critically about--the power of engaging actively, intensively and creatively with questions, ideas and sources. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUCO 212: Introduction to Musicologies II

This course is the second in a two-term sequence that takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of music, drawing upon fields such as ethnomusicology, music history, popular music studies, sound studies, cultural studies, music hermeneutics, gender studies, critical race theory, post-colonial studies, historiography and performance studies. We will explore musical styles, practices, functions, meanings and values in cross-cultural and transhistorical contexts. We will develop--and think critically about--the power of engaging actively, intensively and creatively with questions, ideas and sources. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 211
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 211

MUCO 221: Music and Gender

This course will explore the relationship between music and gender in the Western world from the Middle Ages to the present. Considering classical and popular music, including music videos and film, as well as writings about gender and music, we will explore music's role as a reflection of, reaction to, and active participant in gender construction. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 6
Also listed as Gender Studies 222
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUCO 223: Music & Mystical Experience

What is mystical experience? And how does music evoke, induce, or otherwise bring us into relation with it? These questions motivate a cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary, and diachronic exploration of the ways in which human beings experience the numinous through music. In the spirit of its title, the course also introduces specific contemplative practices in order to cultivate qualities of mind conducive to contemplative engagement with music and sound. Not open to students who have received, or need to receive, credit for MUCO 423. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MUCO 225: Music in the Monastery

This course examines intersections of music and art in pre- and early-modern monasteries. Students will gain facility analyzing visual and musical traditions as we explore themes such as the cosmos and community, gender, and the Christian body politic. Students will learn about varied disciplinary approaches to chant and polyphony, architecture and sculpture, the politics of enclosure, and practices of faith and spirituality, among other topics. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore Standing
Units: 6
Also listed as Art History 225
Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing

MUCO 232: Signifying Identity: The Semiotics of Embodying Musical Genre Affiliations

The exploration of how people embody and display their identities as they relate to musical genres. From Doc Martens to zoot suits, body mod to makeup, we will learn about the semiotics of musical genre affiliations, paying attention to how embodied expressions of affiliation intersect with different aspects of identities such as ethnicity, queerness, or race. Class includes discussions, projects, and speakers. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore Standing
Units: 6
Also listed as Linguistics 232, Anthropology 332
Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing

MUCO 390: Tutorial in Studies Musicology

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 391: Directed Study in Musicology

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 395: Internship in Musicology

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 399: Independent Study in Musicology

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 411: Aesthetics of Music

A study of what can reasonably be said or written about music, critically examining many of the typical late Western assumptions often made of it, e.g., that music is an art, that it involves the production of works, that it is expressive, and that it is a universal language. This study will also assess the extent that music is a social activity informed by cultural context and will consider music from a broad variety of styles and cultures. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or consent of instructor

MUCO 421: Music and Gender

In this course we will explore some of the relationships between western musickings and gender identities in specific contexts. We will consider musickings' functions as reflections of, reactions to, and active participants in gender construction, experience, and expression. We will examine musicking as a normative force and as a space for being and making in defiance of or complex interaction with hegemonic control. We will explore ambiguities and possibilities of queer musicology, virtualities, and intersectionalities. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or permission of the instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Gender Studies 421
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or permission of the instructor

MUCO 422: Borrowed Music in the Movies

In this course we will explore some of the complexities, ambiguities, and powers of film musickings. Focusing primarily on pre-existing musics in filmscapes, we will pursue the multiple ways that film musickings reveal, reinforce, cross, and break constructed boundaries of space, time, identity, and community. Engaging with elements of film, film sound, and film music studies, gender and queer theory, critical race theory, and disability theory, we will experience and examine the spaces that film musickings can create and provide access to; the pleasures, violences, and possibilities of those spaces; as well as ambiguities and possibilities of interpretation. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202
Units: 6
Also listed as Film Studies 422
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202

MUCO 423: Music and Mystical Experience

What is mystical experience? And how does music evoke, induce, or otherwise bring us into relation with it? These questions motivate a cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary, and diachronic exploration of the ways in which human beings experience the numinous through music. Readings from contemporary and historical sources in eastern and western philosophy, psychology, and the history and theory of music provide intellectual and aesthetic contexts in which to engage with a variety of musical practices and traditions. In the spirit of its title, the course also requires a commitment to specific contemplative practices—not bound to any particular belief system—that are introduced in an effort to cultivate qualities of mind conducive to contemplative engagement with a work of music or the experience of sound. Not open to students who have received credit, or need to receive credit, for MUCO 223. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202

MUCO 431: The Grand Tour: Musical Tastes and Manners in Europe 1600-1750

A study of music in the Baroque period, its social and historical context and relationship to other arts. The course explores the depth and variety of 17th and 18th century musical life and follows a broad range of interests to suit both music majors and non-specialists. Museum visits and weekly concerts, with accompanying lectures; demonstrations by performers active in the field of historical performance practice; and readings on form, style, and the lives of composers. This course is a seminar involving independent research. Not open to students who have previously received credit for MUCO 131. Offered at the London Centre. PREREQUISITES: Must be attending the Lawrence London Centre. MUCO 212
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Must be attending the Lawrence London Centre. MUCO 212

MUCO 433: Perspectives on Genius: The life and musical impact of Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven, arguably one of the most famous composers of all time, is a compelling and fascinating figure in classical music. He occupies a central position as the architect of musical Romanticism and his influence continues today. In additions to studying his music from the perspective of his own time, we will discuss his extraordinary creative personality and the reception of his music by subsequent composers and listeners. A number of concerts and outside visits will be organized, and students will be encoursaged to attend relevant performances in London, for which they will be prepared in class. This course is a seminar involving independent research. Not open to students who have received credit for MUCO 133. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 202; must be attending the Lawrence London Centre
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 202; must be attending the Lawrence London Centre

