Are you fascinated by complex systems? How about at the molecular level?

Biochemistry at Lawrence combines disciplined analysis and hands-on experimentation to help you build a solid foundation in understanding the biological processes of all life forms. Apply your knowledge and practice cutting-edge lab techniques during intensive lab experiences. As your studies grow in sophistication and creativity, you’ll improve your ability to understand and work with complex systems in an increasingly interconnected world.

Finn Witt, wearing a brown patterned cardigan, smiles at the camera.

Student Perspective

“I really enjoyed getting to meet different people in different fields. I had a lot of fun talking to engineers who worked for NASA and other institutions.”

Finn Witt ’21 
Appleton, Wisconsin


Lawrence Research Fellows

As a Lawrence University Research Fellow, you will have the opportunity to participate in student-faculty collaborative research, whether it’s with our professors here on campus or with one of our collaborating off-campus programs around the world.

Shovel rests among plants in Sustainable Lawrence University Garden where biology majors pursue hands-on research

Research in SLUG

You can do specialized, climate-based research and gain graduate-level insights through hands-on work in the Sustainable Lawrence University Garden - all without leaving campus.

Interdisciplinary coursework in chemistry, physics, and biology forms the foundation of biochem.

View coursework requirements for biochem majors and minors.

Study organisms at the molecular level with our faculty.

Student observing a test tube

Accelerate your trajectory with high-level research

Build upon intensive chemistry, physics, and biology labs and become a Lawrence Undergraduate Research Fellow (LURF) in a lab on campus, in industry, or with a Lawrentian teaching at a major university around the world.

Students work in a chemistry lab

Start making a name for yourself

Dive into sub-fields that interest you as you gain insights from primary literature and practice cutting edge lab-techniques. As your experimental work grows in sophistication, publish your research in academic journals such as Innate Immunity and The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, and present your work at major conferences like the American Chemical Society, American Society for Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology National Meeting.

The Chandler Senior Experience

Demonstrate that you are an intentional, empowered learner who can adapt to new environments, integrate complex knowledge from different sources, and continue learning throughout life through your Senior Experience project.

Recent Senior Experiences include:

  • Photodynamic cancer therapy: Porphyrin subphthalocyanine adduct synthesis and singlet oxygen generation
  • Proposed Anticonvulsant Mechanisms of the Ketogenic Diet
Science beakers in lab

Explore Biochemistry Outcomes

Biochemistry studies pave the way for advanced studies or a career in cancer research, immunology, and more.

Can you picture yourself at Lawrence? Apply for admission.

The best way to find out if Lawrence is the university for you is by visiting.

Your virtual tour starts at the Arch but be sure to check out Steitz Hall, to explore physical science learning spaces.