MUCO 435: The British Musical Renaissance: Elgar, Vaughn Williams, and Britten

An introduction to British music in the first three-quarters of the 20th century. In addition to studying major works by Elgar, Vaughan Williams, and Britten, students will explore the social and political currents as they impinged on musical life in Britain. A number of concerts and outside visits will be organized, and students will be encouraged to attend relevant performances in London, for which they will be prepared in class. This course is a seminar involving independent research. Not open to students who have previously received credit for MUCO 135. Offered at the London Centre. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 202
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 202

MUCO 440: Topics in Musicology: Life and Works

A study of a composer’s career, emphasizing the relationship between composer and society. Topics in this series vary from year to year. May be repeated when topic is different.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202

MUCO 441: Debussy: Contextual Perspectives

In this course we will explore the music, attitudes, and life of Claude Debussy in interaction with multiple cultural forces. We will explore the interpretive potential of resonances between Debussy’s music and the political, social, and artistic world of Paris at the turn of the twentieth century; conceptions and constructions of cultural identities; questions, challenges, and possibilities related to biography and primary source materials; possibilities related to practices of listening, analysis, and performance; and the power of writing. We will consider some of the ways that the value and meaning of Debussy’s music have been categorized and theorized during his life and after, as well as some of the ways that these discourses might affect conceptions of and relationships with this music, blocking and revealing possibilities. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202

MUCO 450: Topics in Musicology: Genre History

An examination of the historical development of a single genre, stressing the effects of societal changes. Topics in this series vary from year to year. May be repeated when topic is different.

Topic for Fall 2024: Pop Music and Authenticity

In discourse about music, a single word – authenticity – often stands in for an array of concepts: truth, sincerity, originality, authority, legitimacy, mastery, autonomy, integrity. “Authentic” musicking may be that which is regarded as unmediated, convincing, deep, traditional, natural, untrained, virtuosic, or exotic. In this course we will examine authenticity discourses in a variety of past and present genres of popular music, including folk, blues, country, singer-songwriter, rock, disco, electronic dance music, punk, \metal, grunge, hip hop, J-pop, K-pop, and indie pop. We will analyze sound recordings and audiovisual media such as music videos and filmed concerts. Students will undertake an independent project on a topic of their choice. Course is writing intensive.

Topic for Fall 2024: Music and Disability

In this course we will pursue the multifaceted relationship between music and conceptions, constructions, and experiences of disability. Grounded in the field of Disability Studies, our exploration will involve performers, composers, and hearers; multiple musical genres, traditions, and practices; and issues of meaning, value, and difference. We will consider music’s power to reflect and configure bodies, attitudes, and ideas—to limit, but also to provide access to extraordinary possibilities.

Topic for Fall 2024: Music and Memory
In this class we will examine multiple meanings, processes, experiences, and functions of music in relation to memory. Focusing on music in multiple forms, genres, and mediums, we will explore history, time, trauma, racism, colonialism, nostalgia, prosthetic memory, identity, the pastoral, creativity, and speculative futures.

Topic for Fall 2024: Early Music Revivals
PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 In this course we will examine when, where, how, and why musicians have revived musical works and practices from the period roughly encompassing 800-1750 ce. In addition to studying early musicking moments and movements, students will explore issues of performance practice and presentation by performing an early musical work of their choosing as a final project.

Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212

MUCO 451: History of the String Quartet

Composers have used the string quartet genre to express some of their most profound and daring musical thoughts since the late 18th century and up to the present day. Through readings and analysis, students will explore how this repertoire and its audiences have been shaped by sociological and aesthetic forces. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202

MUCO 452: History of the Wind Band

This course will be an examination of the history and development of the wind band as an artistic medium, focusing on repertoire and instrumentation development and cultural influences. The growth of the modern concert wind ensemble will be studied as a part of the evolution beginning with Gabrieli and proceeding through classical, romantic, and contemporary musical trends. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202

MUCO 453: Opera and Betrayal

This course will examine different modes of betrayal (for example, at the plot, music, or production level) within opera from the 17th century to the present and explore possible meanings conveyed by operas relative to specific societal contexts and ideals, past and present. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202

MUCO 455: Jazz History

A study of the contributions of select jazz artists through analysis of recordings, historical films, solo transcriptions, scores, and readings from texts. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212

MUCO 460: Topics in Musicology: Cultural Moments

A study of a particular time and place, examining the relationship between social institutions, intellectual ideas, and music products. Topics in this series vary from year to year. May be repeated with consent of instructor.

Topic for Fall 2024: Early Music Revivals

In this course we will examine when, where, how, and why musicians have revived musical works and practices from the period roughly encompassing 800-1750 ce. In addition to studying early musicking moments and movements, students will explore issues of performance practice and presentation by performing an early musical work of their choosing as a final project.

Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212

MUCO 470: Topics in Ethnomusicology - Regions

An examination of music of a particular geographic region or diasporic group. Topics and prerequisites may vary from year to year. May be repeated when topic is different.

Topic for Fall 2019: Music of India
We will explore aspects of North and South Indian classical musics and dance in this course, and touch on folk and popular musics as well. Students will become familiar with Indian tuning systems, rhythmic patterns, formal structures, and performance practices. We will examine music’s role in society in India as well as among diasporic populations, and investigate music’s connections to other areas of artistic, social, spiritual, and political life.
Units: 6
Also listed as Global Studies 470
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202 or consent of instructor

MUCO 471: Performing Arts of Bali

This course explores the intersections of Balinese music, dance, drama, and ritural. Discussions will include how globalization, tourism, and economic and religious tensions affect the arts and performer’s lives. Students will have hands-on experience learning to play Balinese gamelan instruments. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202 or consent of instructor.
Units: 6
Also listed as Ethnic Studies 471, Global Studies 471
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202 or consent of instructor.

MUCO 490: Topics in Ethnomusicology - Issues

An examination of a particular issue in ethnomusicological study. Topics and prerequisites may vary from course to course.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or consent of instructor.

MUCO 492: Music and Globalization

How do forces of globalization affect musicians and music-making? How do people use music to make sense of their transnational and cross-border lives and identities? What happens to the meanings in music when it travels across borders and boundaries, is performed by new musicians in different contexts, and is heard by new listeners? What happens to local or ritual meanings when it becomes commodified and commercialized? Do international copyright laws adequately protect composers and musicians when their music travels, and what about when such laws are at odds with local notions of creation and ownership? This course explores answers to these questions through case studies on a variety of musical genres and places around the world. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or GLST 100
Units: 6
Also listed as Global Studies 492
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or GLST 100

MUCO 493: Music and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective

This course examines the relationship between the constructions of gender identities and music performance and practice, and looks at history and development of approaches, theories, and studies regarding this relationship. Each week contains theoretical readings from gender studies, women’s studies, or feminist scholarship as well as ethnomusicological case studies from a variety of locations around the world. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202 or GEST 100 or GLST 100 or consent of instructor.
Units: 6
Also listed as Gender Studies 493
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202 or GEST 100 or GLST 100 or consent of instructor.

MUCO 494: Music and the Environment

In many societies around the world, people use music and specialized listening skills to connect with nature, specific places, and surrounding environments. This course will explore music performance practices that express or enact these connections. Course materials will draw on ethnographic case studies and the growing fields of ecomusicology, acoustic ecology, and zoomusicology. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or ENST 127 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Environmental Studies 494, Global Studies 494
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or ENST 127 or consent of instructor

MUCO 495: Methods, Theories, and Debates in Ethnomusicology

This course will cover the history of the field of ethnomusicology, key debates, influential scholars, and significant case studies. Important concepts will include fieldwork methods, organology (the study of musical instruments), tuning systems, transcription, and issues in applied ethnomusicology. This course will be particularly helpful to students considering graduate work in ethnomusicology. PREREQUISITES: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202 or ANTH 110 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUCO 212 or MUCO 202 or ANTH 110 or consent of instructor

MUCO 590: Tutorial in Studies Musicology

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 591: Directed Study in Musicology

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 595: Internship in Musicology

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 599: Independent Study in Musicology

Advanced study culminating in an independent project, to be completed in consultation with a member of the musicology faculty. Students must have fulfilled all required musicology coursework for the degree and major before undertaking an independent study. Students considering an independent study should consult in advance (preferably during spring registration) with the member of the department with whom they wish to work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor and Completion of required musicology coursework
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor and Completion of required musicology coursework

MUCO 690: Tutorial in Studies Musicology

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 691: Directed Study in Musicology

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 695: Internship in Musicology

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUCO 699: Independent Study in Musicology

Advanced study culminating in an independent project, to be completed in consultation with a member of the musicology faculty. Students must have fulfilled all required musicology coursework for the degree and major before undertaking an independent study. Students considering an independent study should consult in advance (preferably during spring registration) with the member of the department with whom they wish to work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor and completion of required musicology coursework
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor and completion of required musicology coursework

Courses - Applied Music Indiv Instruct

MUIN 103: Elementary Individual Instruction - Voice

Individual, year-long instruction for beginning students who are B.A. degree candidates not majoring in music. The three-class series must be completed in a single academic year for a total of 6 units to be awarded. Credit is awarded upon completion of the third term only. Interested students must contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment which is required for registration. PREREQUISITES: Credit awarded upon completion of three terms of study
Units: 2
Prerequisite: Credit awarded upon completion of three terms of study

MUIN 108: Introductory Individual Instruction - Guitar

Individual, year-long instruction for beginning students who are B.A. degree candidates not majoring in music. The three-class series must be completed in a single academic year for a total of 6 units to be awarded. Credit is awarded upon completion of the third term only. Interested students must contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment which is required for registration. PREREQUISITES: Credit awarded upon completion of three terms of study
Units: 2
Prerequisite: Credit awarded upon completion of three terms of study

MUIN 109: Elementary Individual Instruction - Flute

Individual, year-long instruction for beginning students who are B.A. degree candidates not majoring in music. The three-class series must be completed in a single academic year for a total of 6 units to be awarded. Credit is awarded upon completion of the third term only. Interested students must contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment which is required for registration. PREREQUISITES: Credit awarded upon completion of three terms of study
Units: 2
Prerequisite: Credit awarded upon completion of three terms of study

MUIN 151: Introductory Group Piano

Previously Elementary Piano. A beginning course intended for students with little or no experience at the piano. The purpose of this class is to provide a broad experience with the instrument. Students will improvise, read music notation, and play by ear at the piano. Students will be introduced to a variety of musical styles, music theory, harmonization, and piano technique. 2 units per term, awarded only upon completion of three terms of study starting in the fall. PREREQUISITES: Credit awarded upon completion of three terms of study
Units: 2
Prerequisite: Credit awarded upon completion of three terms of study

MUIN 152: Introductory Group Guitar

A beginning course intended for students with little or no experience with the guitar. The purpose of this class is to provide a broad experience with the instrument. Students will learn to read music notation, use a variety of techniques and become familiar with several different styles of guitar music (Classical, Blues, Flamenco and Rock). Guitars will be provided if needed. 2 units per term, awarded only upon completion of three terms of study starting in the fall. May be repeated for credit.
Units: 2

MUIN 153: Introductory Group Voice

A beginning voice course for students without formal vocal study and those returning to vocal study after an extended absence. Study of body alignment, breath, onset, phonation, diction, and song interpretation. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: Instructor Approval
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval

MUIN 154: Introductory Group Viola da Gamba

A beginning course for students who have never studied the viola da gamba. Students will learn to play treble, tenor, and bass viols. (Instruments and bows will be provided.) Students will develop the skills to read in all relevant clefs and tablature, and will gain rudimentary historical knowledge of the instrument and its repertoire.
Units: 1

MUIN 160: Topics in Introductory Guitar

Topics in Introductory Guitar. This class will introduce students to the guitar while focusing on a particular style or mode of playing. May be repeated when topic is different.
Units: 3

MUIN 191: Directed Study in Individual Performance Instruction

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUIN 195: Internship In Indiv Perf Instr

The academic component of the internship includes readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty supervisor, and a written report appropriate to the discipline. Course grades are based on this academic work.
Units: 1 TO 98

MUIN 251: Continuing Piano

This course is intended for students with previous piano experience who would like to continue learning at the piano. Students may, for example, register for this course to continue skills learned in MUIN 151, BKS, or EKS, to continue playing for pleasure, or as part of their music study. Students receive 30 minutes of private instruction weekly and attend a studio class once per week.3 units per term, may be repeated for credit. This course replaces Intermediate Group Piano. PREREQUISITES: MUIN 151 or previous piano experience. Please contact instructor for placement.
Units: 2 OR 3
Prerequisite: MUIN 151 or previous piano experience. Please contact instructor for placement.

MUIN 301: Piano

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 302: Organ

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 303: Voice

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 304: Violin

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 305: Viola

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 306: Cello

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 TO 6

MUIN 307: Doublebass

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 308: Guitar

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 309: Flute

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 310: Oboe

Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 311: Clarinet

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 312: Saxophone

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 313: Bassoon

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 314: Horn

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 315: Trumpet

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 316: Trombone

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 317: Euphonium

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 318: Tuba

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 319: Harpsichord

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 320: Percussion

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 321: Harp

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B. Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 327: Bass Guitar

Individual instruction in bass guitar. PREREQUISITES: Instructor approval required
Units: 3 OR 6
Prerequisite: Instructor approval required

MUIN 329: Jazz Studies

Private instruction tailored to the individual student. These courses are not appropriate for beginning students, who should enroll for the elementary level. Studio assignments for B.Mus. students are determined upon matriculation. B.Mus. students adding a second instrument and other interested students should contact the Conservatory Office for a studio assignment before attempting to register.
Units: 3 OR 6

MUIN 354: Taubman Approach - Piano

Instruction in the Taubman Approach
Units: 1

MUIN 355: London Studio Instruction

Individual instruction in music at the London Centre. PREREQUISITES: Must be attending the Lawrence London Centre.
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Must be attending the Lawrence London Centre.

MUIN 390: Tutorial in Individual Performance Instruction

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUIN 391: Directed Study in Individual Performance Instruction

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUIN 399: Independent Study in Individual Performance Instruction

Units: 1 TO 98

MUIN 590: Tutorial in Individual Performance Instruction

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUIN 591: Directed Study in Individual Performance Instruction

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUIN 599: Independent Study in Individual Performance Instruction

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUIN 690: Tutorial in Individual Performance Instruction

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUIN 691: Directed Study in Individual Performance Instruction

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUIN 699: Independent Study in Individual Performance Instruction

Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

Courses - Music Repertoire-Perf Study

MURP 191: Directed Study in Music Repertoire and Performance Studies

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MURP 195: Internship in Music Repertoire and Performance Studies

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MURP 201: Basic Keyboard Skills I

Sight-reading, keyboard harmony, transposition, improvisation, technique, and selected repertoire. Students must demonstrate proficiency at each level before advancing to the next level. Completion of MURP 203 or demonstrated equivalent required of all Bachelor of Music degree candidates and Bachelor of Arts degree candidates with a major in music. Audition for placement required. 1 unit per term. Note: Required in the freshman year of all Bachelor of Music degree students whose performance area is not a keyboard instrument. BKS grades are factored into grade-point averages, but credit does not apply toward requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. BKS must be completed successfully by the end of the sophomore year. (Music majors and minors are registered for BKS until the requirement has been completed.) Students who do not complete requirements in four terms of study are charged a fee of $75 in each successive term until all requirements are met.
Units: 1

MURP 202: Basic Keyboard Skills II

Sight-reading, keyboard harmony, transposition, improvisation, technique, and selected repertoire. Students must demonstrate proficiency at each level before advancing to the next level. Completion of MURP 203 or demonstrated equivalent required of all Bachelor of Music degree candidates and Bachelor of Arts degree candidates with a major in music. Audition for placement required. 1 unit per term. Note: Required in the freshman year of all Bachelor of Music degree students whose performance area is not a keyboard instrument. BKS grades are factored into grade-point averages, but credit does not apply toward requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. BKS must be completed successfully by the end of the sophomore year. (Music majors and minors are registered for BKS until the requirement has been completed.) Students who do not complete requirements in four terms of study are charged a fee of $75 in each successive term until all requirements are met.
Units: 1

MURP 203: Basic Keyboard Skills III

Sight-reading, keyboard harmony, transposition, improvisation, technique, and selected repertoire. Students must demonstrate proficiency at each level before advancing to the next level. Completion of MURP 203 or demonstrated equivalent required of all Bachelor of Music degree candidates and Bachelor of Arts degree candidates with a major in music. Audition for placement required. 1 unit per term. Note: Required in the freshman year of all Bachelor of Music degree students whose performance area is not a keyboard instrument. BKS grades are factored into grade-point averages, but credit does not apply toward requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. BKS must be completed successfully by the end of the sophomore year. (Music majors and minors are registered for BKS until the requirement has been completed.) Students who do not complete requirements in four terms of study are charged a fee of $75 in each successive term until all requirements are met.
Units: 1

MURP 223: Educators' Keyboard Skills

An upper-level keyboard proficiency course for students enrolling in any music education emphasis that includes general music. Students will develop a comfort level at the piano so it can be used as a teaching tool in the classroom. Main topics include vocal warm-ups, improvisation, creating and transposing accompaniments, reading three-part scores and teaching from the keyboard. PREREQUISITES: MURP 203 or equivalent
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MURP 203 or equivalent

MURP 230: Taubman Approach to Piano Playing

The Taubman Approach is a method of movement and study of piano technique that prevents and resolves playing-related injury and offers technical freedom and efficiency at the piano. This approach is an opportunity to cultivate awareness around current habits of movement and construct new habits of movement that support wellness both at and away from the piano.
Units: 3

MURP 271: Introduction to Vocal Studies

An orientation class with flexible content that includes strategies and resources for the college student beginning the study of voice. PREREQUISITES: Concurrent registration in voice lessons
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in voice lessons

MURP 272: English Singing Diction

An introduction to English singing diction, including identification of problematic American regionalisms and basic elements of English poetics. The International Phonetic Alphabet is learned as a tool for work in this and subsequent singing diction classes. PREREQUISITES: Concurrent registration in voice lessons
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in voice lessons

MURP 273: Italian and Latin Singing Diction

An introduction to Italian singing diction with special attention given to sounds problematic for English speakers. Brief study of the pronunciation of ecclesiastical Latin. PREREQUISITES: MURP 272 English diction or permission of instructor.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MURP 272 English diction or permission of instructor.

MURP 274: German Singing Diction

An introduction to the pronunciation of written German for the singer. PREREQUISITES: MURP 272 English diction or permission of instructor.
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MURP 272 English diction or permission of instructor.

MURP 275: French Singing Diction

An introduction to French singing diction, with special attention to sounds problematic for English speakers. Expressive use of the language, using appropriate mélodie texts, begun. PREREQUISITES: MURP 272 English diction or permission of instructor
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MURP 272 English diction or permission of instructor

MURP 276: Recitative

An introduction to the performance practices of the pre-Romantic recitative, emphasizing the secco style. Critical listening to a variety of recorded examples and individualized selection, preparation, and coaching of appropriate examples of Baroque and Classic recitatives. PREREQUISITES: Concurrent registration in voice lessons
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in voice lessons

MURP 285: The Eloquent Musician

Course explores and promotes the art of speaking elegantly and knowledgeably about music in the context of live musical performance, and writing engagingly about music for a general audience. Course designed for music majors and other students with strong musical background and interest in interactive concerts and other public programs. PREREQUISITES: Major in music or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Also listed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship 285
Prerequisite: Major in music or consent of instructor

MURP 301: Functional Skills for Keyboard Majors I

Development of functional keyboard skills. Sight-reading, score-reading, transposition, keyboard harmony, playing by ear, improvisation, and conducting from the keyboard. FKS grades are factored into grade-point averages, but credit does not apply toward requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree.
Units: 1

MURP 302: Functional Skills for Keyboard Majors II

Development of functional keyboard skills. Sight-reading, score-reading, transposition, keyboard harmony, playing by ear, improvisation, and conducting from the keyboard. FKS grades are factored into grade-point averages, but credit does not apply toward requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree.
Units: 1

MURP 315: Fretboard Harmony for the Classical Guitarist

Study of intervals, chord construction, and voice leading, using exercises and examples from the standard guitar repertoire. Includes sight-reading, realizing figured bass and harmonizing melodies. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MURP 317: History and Literature of the Guitar

A study of the guitar and its music from 1500 to present. This course examines the physical evolution of the instrument and surveys the important performers and composers for the guitar and other plucked instruments. Includes readings, listening, analysis, performance, transcription and written assignments. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

MURP 320: Functional Jazz Piano

An introduction to jazz piano voicings, basic piano comping techniques, and the role of the keyboard in the jazz rhythm section. Designed to accommodate upperclass students who have been admitted to the Bachelor of Music degree program with an emphasis in jazz studies, sophomore Bachelor of Music students planning to apply for the emphasis in jazz studies, and experienced student jazz performers with consent of instructor. PREREQUISITES: MUJI 350 or MUTH 301; MURP 203 or MURP 302
Units: 3
Prerequisite: MUJI 350 or MUTH 301; MURP 203 or MURP 302

MURP 361: Acting for Singers 1

An opera/song performance course that develops the fundamental tools to create on stage. This term concentrates on basic acting techniques beginning with spoken word and then transferring those skills to intoned speech (song). These building blocks include understanding and breaking down a script, navigating the stage and movement on it, creating and motivating character choices, response to your fellow performers, honesty on-stage, concentration, imagination and commitment to the script, the environment and your character. PREREQUISITES: Two terms of MUIN 303 and instructor approval
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 362
Prerequisite: Two terms of MUIN 303 and instructor approval

MURP 362: Acting for Singers 2

An opera/song performance course that develops the fundamental tools to create on stage. This term concentrates on expanding the techniques from the previous term and on developing a stronger sense of ensemble work. Viewpoints and Theatrical Composition will be the main thrust of the exploration, using the current song and aria repertoire of the individual student. PREREQUISITES: MURP 361 or equivalent
Units: 3
Also listed as Theatre Arts 364
Prerequisite: MURP 361 or equivalent

MURP 390: Tutorial Studies in Music Repertoire and Performance

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MURP 391: Directed Study in Music Repertoire and Performance Studies

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MURP 395: Internship in Music Repertoire and Performance Studies

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MURP 399: Independent Study in Music Repertoire and Performance

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms.
Units: 1 TO 98

MURP 405: Senegalese Music

This course is part of the Lawrence Francophone Seminar in which students study in French-speaking West Africa for ten weeks. PREREQUISITES: Must be attending the LU Francophone Seminar
Units: 3
Also listed as French 404, Global Studies 404
Prerequisite: Must be attending the LU Francophone Seminar

MURP 420: Collaborative Piano: Vocal

Vocal accompanying for the advanced pianist, including art song, opera recitative, and aria. Performances required of all participants.
Units: 3

MURP 425: Collaborative Piano: Instrumental

Instrumental accompanying for the advanced pianist, including duo sonatas and concerto orchestral reductions. Performances required of all participants.
Units: 3

MURP 430: Alexander Technique II: For Performers

This studio-style class applies Alexander Movement Technique (AMT) to performance broadly defined as an activity completed for an audience. Students will work on performance and rehearsal/practice techniques with hands-on guidance from the teacher and will also serve as trained observers for their colleagues. May be taken for 3 or 6 units. PREREQUISITES: THAR 310
Units: 3 OR 6
Also listed as Music 410, Theatre Arts 430
Prerequisite: THAR 310

MURP 451: Literature of the Piano I

A two-term historical survey of the repertoire from 1600 to the present, with consideration of performance practice and broader historical context. Lectures, readings, listening, analysis, performance, and written assignments. PREREQUISITES: Consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

MURP 452: Literature of the Piano II

A two-term historical survey of the repertoire from 1600 to the present, with consideration of performance practice and broader historical context. Lectures, readings, listening, analysis, performance, and written assignments. PREREQUISITES: MUPR 451
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUPR 451

MURP 455: Vocal Literature

An introductory survey of the history and literature of the solo singer from antiquity to the present. PREREQUISITES: Junior standing or consent of instructor
Units: 3
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor

MURP 456: Advanced Bass Clarinet

An intensive study and direct application of pedagogical principles related to the bass clarinet and its performance and instruction at all levels. Students will consider and discuss traditions and trajectories of the bass clarinet, develop necessary skills to teach and perform on the instrument for a career in performance or applied education, establish a robust bass clarinet pedagogy that is scalable to players from beginners to professionals, and use their skills in performances together of orchestral, chamber, and traditional music. Students will also compile repertoire lists and discuss prominent figures from and study the history of the instrument. PREREQUISITE: Instructor Approval Required PREREQUISITES: Instructor Approval Required
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Required

MURP 457: Clarinet Orchestral Excerpts

An intensive study of clarinet orchestral excerpts for the purpose of preparing students to engage with professional auditions, professional ensemble performance, and to teach the orchestral and military band repertoire in educational spaces. Mock auditions will also be conducted. May be repeated. PREREQUISITE: Instructor Approval Required PREREQUISITES: Instructor Approval Required
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Required

MURP 462: Percussion Orchestral Excerpts

An intensive study of percussion orchestral excerpts designed to prepare students for professional auditions and ensemble performances, as well as to equip them with the knowledge to teach orchestral and band repertoire in educational settings. The course will include mock auditions to simulate real-world scenarios and provide practical experience. This course may be repeated for further refinement and mastery. PREREQUISITES: Instructor Approval
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval

MURP 465: Woodwind Chamber Music Literature

A general survey of woodwind chamber music ensembles and music from the classical period to the current day, concentrating on the wind quintet, but also including other ensembles that feature at least one woodwind instrument. PREREQUISITES: Junior standing
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Junior standing

MURP 590: Tutorial Studies in Music Repertoire and Performance

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MURP 591: Directed Study in Music Repertoire and Performance Studies

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MURP 595: Internship in Music Repertoire and Performance Studies

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MURP 599: Independent Study in Music Repertoire and Performance

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MURP 690: Tutorial Studies in Music Repertoire and Performance

Advanced study arranged and carried out under the direction of an instructor. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MURP 691: Directed Study in Music Repertoire and Performance Studies

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MURP 695: Internship in Music Repertoire and Performance Studies

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MURP 699: Independent Study in Music Repertoire and Performance

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

Courses - Music Theory

MUTH 100: Music Fundamentals

An introduction to the structural components of music from a variety of musical cultures and traditions. Students will explore a range of musical practices to discover how musical elements such as rhythm, timbre, pitch, and harmony participate in the creation, notation, performance, and experience of music. N.B.: course does not apply toward the B.Mus degree program.
Units: 3

MUTH 151: Music Fundamentals, Theory, and Analysis 1

An expanded version of MUTH 201, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to tonal harmony, counterpoint, and associated formal procedures in conjunction with a thorough grounding in music fundamentals. Placement determined by the Music Theory Placement Exam. Corequisites: MUTH 161 and 171 PREREQUISITES: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 161, 171
Units: 6
Prerequisite: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 161, 171

MUTH 152: Music Fundamentals, Theory, and Analysis 2

An expanded version of MUTH 202, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to tonal harmony, counterpoint, and associated formal procedures in conjunction with a thorough grounding in music fundamentals. Corequisites: MUTH 162, 172. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 151 Corequisites: MUTH 162, 172
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 151 Corequisites: MUTH 162, 172

MUTH 161: Aural Skills Fundamentals 1

Ear training commensurate with MUTH 151. Melodic, harmonic, and contrapuntal dictation, error detection, and aural perception of basic formal procedures. Placement determined by the Music Theory Placement Exam. Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree. Corequisites: MUTH 151, 171. PREREQUISITES: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 151, 171 Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 151, 171 Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree

MUTH 162: Aural Skills Fundamentals 2

Ear training commensurate with MUTH 152. Melodic, harmonic, and contrapuntal dictation, error detection, and aural perception of basic formal procedures. Credit does not count toward the B.Mus. degree. Corequisites: MUTH 152, 172. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 161 Corequisites: MUTH 152, 172 Credit does not count toward the B.Mus degree
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 161 Corequisites: MUTH 152, 172 Credit does not count toward the B.Mus degree

MUTH 171: Sight Singing Fundamentals 1

Sight singing commensurate with MUTH 151. Solo and ensemble singing using solfège; treble and bass clefs only. One- and two-part rhythmic exercises. Improvisation. Placement determined by corequisite course placement. Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree. Corequisites: MUTH 151, 161. PREREQUISITES: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 151, 161 Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 151, 161 Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree

MUTH 172: Sight Singing Fundamentals 2

Sight singing commensurate with MUTH 152. Solo and ensemble singing using solfège; treble and bass clefs only. One- and two-part rhythmic exercises. Improvisation. Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree. Corequisites: MUTH 152, 162. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 171 Corequisites: MUTH 152, 162 Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 171 Corequisites: MUTH 152, 162 Credit does not count toward the B. Mus. degree

MUTH 191: Directed Study in Music Theory

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 195: Internship in Music Theory

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor

MUTH 201: Music Theory and Analysis 1

A comprehensive introduction to the structural principles and compositional techniques of tonal music. Emphasis on diatonic harmony and elementary counterpoint through written exercises, model composition, and analysis. Introduction to associated formal procedures. Section assignment determined by the Music Theory Placement Exam. Corequisites: MUTH 211 and 221. PREREQUISITES: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 211, 221
Units: 4
Prerequisite: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 211, 221

MUTH 202: Music Theory and Analysis 2

A comprehensive introduction to the structural principles and compositional techniques of tonal music. Emphasis on diatonic harmony and elementary counterpoint through written exercises, model composition, and analysis. Introduction to associated formal procedures. Corequisites: MUTH 212 and 222. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 201 Corequisites: MUTH 212, 222
Units: 4
Prerequisite: MUTH 201 Corequisites: MUTH 212, 222

MUTH 211: Aural Skills 1

Ear training commensurate with MUTH 201. Melodic, harmonic, and contrapuntal dictation, error detection, and aural perception of basic formal procedures. Section assignment determined by the Music Theory Placement Exam. Corequisites: MUTH 201, 221. PREREQUISITES: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 201, 221
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 201, 221

MUTH 212: Aural Skills 2

Ear training commensurate with MUTH 202. Melodic, harmonic, and contrapuntal dictation, error detection, and aural perception of basic formal procedures. Corequisites: MUTH 202, 222. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 211 Corequisites: MUTH 202, 222
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 211 Corequisites: MUTH 202, 222

MUTH 221: Sight Singing 1

Sight singing commensurate with MUTH 201. Solo and ensemble singing using solfège; treble and bass clefs only. One- and two-part rhythmic exercises. Improvisation. Placement determined by corequisite course placement. Corequisites: MUTH 201, 211. PREREQUISITES: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 201, 211
Units: 1
Prerequisite: Placement Corequisites: MUTH 201, 211

MUTH 222: Sight Singing 2

Sight singing commensurate with MUTH 202. Solo and ensemble singing using solfège; treble and bass clefs only. One- and two-part rhythmic exercises. Improvisation. Taken in sequence. Corequisites: MUTH 202, 212. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 221 Corequisites: MUTH 202, 212
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 221 Corequisites: MUTH 202, 212

MUTH 240: Jazz Theory and Aural Training

A comprehensive introduction to jazz scales, modes, chords, harmonic progressions, nomenclature, and notation. Emphasis on linking essential jazz theoretic functions to performance practice, composition, and arranging.
Units: 3

MUTH 251: Music Theory and Analysis 3

Continued study of the harmonic techniques and structural principles of tonal music, with emphasis on chromatic harmony and contrapuntal elaboration through written exercises, model composition, and analysis. Introduction to binary, ternary, rondo, and variation forms. Corequisites: MUTH 261, 271. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 152 or MUTH 202 Corequisites: MUTH 261, 271
Units: 4
Prerequisite: MUTH 152 or MUTH 202 Corequisites: MUTH 261, 271

MUTH 252: Music Theory and Analysis 4

Continued study of the harmonic techniques and structural principles of tonal music, with emphasis on chromatic harmony and contrapuntal elaboration through written exercises, model composition, and analysis. More complex binary, ternary, and rondo forms. Sonata form and fugue. Corequisites: MUTH 262, 272. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 251 Corequisites: MUTH 262, 272
Units: 4
Prerequisite: MUTH 251 Corequisites: MUTH 262, 272

MUTH 261: Aural Skills 3

Ear training commensurate with MUTH 251. Continued work in melodic, harmonic, and contrapuntal dictation, error detection, and aural perception of small-scale forms of tonal music. Corequisites: MUTH 251, 271. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 162 or MUTH 212 Corerequisites: MUTH 251, 271
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 162 or MUTH 212 Corerequisites: MUTH 251, 271

MUTH 262: Aural Skills 4

Ear training commensurate with MUTH 252. Continued work in melodic, harmonic, and contrapuntal dictation, error detection, and aural perception of large-scale forms of tonal music. Corequisites: MUTH 252, 272. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 261 Corerequisites: MUTH 252, 272
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 261 Corerequisites: MUTH 252, 272

MUTH 271: Sight Singing 3

Sight singing commensurate with MUTH 251. Continued solo and ensemble singing (modes, alto and tenor clefs added), rhythmic exercises, and improvisation. Corequisites: MUTH 251, 261. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 172 or MUTH 222 Corequisites: MUTH 251, 261
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 172 or MUTH 222 Corequisites: MUTH 251, 261

MUTH 272: Sight Singing 4

Sight singing commensurate with MUTH 252. Continued solo and ensemble singing (modes, alto and tenor clefs added), rhythmic exercises, and improvisation. Corequisites: MUTH 252, 262. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 271 Corerequisites: MUTH 252, 262
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 271 Corerequisites: MUTH 252, 262

MUTH 301: Music Theory and Analysis 5

An introduction to the structural principles and formal procedures of music from the early 20th century to the present. Corequisites: MUTH 311, 321. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 252 Corequisites: MUTH 311, 321
Units: 4
Prerequisite: MUTH 252 Corequisites: MUTH 311, 321

MUTH 311: Aural Skills 5

Ear training commensurate with MUTH 301. Corequisites: MUTH 301, 321. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 262 Corequisites: MUTH 301, 321
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 262 Corequisites: MUTH 301, 321

MUTH 321: Sight Singing 5

Sight singing commensurate with MUTH 301. Corequisites: MUTH 301, 311. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 272 Corequisites: MUTH 301, 311
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 272 Corequisites: MUTH 301, 311

MUTH 345: Post-Core Sight Singing

An elective course in sight singing for students who have completed the core sequence. Repertoire includes various styles of part music from the Renaissance to the present day. Improvisation. May be repeated for credit. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 321
Units: 1
Prerequisite: MUTH 321

MUTH 350: Topics in Music Analysis

Intermediate studies in music theory and analysis, focusing on a particular theoretical model, analytical approach, or corpus of works. Topics vary from year to year. Course may be repeated when the topic is different.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 301

MUTH 390: Tutorial Studies in Music Theory

A tutorial is a primarily student-driven course of study undertaken by an individual student or small group of students in collaboration with one or more faculty members. The primary goal of a tutorial is expansion, refinement, and synthesis of knowledge and abilities through in-depth exploration of a specific topic. Tutorials supplement regular course offerings, especially in the junior and senior years, by extending the curriculum in depth or breadth according to the intersecting interests of students and faculty members. A tutorial may be undertaken to satisfy personal academic interest, to prepare for advanced or graduate study, or to lay the groundwork for an independent study, senior experience, or honors project. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 391: Directed Study in Music Theory

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 395: Internship in Music Theory

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 399: Independent Study in Music Theory

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 401: Counterpoint in the Style of J.S. Bach

A survey of the techniques of 18th-century counterpoint. Imitative and non-imitative counterpoint in two and three voices, leading to the composition of dance suite movements, canons, and three-voice fugues. Complementary work in analysis. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 301 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 301 or consent of instructor

MUTH 402: Counterpoint in the Style of J.S. Bach II

A continuation of MUTH 401. Imitative counterpoint in three and four voices, leading to the composition of a four-voice fugue. Complementary work in analysis. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 401
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 401

MUTH 421: Theory & Analysis of Music Since 1900

Study of a range of advanced analytical approaches to selected works composed between ca. 1900 and the present. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 301
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 301

MUTH 520: Schenkerian Analysis

An introduction to the theory and analytical techniques of Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935), one of the most influential twentieth-century theorists of tonal music. The course explores Schenkerian concepts of prolongation, composing-out, structural levels, and linear progression as applied to significant works of tonal music from Bach to Brahms, providing as well a thorough grounding in Schenker’s elegant techniques of graphic analysis. PREREQUISITES: MUTH 301 or consent of instructor
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 301 or consent of instructor

MUTH 550: Topics in Music Analysis

Advanced studies in music analysis, such as Schenkerian analysis, late 19th-century chromaticism, and analysis and performance. Topics vary from year to year. Course may be repeated with consent of instructor.
Units: 6
Prerequisite: MUTH 301

MUTH 590: Tutorial Studies in Music Theory

A tutorial is a primarily student-driven course of study undertaken by an individual student or small group of students in collaboration with one or more faculty members. The primary goal of a tutorial is expansion, refinement, and synthesis of knowledge and abilities through in-depth exploration of a specific topic. Tutorials supplement regular course offerings, especially in the junior and senior years, by extending the curriculum in depth or breadth according to the intersecting interests of students and faculty members. A tutorial may be undertaken to satisfy personal academic interest, to prepare for advanced or graduate study, or to lay the groundwork for an independent study, senior experience, or honors project. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 591: Directed Study in Music Theory

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 595: Internship in Music Theory

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 599: Independent Study in Music Theory

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 690: Tutorial Studies in Music Theory

A tutorial is a primarily student-driven course of study undertaken by an individual student or small group of students in collaboration with one or more faculty members. The primary goal of a tutorial is expansion, refinement, and synthesis of knowledge and abilities through in-depth exploration of a specific topic. Tutorials supplement regular course offerings, especially in the junior and senior years, by extending the curriculum in depth or breadth according to the intersecting interests of students and faculty members. A tutorial may be undertaken to satisfy personal academic interest, to prepare for advanced or graduate study, or to lay the groundwork for an independent study, senior experience, or honors project. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 691: Directed Study in Music Theory

Directed study follows a syllabus set primarily by the instructor to meet the needs or interests of an individual student or small group of students. The main goal of directed study is knowledge or skill acquisition, not research or creative work. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 695: Internship in Music Theory

An experience-based project in music developed in consultation with a designated supervisor and a conservatory faculty member, comprising a work component and an academic component. The academic component of the internship, carried out under the supervision of the faculty member, may include readings related to the substance of the internship, discussions with the faculty member, and a written report or other culminating project appropriate to the discipline. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.

MUTH 699: Independent Study in Music Theory

Students considering an honors project should register for independent study for one or more terms. PREREQUISITES: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.
Units: 1 TO 98
Prerequisite: To register student must complete the Student Initiated Course Form with consultation of supervising instructor.